VA can no longer sustain itself on the engineering/controls/physical plant side of things. The people who knew anything about what they were doing bailed. The only ones left are still there because they don’t have skills to do anything on the outside. My husband is a contractor and has been working so much OT just trying to keep the buildings running. It all looks great from the outside, but they have to sub out EVERYTHING! It feels like a lost situation at the moment.
I had measles and chickenpox as a child. Measles: all I really remember is I got to stay home from school and spent most of my time outside swinging on our glider. Chickenpox: they ITCHED something fierce, but mom painted me with some pink stuff that helped. I do not remember feeling “sick.”
AMEN!!! Lake County FL to start please! Laws were broken and a case was filed against CPS It was denied and an appeal was filed. It also was denied. Should’ve been a cut and dry win for foster parents. CPS did nothing to protect a beautiful little girl. I pray for her every day.
Love love love Dave! It just a little sad I’ve worked hard, many times 2 jobs at a time over the years, to pay everything off for retirement. It’s what we knew. Work hard, pay it off, save for retirement. It seems like middle class like us get screwed the hardest in all the downturns. Anyone have any good news for people like me? (Nearing 60, small savings, no debt, but still working hard to save). Are we going to lose our 401k’s?
Use to be that a new nurse had to work a full year of med/surg before advancing to ICU, ER, CCU…. This is no longer the case. New grads are hired straight into ICU and specialties AND IT SHOWS! Healthcare has drastically declined since I started 30 years ago.
Kid Central