Mate claiming personal and professional experience doesn't mean it's the only answer. And if you work in psychology you should be well aware. Many drugs have side effects. And to claim imbalance in the brain implies you're old a.f because only old school would still believe that b.s
😆😂😆 Seen a job vacancy recently. Counselling sexual deviants. I own pigs.... Friend "yeah don't take that have the means now" 😆😂😆
I knew someone who was opening apart of this lodge. Probably still is of course.
Seen as a "great guy" in society.... Yet my dogs knew. They absolutely hated him. And my dogs weren't like that with anyone.
Doing a dan Andrews 😆
I'm stomachless. I don't absorb nutrients like the average person
I'm not sure if the *cocky part is legit. I think he knows his farked up.
Hydrate Iron and B12.
If these are depleted fatigue kicks in.
Personally I seek it naturally instead of *medication
Red meat, black strap mollasses
Horses have senses many wouldn't comprehend. I have a boy who didn't like people (could only imagine his prior life). Any kids or disabled were treated totally different by him.
I'm in Oz. I noticed summer turned to autumn early here too. It's winter at present and here we've had f all rain.
Yeap. I'm dooming mode at present. Convid means no jab no job. Had to sell our home and my current farm lease has told be get out in four farking days! I've just builded up our livestock and am freaking out. I'm sick of suffering for "holding the line" while everyone else seems to enjoy their "ignorance is bliss" / stable income / have their own homes.
Just need to vent unfortunately 😭
We need MORE of this .... No longer have my own home because of convid 🖕🖕
Which they announced in the Herald Sun newspaper in Australia during convid. I knew we were going to see cancer. They even said "next BIG INVESTMENT"
I can't talk badly enough about Bayer. It's why I never got the clot shot. Bayer already destroyed my life (medicinal implant). I always say no regrets in life as I believe the butterfly effect but fark it was a bad call 😭
Don't care. Don't feel for them Boot lickers are destroying all countries.
I'm well aware what in vivo and in vitro means. I'm saying it's amazing how it's deemed evidence for big HARMA but not successful cannabis or ivermectin cancer studies. Read a cannabis study for either and it will claim "not significant evidence".
Although also keep in mind in vivo and in vitro are both deemed evidence for big HARMA but for some reason NOT successful cannabis cancer studies 🤷
You sure it ain't run by china like a lot of Aussie hospitals?
And why many parents or women in particular has no attachment to their child. Drugged during birthing
That would be cool too
It's a movie. Med beds that heal everything
Although only a temporary bandaid too. Peppermint essential oil rubbed on temples. Either mixed or if pure don't get anywhere near the eyes. The strength of it
If disability can be cured I'm beyond excited. The question is what type of *cures? Can I get a stomach replacement? Would it be like the movie Elysium? Man life would be easier
I hope this occurs for everyone in all honesty. It's 💩 seeing many jobs here in Oz STILL state no convid jab no job 🙄🥱🤡🌎
The thing is many are stupid
These drugs are farked. Have well known numerous side effects. I mean they even tell you in uni likely to cause the issues you're apparently attempting to fix. (But hey sounds like virtually every big HARMA drug)
And if anyone defends this garbage tell me much you profit off the industry?
Of course those in big HARMA will defend this garbage 🤢