MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fk Faux News! Have not watched them since they called Biden the winner in the 2020 election cycle.

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberalism is a sever mental disorder and the cure is deportation or incarceration. I have been saying this on TikTok, this forum and elsewhere for the last 4 years at least. However, I think I need to change it up and say this instead...Liberalism is a severe mental disorder and the cure is institutionalize, deportation or incarceration!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes...God does raise up Godly women, but God has been very consistent in letting us know He believes in chain of command. Women are not suppose to rule over man...period. This has nothing to do with better or worse, higher or lower in social status. It has everything to do with God's design for a well structured society. God was never ok with Feminism...which is where the whole idea of placing women on an equal footing with men in each and every facet of society. The whole idea of the woke mindset of taking away the difference between men and women is where feminism leads...no genders...men can have babies, etc. It's a cancer on society.

I think the more women and men each relearn their Godly places in society, the more peace and happiness the family as a whole will have. This will be the true blessing of staying in the lanes God has designed for each of the TWO genders.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

Great...and how about start Making Trucks Great Again and start building the TRX with the Supercharged V-8 Hemi that's GAS powered? This latest TRX is a joke wrapped in a TRX chassis!

MalonLabe777 8 points ago +8 / -0

Exactly what I was thinking...somewhere in the Bible it talks about how you know when your country or office is in decline when God allows women to be in charge. This is a sign that your country is in a state of degradation.

MalonLabe777 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah...agree'd...this idea that there's no more evidence is ludicrous. Fortunate for us in this situation, tech is such that you can never completely get rid of evidence. It's there and hopefully this go around it will come around to not just bite them, but remove large chunks of ass!

MalonLabe777 6 points ago +6 / -0

Lost my house in a divorce settlement in 98 and have not purchased another since...and the tax issue is the main reason. The property tax is so wrong and un-American as to be almost unbelievable. However, it's also important to understand how the states get away with such draconian serfdom legislation. The issue that's bigger than the property tax is that if you don't have allodial title to your property, you own NOTHING! Any way you look at it, you don't own your car, you don't own the dollars in your pocket, you don't own your house or land...you own NOTHING! Even your children are property of the state and it the reason you have to have a marriage license to get married. This is what gives that state legal rights to come in a take your child away at the states complete discretion!

The only thing worse than slavery itself is being a slave and thinking you are free!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok...now I have to admit...all negativity aside...that this post is very encouraging!

MalonLabe777 4 points ago +4 / -0

What drives me crazy is that we need to pass laws to make the law breaking illegal? Insider trading is already illegal right? The DOJ or the Marshal At Arms in the Capital just needs to arrest Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, all the RINO's, etc. and just be done with it. Guarantee that passing another law to make the already illegal, ILLEGAL is just more smoke and mirrors for public consumption and posturing. Nothing will change!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

And this means absolutely nothing to the average American worker if FIRST, the FED, IRS and the 100,000 pages of TAX code are thrown away never to be heard of again. My gut tells me that we may get heavy tariffs put in place to line the pockets of Corporate America, but getting rid of the FED and IRS and ending the Income Tax means Trump will have to thumb his nose at and destroy the greatest revenue stream of one of his biggest doners...Israel and the Semites! Am I wrong?

Since it's inception, all monies flowing from hard working American directly into the United States Treasury via the IRS has ended up in the hands of the Money Magic Jewish Bankers...namely the Rothschilds. Many books and movies have been made about this issue...the receipts are all over the place for anyone willing to spend a little time researching. Trump is a major friend to Israel and money flowed from Israel into the Trump Campaign machine. Now I voted for Trump and I like the man, but unless he is really planning to stick it to Israel and the Semites who control the Banking Industry world-wide, we are never going to see the FED or the IRS disappear and the only way taxes end is if WE AMERICANS grow some balls and just stop paying them! This will NEVER happen...Americans love their slavery too much!

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

The more I listen to this sweet woman, it's obvious that she's still caught in the web of the cabal and satanism to a degree. I believe she's most likely being controlled and given information by demonic entities. She has a NDE wherein she's confronted by a message contrary to the Gospel of Jesus. This automatically sets her in the realm of occult influence and not the One true God. I am glad PBD asks her directly about her belief and definition of God or god as the case may be.

MalonLabe777 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have no doubt that this stuff is real and much more prevalent than we can imagine. All one has to do to convince yourself is read a book (and you need to read the book...not just view the documentary) called the Franklin Coverup. The reason I say you need to read the book is because DeCamp gives the word for word testimony of the children in his book. It's heartbreaking to read the description of what they went through in their own words. This book messed me up for months! Not sure I could ever read it again.

That said, not sure what to make of this woman. She still may be under their control and the fact that she's ok giving up David Rockefeller now that he's dead (after her very unusual display of emotion) and then says that Rothschild is not a pedophile (and she makes sure to emphasize this part of her testimony) gives me even greater pause to wonder if she's still a Rothschild asset in some way. To say that Rothschild is not a pedo is ridiculous! He's one of the biggest and there's NO WAY your are getting to his level in satanism without having this sickness as part of your evil repertoire. I believe she most likely went through what she says, but I absolutely don't accept that Rothschild isn't a pedo. I read damage control all over this part of her testimony.

MalonLabe777 8 points ago +8 / -0

IMHO...Israel and our government (CIA) actually created Hama, Isis, et al for the express purpose of giving Israel support for going after its neighbors. They committed genocide to the tune of 500,000 Palestinians in order to retake the land they now sit at the behest of the Rothschild dynasty.

There's very credible evidence that they were indeed at the forefront of involvement in the 9/11 catastrophe. The entire operation has Israel/CIA written all over it...right on down to the Israeli nationals that were caught with a moving truck full of explosives that was meant for the Lincoln Tunnel. I was there and I remember the local NJ radio stations giving a play by play of these events which were summarily snuffed out of the narrative after they deported the Jewish bastards back to Israel. These same individuals had the cojones to actually do interviews lying about their involvement to throw it in the faces of stupid Americans who were buying into the government narrative lock stock and barrel!

I knew the WMD bullshyt was just that (a steaming pile of poo) the first time I heard about it. I was full on conservative, but I couldn't stand the Bush family and knew 9/11 and the takedown of Saddam was all about Israel. But our boys (like I said...bought into the Terrorist Boogieman lock stock and barrel). Man, our young boys and girls couldn't wait to get over there and defeat the evil enemy created by Bush/Cheney and Israel! Even at this late hour, I am still listening to vets of that war going on about how justified Israel was attacking civilians in Gaza, Syria and Lebanon...Listen to the last episode of Shawn Ryan. What a joke! I do appreciate our vets and the important role they play in the safety of the homeland...but these guys really need to stay out of politics because the brainwashing starts as soon as they sign the dotted line and doesn't stop until they get out!

We will really be able to see empirically how serious (or should I say effective...because I do believe he's serious) Trump is about ending the DS based on his dealing with Israel. The fact that he's parroting what the guy in the video is saying about Netanyahu is encouraging and I have not heard much this go around from his pathetic son-in-law. We need to continue to pray for Trump and that his education with regard to the cabal continues to deepen.

MalonLabe777 1 point ago +1 / -0

At best some may be criminally investigated, impotent and expensive congressional hearings will be staged...possibly, but I am going to make a prediction here based on history...this side of Heaven, NONE of the DS puppets will pay for their many and severe crimes against our country and against humanity! Every one of them will get off Scott Free!

MalonLabe777 10 points ago +11 / -1

This sounds like more BS to me! What's this "Clemency" crap? And Clemency for 1000? How about this Trump...every one of them need a day one PARDON and each one of them elevated to Patriotic Hero level in our society with the money, fame, and all the trimmings that go along with being some of our countries greatest hero(s)! They also should be awarded very, very large monetary compensation and that take directly from ALL members of Congress, the FBI and Media that participated in this J6 treachery. Finally, they and their families and progeny should live tax free the rest of their lives!

How in God's name do you pay back the years lost to those who were treated in America like terrorists (worst than terrorists), tortured, abused, denied any and every right our Forefathers fought for...these Patriotic US Citizens were denied...all of them! Disgusting! Tyranny in full view.

I am so pissed off because I know that justice will NEVER be realized this side of Heaven for these brave souls...Trump or no Trump! Nancy, Schiff, the scumbag boots on the ground FBI goons who ran the J6 operation, the Media liars, etc...NONE of these people will ever be held to account! Nothing can turn back the clock on where our country has gone! NOTHING! We have allowed precedent to be set and now no one in this nation is safe against the tyranny of Israel and their US government henchmen! NO ONE!

MalonLabe777 3 points ago +5 / -2

Everyone is complaining about free speech violation and threat of a national ID and on and on...but the real issue is are we going to define freedom via man's definition or God's definition? Man's definition is the right to do whatever you want, when you want...in other words...be your own god, which is actually the main tenant of satanism..."Do what thou wilt." This has given us abortion on demand, euthanasia, whacked out law fair, etc. This also gives us the mind destroying, society degenerating porn industry.

It says in 2 Corinthians 3:17..."Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty."

The true definition of Liberty is one in which the obedience and adherence to God's moral laws are obeyed and God is given His rightful place in our lives. This is where true peace, happiness and joy will be realized in a healthy, moral way. So...we as a nation have to decide...are we going to try to find fulfillment in satan's definition of freedom and liberty or are we as a nation going to uphold God's definition? We cannot have it both ways!

The Founding Father's understood this difference and is why John Adams said, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

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