MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

I live in a sea of dumb fucks. I'm in Colorado. Seriously, the people here are amazingly dumb and lazy. Pot destroys whole communities. Everything here takes longer. There is no urgency. Everyone here reacts emotionally to everything. It's very disheartening.

MasterRaider 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm guessing they will now reimburse at different rates based on this code. A disparity in reimbursement will drive hospitals to deny care to pure bloods (even more than now).

MasterRaider 3 points ago +3 / -0

100% illegal. They've taken away a fundamental right without due process. Sue the city/county/state where this happened.

by 7Nick9
MasterRaider 6 points ago +6 / -0

Fuck Yea!!

MasterRaider 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have the exact same story. Love my new found health.

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is that real? Can anyone verify? It's important because graphene oxide is in the jabs!

by Quelle
MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

Forgive them Lord, they know not what they do.

MasterRaider 6 points ago +6 / -0

No one really believes these people care about babies, do they?

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

You’re stronger than 99% of the population. Take splice in that.

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you search my name, I posted 15 pages of questions they won't be able to answer.

MasterRaider 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is there a glitch in the Matrix?

MasterRaider 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Constitution is not a hard read. The language used is understandable and plain. I try to read it every six months or so. I catch something new every time.

If you really want some beautiful writings on our founding, read the Federalist Papers. They are a much more difficult read, but I am humbled every time I dig in. We were founded by some REALLY smart dudes. They were thinking centuries ahead.

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

I have tried to find US birth data. I can't find it anywhere. I am interested to know how much the birth rate has dropped.

MasterRaider 7 points ago +7 / -0

There's a 90% chance that the test is EXPIRED. Make them show you the box it came in. Some of the expired products got an extension, but your testing center won't know that.

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

In our case, they refused to answer the questions and then refused a medical exemption supported by a doctor's letter. These people are demons.

MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

It would be no problem. Remember to work out every day. Every single day. They know. And they're scared. And they should be.

MasterRaider 6 points ago +6 / -0

In the article below, the researchers indicate that asymptomatic transmission is virtually non-existent. Does _____________ have any countering studies disproving this finding? And, if not, why is _____________ testing asymptomatic employees?

From February 1 thru August 2, 66% of all Covid deaths in the UK are in vaccinated patients (490 out of 742). In light of this shocking data, does _____________ have any data or studies that prove the claim that the vaccine reduces symptoms or death? If so, please provide those to _____________ employees for review.

Whereas pharmaceutical companies that manufacture EUA vaccines have been protected from liability related to injuries or deaths caused by experimental agents since the PREP Act was enacted in 2005, companies and all other institutions or individuals who mandate experimental vaccines on any human being are not protected from liability. Is _____________ aware that it does not have such liability protection?

Do the vaccines contain graphene oxide? Has _____________ reviewed the study from the University of Almeria performed by Dr. Campra Madrid that found graphene oxide in the vaccines? If not, will someone at the hospital please verify that the vaccines do NOT contain graphene oxide? If the vaccines do contain graphene oxide, can _____________ provide its employees with some evidence that it is safe to inject graphene oxide into the human body?

In the tweet below, Israel is reporting about the breakdown of its current Covid hospitalized patients. In light of this data, how long does the vaccine work?

Does the spike protein stay in the muscle of the arm as intended? Dr. Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist and associate professor at University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada warns it does not. What percentage of the mRNA has been found by _____________ to stay in the deltoid muscle?

Is it true that children, pregnant and nursing women, were not included in the vaccine studies?

Is _____________ aware of the % of myocarditis cases developing in vaccinated children? Does _____________ still support and recommend children under 18 getting the vaccine?

Dr. Yeadon, former VP of Pfizer and scientific researcher, warned that PCR tests are unreliable and stated that “at no time in history have we isolated well people.” His favorite lie is “people can transmit a virus without a symptom.” He said there is no such thing as asymptotic transmission. Does _____________ agree or disagree with this position. If it disagrees, what study is it using to formulate its policy?

What are Myotoxin spike proteins and how do they relate to covid-19 and Covid vaccines?

Has anyone at _____________ researched Antibody Dependent Enhancement?

Is it true that antibody-dependent enhancement occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection? Is it true that data points to the vaccines causing ADE? Should we be hesitant to take the vaccine?

Please address the natural immunity of those who have had covid. A recent study of 800,000 covid infected patients from Israel only had 72 cases of reinfection.

The _____________ lab director said employees and patients are being given different rapid and PCR tests. Is this true? If so, what is the exact difference between the tests?

Are covid tests that are being given to employees expired?

Is it true that the booster is the exact same vaccine that was given in round 1 and round 2 vaccinations? Why would it suddenly work on the Delta varraint? Why would it work the third time if the first two shots didn’t work?

Is it a Hippa violation to send out emails or use any method of showing vaccinated vs unvaccinated status of employees?

Will certain employees be given exceptions to a _____________ vaccine requirement? If so, whom? Why?

If _____________ decides to require the vaccine, will exceptions be made for staff who have no patient/customer contact?

If _____________ decides to require the vaccine, will unvaccinated staff be given the accommodation of an option to work remotely?

How many _____________ employees were hospitalized last year with Covid?

Are there any doctors in our town who are against the vaccine? If so, whom? Could we have an opportunity to contact them for their opinion?

Is _____________ testing both vaccinated and unvaccinated patients the exact same way?

Are we relying on opinions from Dr Fauci even though he funded gain of function research and said, The gain of function research was worth the risk of potential deaths caused by lab escapes.

Are we prepared for a shortage of employees if we require the vaccine? Are we prepared for replacing the current staff who are looking at alternative places to work?

If someone dies within 14 days of getting the vaccine is the person considered “vaccinated” or “unvaccinated”?

Robert Malone, inventor of RNA as a vaccine, mRNA and DNA vaccine technology has declared the vaccine as unsafe. Should we trust Dr. Malone?

Does _____________ feel we should go back to evidence-based medical practice guided by lab-based testing?

Some employees may want to get the vaccine, but their doctor has advised against it due to associated risks to them personally. Saying they are selfish, dumb, or should get out of healthcare is hurtful. Shouldn’t we be kind to one another?

There is an opportunity to recruit top employees if an announcement was made that _____________ will not mandate vaccines for their employees.

The shortage of care center employees may be an indication of what is to come if the hospital becomes stricter &/or requires vaccines. Some employees have protested with signs that read, “Yesterday’s heroes, today’s unemployed.” What is _____________’s response?

Some have argued that societal rights do not outweigh individual rights. Many have fought, and given the ultimate sacrifice to protect individual freedoms. And, many stand for the freedom this country was founded on -the God-given rights of individuals protected by our Constitution. If there is somewhere in the Constitution that even mentions or hints at societal rights? If so, please cite.

Some nurses have expressed being taught in nursing school the rights of medication administration: 1. Right Patient 2. Right Medication 3. Right dose 4. Right Route 5. Right Time 6.Right documentation 7. Right situation 8. Right place 9. Right to refuse. And the stress put on #9, and how nurses have a duty to ensure the right to refuse any medical care or medication is honored and upheld. To advocate for our patients and protect them. If you agree with these, how can a mandate be acceptable after a career of fighting for, defending and advocating for our patient rights?

Is it true that the CDC is a recommendation committee, not doctors?

As facts, recommendations, approvals/disapprovals, best practices, studies, statistics change on a daily basis, is it worth waiting on an employee vaccine requirement?

What is _____________’s timeline for making a decision at _____________?

Can we respect that everyone has a choice to make that is best for them? Can we not welcome different points of view? Are we supporting vilifying the unvaccinated?

Are internal promotions, promoting $100 Walmart gift certificates, coercive tactics, and milk shakes to kids, worth the possible risk?

Authoritarism is fundamentally wrong and driving people into fox holes. Shouldn’t recommendations to bully or peer pressure subordinates be squashed? Is patronizing coworkers, treating others as dumb, manupulating, controlling, threatening, dominating, forcing authority or suggesting the unvaccinated don’t care, are selfish, don’t care about others, or their job/healthcare, or requiring vaccines the best tactics for true leadership and our culture?

Could we focus on pulling employees together, instead of singling certain ones out and dividing our staff? It seems the future decisions have potential to either build _____________, or be detrimental to the future of _____________. Lots of employees and community members feel very strongly one way or the other. Choosing a side, and forcing it on others is extremely risky.

Sent from a doctor:

We know from basic immunology that when the body is exposed to a pathogen, the immune system will respond. This includes the acute response to produce killer cells that attack and will eliminate the invader. It also includes the memory cells that remain dormant in the body so that if the bad guy returns, they will quickly recognize him and round up the killer cell troops again.

The mRNA vaccines create antibodies to the spike protein of the SARS COV2 virus. These antibodies peak and are hopefully effective during that peak (called into question big time recently). When they wane, their efficacy dissipates and hence the thought of needing boosters. Unlike other types of vaccines, these shots do not produce long-term immunity.

Being infected and recovering from COVID-19, the disease caused by SARS COV2, is looking like it provides natural immunity. Multiple reports are showing that re-infection is extremely rare and if it does occur, the symptoms are minimized. Furthermore, those that are recovered and have this natural immunity are not being effected nearly as much during the recent surge as those who received the vaccine.

This study from Emory looked at 254 people who had recovered from COVID 19 and showed excellent antibody responses at 8 months. Included was a great memory B cell response which would indicate long term protection against re-infection. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8253687/

This paper out of Duke looked at persons recovered from SARS COV1 and found that an antibody response was still present 17 years after being infected. Further, they found that these cells also recognized parts of SARS COV2. This is proof that the immune response is long-lasting and may overlap with other coronavirus variants. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2550-z.pdf

This study from Washington University looked at bone marrow plasma cells, the ones who lay dormant in our bodies waiting for a repeat offender to attack us again. Patients recovered from COVID 19 voluntarily underwent a bone marrow aspirate. Analysis of the bone marrow cells indicated a robust response in the memory B cells specific to COVID 19. This would indicate lasting natural immunity. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03647-4.pdf

An NIH write-up indicated that persons previously infected with COVID 19 had lasting immunity at 8 months after infection. The vaccines are currently not holding up even close to this standard. https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/lasting-immunity-found-after-recovery-covid-19

Data from Israel where reporting is very robust and vaccines were highly mandated are questioning the need to vaccinate those patients who have recovered from COVID 19. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.04.20.21255670v1.full.pdf

This paper out of Johns Hopkins (and others) shows a robust antibody response to the spike and N proteins (not only spike) in COVID 19 recovered patients at 10 months. Again the shots being given are not lasting this long. Also, bear in mind that this does not take into account the ability of the memory cells the mount another response in the future if needed. Natural immunity looks to produce an immune response to more than just the spike protein, meaning that it may be more effective. https://www.thelancet.com/action/showPdf?pii=S2589-5370(21)00182-6

This Cleveland Clinic study looked at over 50,000 employees in their health system and found that those who had recovered from COVID-19 did not become re-infected. Over 2,500 of these recovered patients did not receive the COVID 19 vaccine and none of them were re-infected in this study. Their conclusion was that those who have recovered from COVID 19 do not need the shot.

MasterRaider 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would be happy to. Can anyone help me with how to post them? I can copy and paste, but they won’t fit in a post. It’s 15 pages.

MasterRaider 18 points ago +18 / -0

A doctor at my wife’s hospital just rolled up our 15 pages of questions and walked out without answering ANY OF THEM. FUCK THESE CHARLATANS.

by Quelle
MasterRaider 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Federal Rules contain similar language. I am not aware of procedure in any other states.

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