McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hey… why you gotta bring my name into this?? Haha but in all seriousness, I’m on the same boat as you. I have my doubts whether Trump being SOH is even good at all, but as your co worker suggests, if Trump was to become SOH, it does solidify belief in a lot of people on the fence that there is indeed a plan in the works.

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you so much! Will be definitely checking out your recommendations.

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hi PumpkinsandPopsums, where can I learn more about legitimate astrology? I'm a complete novice but it seemed interesting to me. I feel like most info about astrology out there is fake so would love to be recommended some legit sources. Would appreciate it!

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was amazing. Thank you for sharing. It nicely summed up and connected everything we've been learning these past few years and brought in some entirely new insights. Damn, what a blessing to have front row seats into the greatest military operation of human history.

McFartington 36 points ago +36 / -0

Every county, even tiny ones, have officials that are getting paid like $200,000+. They are robbing the taxpayers of California dry. Explains why we are consistently in a deficit. Los Angeles alone has over 1000 pages. You have to go somewhere over page 100 to get to salaries around $100,000.

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

Paper contract silver stock companies like SLV and also jp morgan. They own half of all physical silver in the world and had two former employees arrested for manipulating the price of silver: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-jp-morgan-traders-convicted-fraud-attempted-price-manipulation-and-spoofing-multi-year

McFartington 4 points ago +4 / -0

they've been trying....and they failed. Like blowing up the nord stream pipeline... bombing Poland...

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do agree that this is a coordinated plan set up by those "in the know," but you overestimate the intelligence of their drones. Most people in the financial sector are drones who are highly susceptible to group think. They literally all think and read the same information and repeat the same skills. Very easily manipulated and controlled. Just like only a handful of people know about the full plan to save the world, only a handful of people know the full plan of what the cabal is cooking up.

McFartington 11 points ago +11 / -0

lol don't even mention his name. Who cares about him? No one.

McFartington 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read carefully. There’s still going to be a bailout. They’re just not calling it a bailout

McFartington 7 points ago +7 / -0

Life on earth is not a punishment. I don’t know what cult you crawled out of but God wanted us to prosper and live the happiest lives possible. Guess what? Despite the pain and suffering which is part of the human condition, so is unbelievable heights of happiness. Most pain and suffering is caused by other humans. This infrastructure of society creates pain and suffering.

What do you think “the plan to save the world” means exactly? That we continue the same way of endless pain/suffering but the pedos are in jail? The plan to save the world is to restructure the entire economic system and bring financial freedom so you can pursue your passions. Just as God intended.

Don’t let this system brainwash you into thinking that life is just punishment. Such a sad way to look at life.

McFartington 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does anyone happen to know if there is a digital version of the Q clock that is interactive and easy to navigate? That might be a project I take on with some help from folks around here. I realized our board is lacking in the Q clock research department and I feel like we would find a treasure trove of info if we collectively interpreted it correctly.

McFartington 22 points ago +22 / -0

I remember too. He was a real autist like the ones you read about. On 24/7, coding and modding, his presence seemingly everywhere all at once. I do believe he had good intentions but guess he was led astray and fell down to the point of wanting to find a way to ruin a person's life over internet drama.

McFartington 11 points ago +11 / -0

loll "the inevitable cannot be ceased."

McFartington 20 points ago +20 / -0

I know a lot of people have been celebrating the near demise of Bed Bath and Beyond since they "went woke," but I feel like that was orchestrated by corrupt hedgies in order to bankrupt BBBY so they do not have to pay taxes on their short position.

Corrupt hedgies for awhile have been destroying companies from the inside out to help their main companies such as Amazon. They artificially created this retail market and try to pigeonhole us into a few companies and give us the impression that these companies fell apart organically. They control the news.

What I like about the GME/AMC/BBBY/silver/gold/crypto saga, is that it is teaching the people what is happening to our financial systems and the depth of the corruption. It is something that brings everyone together, regardless of political affiliation.

For example, if you look more into it, FTX was using tokenized GME/AMC shares to help short the companies off the books. It seems like everything is starting to piece together and we are seeing the entire scope of it, and it appears Ryan Cohen is playing an important role.

It really does feel like we are fighting against an AI right now.

McFartington 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let Your Will be done. Let's get it done. God wins. WWG1WGA

McFartington 3 points ago +3 / -0

The characters in this movie are too obvious. Like it's too easy to tell apart who's the good guys and the bad guys. Like for the role of the wicked witch of the west coast, they straight up casted a real witch.

It reminds me more of a 90s action flick lol. Where the villains are just comically exaggerated and evil.

McFartington 2 points ago +2 / -0

Liberal looks in the mirror and tells (them)selves: "You guys have been saving the world, congrats. You guys used less electricity in the evenings, and we switched our bulbs to LED. You guys went on a date with xer last week with xer's polygamy pansexual book club and it was on point. Thanks for being you guys. We couldn't have done it without us. Love is love! except for those racist stupid hillbilly orange man loving bigots."

McFartington 5 points ago +5 / -0

Good point Toeblake. Apparently I was misinformed but @kkuff clarified that they were placing guidance on the marketing and that “it cannot be advertised as a form of treatment for any ailments”

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