Q repeatedly tells us there are no coincidences:
Am I wrong for noticing how the Democrat Impeachment Managers of President Trump's last impeachment coup attempt were all Jews and EVERYONE they called to give testimony against President Trump were all Jews, including the two Vindman brothers and that nasty woman who mocked Barron.
It's 100% accurate to describe that as a Jew-coup attempt... but are we allowed to notice such "coincidences"?
How can another mathematically impossible coincidence be explained?
The mathematically impossibly coincidental behavior of all of these Jews forces me to question what they are all working together to achieve and who is coordinating them.
I apologize for anyone who is offended by truth: if sharing research about Israeli / Jew coups against President Trump is unacceptable then please let me know what euphemisms are acceptable.
It's so weird how this post was stickied and then the sticky was removed and the post was deleted.
I wonder what happened???
The loss of another professional black dancer with a bright future in both pom and kick.
It's a tragedy we will never get to see her performing in YouTube adverts: seeing her dancing with other black dancers to the tune of black music while waving the BLM flag.
Nobody will ever take her place.
It's nice to do true research no matter where it leads without worrying about which tribe is offended because they keep getting called out. The ADL shills endlessly down-vote every comment and post just enough so as not to become blatantly obvious shilling.
If valid research that displeases the ADL earns 30 up-votes, the shills will down-vote it 30 times. Yawn.
Sorry, my mistake.
Naming the elephant in the room will never get you banned on Conspiracy.Win.
That's a good thing, not a reason to attack them.
Who is Brian Laundrie and why is he important?
This video seems like Jew central banker misinformation that also contradicts the directions Q leads us to research.
Q showed us that the House of Rothschild owns 191 of 195 of the world's central banks (see post #135 - #138).
The Rothschilds also own the world's news media through the Associated Press.
99% of the human race has been reduced to usury debt slaves of Jewish central bankers... not to mention that Jews also own the World Bank and the IMF.
Sorry OP, this seems to be a scapegoat video designed to protect the Soros' and Rothschild tribes of the world.
I doubt the richest, most influential and most powerful tribe in human history who have funded both sides of every war since Napoleon and have started world words to protect their wealth... take orders from PepsiCo.
Q never once mentions PepsiCo.
No sale.
"Hold my beer." - Jewish Talmud
"There are two early "Holocaust" tales from the Talmud. Gittin 57b claims that four billion Jews were killed by the Romans in the city of Bethar. Gitting 58a claims that 16 million Jewish children were wrapped in scrolls and burned alive by the Romans." - Judaism's Strange Gods (Michael A. Hoffman II) page 51
Although these tales are clearly bullshit (especially the four billion claim because that number represented many times more than the entire human population of the world at that time)... the chilling bit is that Jews demanded compensation for these imagined holocausts in the form of mass murdering the Roman people. The Jews literally demanded the execution of four billion Romans as payback.
I agree there were significant deaths.
We've all seen the photos of German prison guards filling massive burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners... but few people realize those photos were taken two years AFTER WW2 ended: ten million German civilians and one million prisoners starved to death between 1945 and 1947 (mostly) because of punishing allied sanctions. This irrefutable fact is referred to by historians as "Eisenhower's Holocaust".
Those prisoners remained incarcerated after the prisoners of war were released in 1945 because most were legitimate criminals who declared a holy war against German Christians and participated in the treasonous communist coup of 1933 ... and created Antifa in 1930.
What do you mean by no trace of that substance?
Using forensic chemical analysis, zero residual traces of Zyklon B was found within the physical structure and soil of Auschwitz's "gas chamber showers"... whereas the building that were used to sterilize lice infected clothing using the same gas, definitively showed significant traces of the deadly gas when their structures were testing using the same forensic chemical analysis.
The showers at Auschwitz were forensically and definitively proven to never have been used to gas anyone.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz, including your neighbor's parents.
Here's an interesting video that goes into those specific details, if you're interested:
Have you considered the story your neighbor told you is only a half truth?
Perhaps your neighbor's parents did die in Auschwitz but they weren't gassed but starved to death in 1947, two years after the war ended, during what historians refer to as "Eisenhower's Holocaust". Ten million German civilians and one million Jewish prisoners starved to death during this time, which was caused (mostly) by allied sanctions.
We've all seen those photos of German prison guards filling burial pits with the corpses of starved prisoners, but most people don't realize those photos were taken two years after WW2 ended.
Your neighbor may be shy about admitting that his parents remained in Auschwitz after the war ended because they were not released as prisoners of war, but were legitimate criminals who participated in the German Jewish Communist Party (KPD) coup of 1933 and were tried and found guilty of treason.
He may be shy about admitting his parents were the treasonous communist who created Antifa in 1930 and declared a holy war against German Christians in 1933.
Don't Bolsheviks ever take a day off from Bolsheviking?
The terms seem reasonable and are focused more about protecting individuals than groups or religions.
However, without specific speech rules protecting Jews, I suspect the community will slowly become like 4chan, Gab and Voat.
A reward for every good dog.
I learned something interesting this week about where the "six million" Jewish Holocaust death-toll came from:
It all started during the Nuremberg trials when Russians presented wartime propaganda claiming that four million Jews were executed in gas chamber showers at the Auschwitz concentration camp.
That four million number was increased to six million to accommodate other death camp gas showers like the ones at the Dachau concentration camp.
However, the Polish government officially corrected the Auschwitz gas chamber shower death toll down to 1.1 million.
Multiple teams later forensically tested the showers at Auschwitz and Dachau for residual traces of the deadly Zyklon B gas with the walls and soil and found nothing.
Nobody was gassed in the showers at Auschwitz or Dachau.
And that's how gas chamber shower holocaust of zero Jews became 1.1 million and then four million and was later rounded up to six million.
I'm worried how such a free speech platform can exist without becoming another antisemitic community like 4chan, Gab or Voat.
I think it will need some speech rules to prevent that from happening again.
Q showed us in post #135 - #138 that the Rothschilds own 191 of 195 of the world's central banks, including ours!
There's no way we should be paying those Jewish bankers for the "privilege" of being their debt slaves having them loot our treasury.
Parasites that need to be removed, not rewarded with cash.
One of the many reasons that I refuse to get jabbed is because I don't want to die screaming from blood clots in my heart, lungs and brains.
Voat was the gold standard in free speech and the only censorship rule it enforced was about spamming, self promotion and posting anything illegal such as child porn... and even then, the shill attacks were relentless as they posted drawings of child porn which is legal.
It will be interesting to see because everyone claims they want free speech until they get triggered by it.
The shills will attack Truth Social relentlessly in an attempt to force the creation of rules... and they will then attack it relentlessly for not being free speech.
The Great Reset will only benefit the bankers.
Q showed us who the bankers are in post #135 - #138 where Q names the 191 of 195 of the world's central banks that are owned or controlled by the House of Rothschild.
Most people don't appreciate that 99% of the human race have already become usury debt slaves of these Jewish bankers and they want MOAR.
It's impossible not to notice how all true free speech platforms inevitably become anti-Semitic communities like 4chan, Gab and Voat.
I'm wondering how Truth Social will prevent this from happening or if they'll have some special antisemitism speech laws to stop people sharing certain research and opinions.
Covid Complications
...after his immune system was raped to death by the deadly Harry Potter Banking Goblin Covid vaccine.
This man looks like the love-child of Jacob Rothschild, George Soros, Chuck Schumer, Jerry Nadler, Adam Schiff, Bernie Sanders, Mark Zuckerberg, Dianne Feinstein, Satan...
... and the two women who control our CDC...
...but it's not: he's the CEO of Pfizer.