MikeOhio 27 points ago +27 / -0

Already have seen a hospital have to close their MRI unit because they did not have enough employees to run it. Half of the people at my company will be fired. It will financially destroy them. Many top producing employees will be let go. We cannot find enough now. Ha ha.

MikeOhio 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand this isn't the current law! I am just saying, if you want to mandate or give me a third shot because it is so good, then put your money where your mouth is (BOTH PERSONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY) you bunch of chicken shits!!! if you aren't willing to do that, then we should not be forced to take it!!!!!

MikeOhio 2 points ago +2 / -0

A few of these are actually college teachers at Ohio Wesleyan. I am sure there are more that are college teachers - teaching future teachers. Ugh. I guess I know why they mandated the jab at Ohio Wesleyan. I wonder what all these places will do when they find out the have permanently damaged our students under 30!

MikeOhio 1 point ago +1 / -0

This should be handed to every college and university in the United States as well as NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA, NHL, etc, etc, etc.

MikeOhio 67 points ago +67 / -0

The Delta Variant is a joke. Everything is done on modeling and not on actual testing. They are trying to hide the fact that the people most likely to get the Variant are people who have already been vaccinated, and the government is shitting themselves because their lies are unraveling before their eyes.

MikeOhio 6 points ago +6 / -0

and without the boosters the people on their vax are more likely to die because of the ADE response.

MikeOhio 33 points ago +33 / -0

My mom - died My father in law - died

All of us have way too many family members who have been jabbed. My mom and father in law had their lives cut short. Probably was not 100% responsible, but both died suddenly during hospital stays that could not be explained by doctors. In my mom's case it was at the Cleveland Clinic.

MikeOhio 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey Dumbass! What are you going to do when you find out that it is the vaccinated that are spreading COVID?!

One of the concerns with vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 has been something called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). It is a paradoxical immune enhancement that occurs in people who were vaccinated against a specific virus, who when exposed to the wild type virus, experience a more severe infection! Yes dumbass! You are the problem! NCSWIC

MikeOhio 3 points ago +3 / -0

One of the concerns with vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 has been something called antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE). It is a paradoxical immune enhancement that occurs in people who were vaccinated against a specific virus, who when exposed to the wild type virus, experience a more severe infection!

MikeOhio 8 points ago +8 / -0

You would think someone would investigate the possibility that the mRNA vaccines (not really vaccines) actually lowers resistance to re-infection. That's why the animal trials are so important. Never had an animal survive the trials because re-infection kills them. Damn lazy animals. Actually, the animals are actual cats. Cats are naturally immune to all coronavirus'. After getting an mRNA shot they do not survive re-infection. We don't want to discuss this. This would actually make people panic. Guarantee if people received this information they would not have been vaccinated.

MikeOhio 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am sure the after Bill's 26+ trips to pedophile island, there are more families with real hurt she should be concerned about. The Clintons ONLY care about THEMSELVES!

MikeOhio 2 points ago +2 / -0

Remember they can make stats say whatever they want. In reality we probably have reduced statistics because of herd immunity and lack of testing. Not from the vaccines. Look at the 7 Yankees that tested positive. MLB is still testing players. You will see that as they continue to do this, they will get positive test back from many players who have received the vaccine. If you have had the vaccine, no one is running out to get tested.

The tests are inaccurate and therefore the vaccines will be ineffective. Just watch and see the shit show unfold!

MikeOhio 1 point ago +1 / -0

could not run for Dog Catcher! Maybe they will let her wrestle alligators in Florida going forward!

MikeOhio 3 points ago +3 / -0

Awesome! They think it is great the are asymptomatic. Your body is under attack, and not fighting back. That's good? I don't think so.

MikeOhio 2 points ago +2 / -0

Notice how he worded things. No grants didn't go directly to lab but did go to the doctor who ran the lab. Listen to Natalie Winters reporting on the actual grants to the gain of function doctors. (https://citizensoftheamericanrepublic.org/2021/05/11/episode-939-dr-faucis-big-lie-the-walls-close-in-on-fauci-and-wuhan/)

MikeOhio 6 points ago +6 / -0

Another Secretary of State who probably does not want anyone looking to hard at his election. Likes the same day registration. I am sure he does. Likes those voting machines too. What a shock!

From Wikipedia

On May 17, 2017, LaRose announced that he would run for Ohio Secretary of State in the 2018 election. LaRose defeated the Democratic state Representative Kathleen Clyde in the general election, 50.9% to 46.7%.[26]

Early during the campaign, LaRose indicated that he would continue a policy of purging voters from voter rolls if those voters had not voted for six consecutive years.[27] Later during the campaign, LaRose said that he did not support the policy. In 2016, LaRose opposed automatic voter registration, but said during the campaign that he supported automatic voter registration. While in Ohio Senate, LaRose sponsored legislation to eliminate Ohio's "Golden Week" (a five-day period when Ohioans could register and vote on the same day); during the 2018 campaign, LaRose said he favored a different same-day registration system.[28]

During the campaign, Clyde supported a shift to a uniform paper ballot system in Ohio; LaRose said he favored the current system where there is a requirement for a paper trail for ballots but all counties are allowed to use their own machines. Clyde called for the adoption of postal voting to replace early in-person voting; LaRose supported the existing system which is a combination of early in-person voting and postal voting.

MikeOhio 6 points ago +6 / -0

Need to primary this republican secretary of state Frank LaRose, out of office too! Him and our attorney general Dave Yost.

MikeOhio 26 points ago +26 / -0

How do you think the Arizona Secretary of State got elected? Guess what? The same way!!! Want to know why she did not want the forensic audit.

MikeOhio 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'm not taking it either! They want you to take the mRNA shot because your body won't be able to defend itself from a second infection. Too many people were taking the J&J shot. It is bad, but not anywhere near as "bad"

MikeOhio 2 points ago +2 / -0

When you were a kid, did you ever put a knit blanket over your head? You could still see through it, which was great for hiding. That's how most masks work. They just symbolize compliance!

Watch Doug Frank's Depresser, after Dewine's Tuesday and Thursday press conference. Dewine is a joke! Totally embellish's what is going on to suit his purposes! He is an absolute Rhino! Half of Ohio's cases are "probable" which means they did not have a positive test, and hospitalizations include infants born to mothers with the virus. Anything to inflate the results!

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