Mind_Your_7s 1 point ago +1 / -0

My thoughts:

We're all seeing the massive amounts of Antifa, glowies, "protesters", etc.. that are at the DNC event right now. It also seems to be a common agreeance between anons that we should probably expect some type of FF event to occur, whether as a distraction or something else.

Seeing this Q post, and having a potential tie to the DNC, should we potentially expect a column to be taken out? Bridge, building, something else?

What do you think, as this is an odd Q post just by itself, and it's content.

Mind_Your_7s 2 points ago +2 / -0

Check out the Zelenko Protocol if you haven't yet.

Mind_Your_7s 4 points ago +4 / -0

I like this response, because Q even told us that their symbolism will be their downfall. We could very well just be seeing them trying to force God's hand, and activating His plans, but they have zero control on His timeline.

The funny thing, even if this is the case, they are bringing more and more people back to Him in the process. They truly are stupid as Q said.

Mind_Your_7s 3 points ago +3 / -0

I guess I lumped in what I would have responded to you, with my response to u/AmateurExpert if you want to take a look at it.

I think this is a good topic to talk about, because we've all speculated over the many years on what the end game is, but we just truly don't know 100% of what's coming down the pipeline. That doesn't mean we should fear the unknown, but focus more on our resolve to strengthen our connection to the Almighty. I think the hardest thing to break away from, from what I've seen over the years, is letting go of all the Earthly things. It's been a part of our lives, and everyone has grown so accustomed to it, we've lost sight of what really matters.

This isn't completely our faults though, we've all been a part of their big brainwashing and manipulation schemes, and it's been embedded in us since birth. Breaking out of the Matrix is more than just recognizing the DS and their plans, but ultimately rejecting their entire system, which we've been in that process now.

Mind_Your_7s 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't truly have the answer, but I can give you my opinion on it.

If we are about to see the Mark, that also means we are about to witness the rise of the Anti-Christ, who's the exact person that's going to implement it. There is no stopping it, but we can fight against it by informing everyone we can the moment we start seeing the signs of it. I'd even go out on a limb to say that anyone who doesn't take it, would potentially be put to death, or made into a complete outcast to where you cannot gain any access to just about anything they control.

The outcasts would be on their own, and it would be the ultimate test of faith in our God. We'd have to start our own community while in hiding from the AC.

If I had to guess, it's going to have ties to some type of CBDC and ID program rolled in together. With already having a complete Surveillance State, now add the Mark to ID anyone, and then the only form of "payment" that can be used in the Beast System...it would cover 100% of their safeguards.

It's eerie even saying this, and how it potentially could be around the corner. I'm comfy though, because that would also mean that Jesus is on His way.

Q many many times over has talked about Faith, and the Armor of God. If you are someone who believes this is all coming soon, now is the time to find Him if you haven't done so already. Just keep your eyes on Him, and know that it's God's Ultimate Plan for Jesus to reign, and not even the AC or Satan can stop it.

Mind_Your_7s 4 points ago +4 / -0

If the Mark of The Beast is coming, there's nothing we can do to stop it. We can only deny the Mark. It's a part of God's plan, and we cannot change that even if we tried to. We will know exactly what it is once we see the correlation to it being tied to our foreheads or right hand.

I also wonder if it's coming soon too, as we've all heard by now that Trump has been called the last President. I can speculate on what this means, but I think it has some merit to something very big coming down the pipeline.

You may be on to something here though, as the Mark would be directly tied to being able to participate in their society, or be a total outcast to it. I can easily see the SS# being tied to it.

Mind_Your_7s 1 point ago +2 / -1

Interesting that the FED has an end date of 2024, instead of current, or blank. Might be more confirmation that the collapse is this year and not next.

Mind_Your_7s 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've had great conversations about #2450, and the general consensus seems to be one of those hard Truths that's never really talked about, or widely accepted. I think there were also multiple meanings with the Brave New World...the book, which relates to today and what we're seeing, and the new world we will get to see after the war is over.

"We take this journey together."

"One step at a time."

The world as we know it is about to greatly change, much bigger than most can imagine. I'm not talking about anything Biblical End Times, or Revelations, but humanity is about to be truly free, in more ways than just our freedoms.

Mind_Your_7s 33 points ago +34 / -1

Looks like Summer of Love 2.0 might kick off tomorrow. Keep an eye out on NG movement.

Mind_Your_7s 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q gave us many biblical connections to what we are seeing today. It's truly mind blowing the more you get into the Q posts and their deeper meanings. I really makes me wonder who Q really is, or the direct connection they have.

Whenever Q told us this is bigger than anyone can imagine I don't think many anons have truly soaked in what this means. This plan may be much bigger than what we think, and it'll for sure not just be another 4 year election.

I'll drop 5 Q posts, start pondering what I said above, and what the posts say. The first one is just preface to the following 4:





Read the kill brackets in order on this one too u/#q4550

There's a reason why Q said they cannot disclose 100% of the Truth. I used to think it was hogwash in saying this, but once I used my discernment on them over the many years, I started to see why Q cannot give it all to us. There are Truths out there that would indeed send 99% of the population to the hospital, because it will wreck their self egos and minds if they are not prepared for it, and they would have a mental breakdown. The brainwashing and manipulation starting at our birth goes VERY deep, no matter how awake you are, or think you are. There are even some Truths that cannot be said on here.

Q even gave us a sample of it with these two drops:

u/#q111 u/#q142

Mind_Your_7s 4 points ago +4 / -0

We live in a modern day Babylon. Once you see this, everything around you starts making more sense on why the world is the way it is.

Consumerism, everything being put into categories, the obsession over money, fame, and anything else that will benefit ME...it's all Babylon. The world is being consumed by all the Earthly things they were taught to seek, and now we are seeing the ugly side of it, but at a much more rapid pace the last decade or two.

Without coming off as preaching to you, the World has lost sight of our Creator, our God. Even the tainted History books we can read today will reflect this if you go back and read about each century. Once the World finally gets back on the right path, then we will start to find what true peace is again, and what life is really meant to be.

The Earth is being ruled over by Satan, and we can only keep to the Light Path until our Lord and Savior returns. We just need to keep being the Fisher of Men, and know that our God puts challenges in front of each of us to overcome, and not be consumed by it.

Mind_Your_7s 2 points ago +2 / -0

Correct, they know they have nothing to run on so they need a distraction. No more Biden, Cacklehoe is already in the toilet...they have NOTHING to talk about during the DNC...unless they create violence and can be used as either a distraction to shut it all down so they can hide in their basements, or use it in "their favor" to beat the war drums even louder.

Mind_Your_7s 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dual citizenship holders comes to mind, and we know USA CORP is filled with them.

Mind_Your_7s 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're not wrong. The new age stuff is just another modern day trap to keep people from finding Jesus. They bait you in with some truths, then filter in the lies. Just like the MJ12 stuff, where "they" tell you to NOT go into the light, but walk into the void so you can join them as equals. God like. Sounds very Satanic to me.

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