MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Let Putin provide the security. Let Zelensky go to prison.

MisprisionIsEvil 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obama was an illegitimate President. Biden was an illegitimate President. And many in DC knew. They knowingly knew. Haha. Dead meat.

When does Obama start claiming to be a Kenyan?

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is why they hate Trump so much. They've spent trillions creating problems and telling us these problems are intractable, but please do keep us in office and we'll keep trying.

Trump will solve the intractable problems and prove they lie.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Executions and taking assets will be winning. Everything else is simply kicking the can to the next generation. You can pretend I'm wrong, but you know I'm right.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +2 / -1

Fuck the normies and what they believe. We've walked on egg shells for them for years. It's time for them to wake up with a bucket of cold water to the face. There's your optics.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's so far into dementia. If I didn't know the kind of man he is/was, I'd feel compassion for him. As he is, he's a reminder to flee from the wrath to come.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whatever they tell us, it won't be the truth. They HATE the idea of us lowly trash actually knowing something that's true.

MisprisionIsEvil 5 points ago +5 / -0

Obama has his own legitimacy problems. Biden and Obama are both usurpers. Having the proof is the Trump card that defeats all possible counter moves. How many Senators and Representatives are also usurpers? Many. Our government is largely illegitimate.

MisprisionIsEvil 0 points ago +1 / -1

I judge getting gunned down is a terrible, terrible thing. Just terrible. A regular person, not so bad. But a judge? Hurrumph.

MisprisionIsEvil 9 points ago +9 / -0

I love that the little shits are indeed little.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +2 / -1


Wiping out the Biden Presidency, and the Obama Presidency, is the Trump card. Remember, Q told us Obama would claim Kenyan citizenship before they were done with him. Remember that?

Also, Trump told us clearly, "I caught them. Only I could have done it". Everyone ignored him. Even his supporters. Strange, no?

Biden is illegitimate because he cheated and is a usurper. Obama was not qualified to run. AND PEOPLE IN DC KNEW IT ALL, AND WENT ALONG WITH IT. KNOWINGLY.

Getting the proof of their illegitimacy and proof of their crimes has been the point of the Q operation. That's why it had to be this way. That's why the pain and justice comes later. This is why nothing can stop what's coming. Not even pardons.

MisprisionIsEvil 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biden is a multimillionaire, demented, has his favorite son protected. Think he gives a hoot about any of this? If he thinks about it at all, he'll just laugh at those son's of bitches. That's us, BTW.

MisprisionIsEvil 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Trump card is this: Biden is illegitimate. His entire Presidency will become null and void, including these pardons. Perhaps Obama, too.

'By the time we're finished with Obama, he'll claim Kenyan citizenship...' Q

MisprisionIsEvil 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some people can't handle the implications of certain truths. For example, if certain things are true, then our government is a massive criminal organization. And that's too much for many. They'll reject any truth that leads to that conclusion.

MisprisionIsEvil 1 point ago +1 / -0

Biden, being exposed as a fraud, is the Trump card that beats everything.

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