ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soooo,, no one noticed the three disks in the sky?😂

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Put $100 into AMC and don’t get out till they hit 500 per share.

I believe it will go higher than that, but I’m very confident it you’ll realize $500.

You could also go into GME but with a $100 you’ll do better with AMC and have less stress.

**These are a white hat op.

ModernMan1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’m thinking he’s telling the truth, has done his part and is ready to pass the torch.

No doubt the Iowa Bankers Association knows that change is coming and they could really use his help.

ModernMan1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Seems like that could be done by manipulating the VMAT2 gene.

I believe there was a DoD project on this, but I could just be imagining that.

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ok, but why?

What is it that’s been discovered in our DNA that needs protected?

Do certain ppl have a marker of some sort that has been discovered and we’ve yet to find out about this revelation?

I read about the breakthrough we had with storing data on DNA and then transferring it back into a computer. Maybe our DNA has all the history of our complete lineage stored on it?

“”If”” the jab has anything to do with it seems likely it’s about wiping something out that some assholes don’t want us to know about🤷‍♂️

ModernMan1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Dec. 20th put (strike 25) and OI @ 18k

Looks like anons and apes have put their money where their mouth is🦾🦾🦾

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Looks like the play is AMC/GME ➡️ XRP ➡️ BTC.

Already hold some XRP and hoping it doesn’t moon before I get out meme stock.

BTC is where I’ll eventually dock it all💲

ModernMan1 2 points ago +2 / -0

It sure does seem like that’s what’s going to happen.

Would not be surprised if we find out he is and has been the pope for some time now.

ModernMan1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Retried, sure, but 90% set free “God I hope not”.

“”If”” something like that was to occur there sure as hell better be a BADASS plan to de-institutionalize all those folks who have been mind fooked into prison think.

If not, we will have some serious problems!

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Shiiit,,, I’m going the opposite direction.


I have spent the majority of my adult life trying to get folks to understand just how jacked up things really are, with no avail. 4 years ago I found Q (I actually think Q identifies/targetes us but that’s a different conversation) and shortly after I realized a once in a lifetime opportunity to create generational wealth was just on the horizon, we are now at that point!

To take advantage of this happening you only need half a brain and a relatively small amount of money, if you’ve got more even better! If you’ve yet to recognize this opportunity don’t worry it will become blatantly obvious.

Just go ahead and do yourself a solid (you will thank yourself later) and open a coinbase acct & a brokerage acct.

Good Luck, Frens!

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

To think we would get free energy while the rest of the world’s societies sit back and watch it happen seems naive to me.

It’s one thing for societies to believe it exists and is being held back so they do very little to bring it forward. But,,, it’s a whole other thing when societies see a country like America implement it. They will demand it!

Petroleum is used in many different industries and the vast majority of our transportation system is based on it so there will be a demand in the foreseeable future. That said, if I was living off royalties from oil I would have already started looking to get out, like, YESTERDAY.

When ppl find out that free(?) energy is real and is coming the price per barrel will begin to collapse. That in itself will cause layoffs and it will only be the beginning of a sharp downward trend that will continue for the next couple of decades, but it won’t take long to have a dramatic impact.

ModernMan1 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is why there will need to be a strategic scale down that happens in stages.

It will be a total cluster fook and an epic ball drop if white hats don’t have a plan for those displaced workers. But,,, I doubt WH’s have brought us this far without having a plan for this situation.

ModernMan1 1 point ago +3 / -2

Sorry bro, but Q said Full Control many times.

Not only was it said but it was in all caps and highlighted in red many times.


Given we have now undeniably [on purpose] verified ourselves to be an inside source, expect the MSM [Clown Army] to attack in full cooperation w/ foreign and domestic assets. Be prepared. TRUST the plan. Conspiracy NO MORE. We are in FULL CONTROL.



ModernMan1 2 points ago +2 / -0

As far as telling ppl it was fake depends on how asleep the person you’re speaking with is at this stage in the show.

I’ve talked with ppl that are still asleep in some ways but awake in others. Some of them are aware of the high level of incompetence, the ridiculousness of how it looked and the extreme level of complicity needed to pull off an inside hit of this nature. To me this is a wide open door to introduce/reintroduce the white hat’s plan “Q” and let them stew on it for a while.

*The ridiculousness of it all says to me that white hats wanted the ones that were on the fence or still somewhat asleep to notice it. It also can be construed as a wink and a nod to Anons, especially the ones that just woke up and are still trying to figure things out.

ModernMan1 1 point ago +2 / -1

All staged by White Hats.

**If it wasn’t then the White Hats would be the incompetent bumbling fools and we are SCREWED.

That said, we know they aren’t so incompetent to allow an attempted assassination of DT in such a way. It makes ZERO SENSE that they’ve taken us this far only to allow something this ridiculous to occur, period, full stop.

ModernMan1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like a solid plan.

The other meme stock I haven’t mentioned and have been dumping into is AMC. On a strictly conventional investment it’s solid. There’s no reason it should be trading at where it’s at if you compare its holdings and financials to its contemporary (Cinemark).

It’s been said for awhile that AMC’s debt is what’s holding it back but when compared to its biggest competitor (Cinemark Holdings “CNK”) stock price, debt, theater count things don’t add up. Cinemark is trading around $22 while AMC is around $5.

On top of that on Monday AMC announced it had renegotiated its debt and is good till 2029, but it’s still sitting around $5.

This tells me the price is more than likely being kept low artificially and is more than likely a white hat op. Even if that isn’t the case and AMC isn’t a white hat op it is still way undervalued. This is all happening while we are in the 2nd busiest season for theater chains and there are a string of blockbusters getting ready to hit theaters that will make this quarters report look great.

It’s definitely a smart buy in my book!

ModernMan1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m on X but I don’t post much.

There was a time when I posted all over the place and I was engaging as much as possible. Today I’m basically back too just watching, researching with a high value put on face to face interaction.

I figured out along time ago that a day would come when all the things I’ve learnt while being a part of this community will have a monetary value. So what I’ve done is think through what I believe is happening/coming and position myself in a way that allows my family the opportunity to get in on things before the incredible upward wave begins.

All of that👆🏻plus my family, business, regular job and life makes it where I have too chose wisely how I use my time. For now sharing articles and posting memes is on the back burner while I make plays to hopefully create generational wealth.

All that said, if it wasn’t for the plan I wouldn’t have this opportunity. Hell,,, there’s a lot I already have that wouldn’t be there if not for Q and everything that comes with it. Those things can’t be quantified by money but they are cherished none-the-less.

Sorry for rambling, but this place is sometimes the only place I can go to get out my inner dialogue🙂

Have a great day and I hope you kill it!


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