MontyMole -1 points ago +1 / -2

About 2.4% in the U.S. Much higher in Brooklyn.

by DrMcCoy
deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1
MontyMole 3 points ago +3 / -0

I get an error message stating that Truth Social is currently only available for American users. Your phone number may not be verified if it's not a U.S. phone number.

MontyMole 7 points ago +7 / -0

I hope everyone's stockpiled food so they can feed their family when the grocery store shelves are empty.

Just buy extra of what you normally consume, stuff like: cans of baked beans and stew and chili con carne and canned soup and vegetables, ramen noodles, LOTS of rice, pasta, long life milk and milk powder, breakfast cereal like Weetabix, instant coffee, pasta sauce and stir-fry sauce, canned meats like tuna and sausages, sugar and seasoning. Buy LOTS of peanut butter because emergency breadlines will happen after the grocery store shelves are empty and a peanut butter sandwiches will make a satisfying meal when your family is hungry. Serve everything with rice or pasta for extra carbs. Bakes beans become a poor-man's chili con carne if you mix in cumin and chili powder and serve it on rice.

Keep your plastic fizzy drink bottles - wash them out and store water in them. This will save your life if the water supply is interrupted.

Ensure you have at least one battery powered or hand-crank torch and plenty of long-life tealight candles. Normal cheap tealights will burn for over two hours but the taller and more expensive ones will burn for up to nine hours. Put the tealights in short drinking glasses (whisky glasses) for safety.

MontyMole 2 points ago +2 / -0

I've read the Truth Social terms and they seem fantastic. I'm still waiting to get access though. I never liked the format of Gab, but if Truth Social "allows" us to discuss our own genocide without sucking the New World Order's mutilated cock, then that will become my new home.

Q chose the free speech platform of Voat for a reason. I doubt the Q team would be impressed with what I've witnessed here.

MontyMole 0 points ago +1 / -1

And then the Khazar Jews followed the Talmudic culture of the Jews and bred with European Jews and became both religious Jews and bloodline Jews.

That type of person could easily meld in with a certain group without actually believing what they believe.

Not after 1,200 years they can't. Yes, individuals Khazar Jews may have rejected Judaism but claiming that 60 generations of religious Jews don't truly believe is as ridiculous as claiming a 60 generations of Catholics are all pretending too. Your claim deserves to be mocked.

MontyMole 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are sorry because the most basic strategy of war is understanding your enemy?

I said nothing about hating the enemies, only understanding them.

This discussion is over: you haven't heard a word I said. You are interested only in the irrelevance of stroking your ego and a righteousness pissing contest.

MontyMole 2 points ago +4 / -2

Sorry, I'm not in the mood for being arrested for distributing pedophilia.

MontyMole 0 points ago +1 / -1

Evil is evil though, that doesn't change.

We both know your claim is horseshit.

Different enemies move in different ways and understanding each enemy is the first rule of war.

Your politically correct pandering will kill us all because the enemy's moves can be predicted only if we know their playbook and understand the context and motives of their evil.

The rest of your comments are rebuttals to arguments that I never made: distractions I won't entertain.

MontyMole 1 point ago +2 / -1

Apparently Hunter Biden doesn't know what a child is either.

MontyMole -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm simply asking, why not luciferians?

Because it's an ambiguous label that is often used by the enemy to conceal the truth.

If a pack of dogs killed a child, would you describe that as "things did a thing" when you specifically knew what those things are and what they did?

I have no clue what fucked-up demon the evil Jews and Muslims and Christians and Buddhists worship because I can't hear the prayers of Jews or Muslims or Christians or Buddhists... however when a Catholic Christian rapes a child I will refer to them as a Catholic Christian and when a Jew rapes the world I will refer to them as a Jew.

That's why.

MontyMole 9 points ago +9 / -0

That person will be murdered quicker than those 10,000 naturopaths who cured cancer.

MontyMole -1 points ago +1 / -2

Not all Jews are evil, however ALL of the New World Order "elites" are Jews and every major actor is either Jewish or funded by Jews or extorted by Jews.

It doesn't matter what silly Hollywood film you quote, what I said is still true.

MontyMole -1 points ago +1 / -2

Take a moment to question why the Ukrainian "Nazis" exit in the Khazar Jewish controlled nation with a Khazar Jewish controlled government and they are funded by the Jewish nation of Israel and supported by the world's Jewish mainstream news media and Jewish social media?

Hmmm... perhaps they are just Jews who are lying about being Nazis so you don't notice they are Jews or that the Ukrainian head of the New World Order snake is Jewish?

Those Ukrainian "Nazis" are Nazis only in the same way that BLM respect black lives and Antifa oppose fascism.

MontyMole 7 points ago +7 / -0

Every car will be an electric car until people realize electric cars are like cheap printers: ink cartridges and replacement batteries cost more than the original purchase.

Every electric car will become abandoned.

MontyMole 0 points ago +1 / -1

but why do people have issues calling them luciferians

Because the Luciferian label is too often used as a Jewish scapegoat when the truth is they are both Jewish and evil in the same way that Christians can do evil things and Muslims can do evil things.

The Jewish Orthodox Talmud has shaped Jewish law, belief and culture for over 3,200 years - long before it was transcribed in written form. You have the politically correct advantage over me and the support of the ADL and JIDF and this is a ban-hammer topic... so all I can ask is you research the contents of the Jewish Talmud and beware those who lie about controversial claims belonging to the Babylonian Talmud and pay VERY close attention to verses that are censored from the most popular English language translations of the Jewish Talmud for "reasons of unity".

Keep in mind that God officially ended the legitimacy of Judaism when He permanently fulfilled and ended the Old Covenant with Jesus' death. There is only One True Path to Salvation and that is Jesus Christ. God wanted all of us to become Christians. I'm unsure what thing the modern Jews are praying to if they can't recognize the Son of the One True God and they aren't being guided by the Holy Spirit into a fellowship with Jesus Christ.

MontyMole 3 points ago +4 / -1

Bathhouse Barry had one job: reading New World Order ZOG script from the teleprompter. Without a teleprompter, Obongo devolved into a stuttering mess of Ebonic babble.

Barry and his hairy man-wife were very small cogs in the Synagogue of Satan's vast New World Order / Great Reset machine.

MontyMole 3 points ago +4 / -1

This is from plastic surgery and aging.

In plastic surgery, the skin is tucked up behind the ear... but as people age, their skin sags and their earlobes drop.

MontyMole 0 points ago +1 / -1

Spinning looks far easier than knitting

Wrong. You'll need to spin both cotton and yarn.

I quit at this point. You need to do your own homework if you're truly interested.

MontyMole 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is what got me wondering about why innovation has only gotten more expensive

It hasn't.

China has made consumer products ridiculously cheap.

Maybe I just zone out

You did. There are plenty of knitting patterns for woolen socks if you want to pick your own cotton and spin it into wool.

If you want to make cotton fabric then that's altogether a more complex process.

All of these problems can be answered with a single browser search.

MontyMole 5 points ago +5 / -0

There are many videos about sewing socks.

I don't understand why you created a post about this but wasn't interested enough to do a five second browser search to answer your questions.

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