Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Aww Ricky you poor fucking sap ..be a fucking man and don't whine on social media. ..fag

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0


Mount_10_ear 3 points ago +3 / -0

Starting ??? No ...they have snapped.

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Like anything in life you have to filter through the shit to get the good stuff .

I need both and tonight I need a few shots after work lol

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol agreed. I'm a maintenance mechanic so life taught me that Carhartt is the only pair of pants I can get a full year out of ... I get a lot from tractor supply or I order it.

Dead nuts. It's the best

Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Teddy took no shit ,. He was great American , great warrior and a great president.

Mount_10_ear 1 point ago +2 / -1

I've noticed this and I just figured it was something I was missing. Maybe not reading enough Q drops.. But by reading your comment it's makes me think ..maybe Q is more like the founders of our nation and use God / Lord as a blanket to cover all beliefs.
America is definitely a Christian nation for the most part ,but they did put "freedom of religion " in the bill of rights so it's an individual's right to chose his path .. But WTF do I know. I'm a CNC technician/mechanic 🤷🏼‍♂️

Mount_10_ear 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nah over at Patriots.win are more ....old school conservatives ... Less techy and more firepower I like a balance of both .. I am on both. Patriots.win and GWA. And like them equally . I come to both daily for news. What's really happening.
I totally like the Q drops.i found out about it last year. ,yes I heard about it. But i really didn't pay attention. The covid scamdemic and the BLM riots really got me to decide to take action. Atleast educate myself on what is really going on .. I'm no digital soldier...so I scroll through this and the other one and have a few good podcasts I listen too about what on earth is really happening. I do find the divide between the GAW and Patriots.win very odd and many times I wonder if the left is behind it because we on both sides have the same enemy. Only difference in some ways is the " how " to defeat our enemy

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol all good. Either one will kill a commie just fine

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

I can dig it .

But I also may be wrong I believe it's a M60 which is a 7.64x 51 ( 308 ) . And the M2 is a 50 cal.

Mount_10_ear 8 points ago +8 / -0

Honestly. Even if it had 0 long term effects. I'm still not getting it. . And I only have one reason.
99.7% recovery rate

Ok maybe 2 reasons,the 2nd. Because I never do "what I'm told".

Mount_10_ear 52 points ago +52 / -0

That's pretty fucking stupid. It's " work wear,". I live in Carhartt. . Oh wait. That's right. Work wear means working and could possibly mean a work ethic. And that's anti communist.

by BQnita
Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed .

Some of the smartest people I know have no college education and will stay they are just * Regular* peeps.

Mount_10_ear 1 point ago +2 / -1

I know one person who's close to me. Got that vaxx probably 6 months ago.
Always tired. Looks tired. Pretty crabby and sore alot.

Mount_10_ear 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's brought me back to talking to him. But in my house ( usually not my house but in the woods )

I just have zero trust in organized religion...

Actually I have zero trust in many things..I have lots of trust issues ...

But one thing I've learned the most about Q is that the left hates him ..I even notice when I listen to x22 his podcast always cuts out. I can listen to a few other right wings ones with no issue. But z22 will cut out several times. Jumps down 3 episodes or just cuts out. Maybe I'm just paranoid but I swear it's the commies .

Mount_10_ear 3 points ago +3 / -0

I like the breathing tips 🤷🏼‍♂️

I hope the kid is right

Mount_10_ear 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wonder how many of the NG are taking the jab ?.

The jab is going to cause shortages of all skill sets through out the entire nation ...

I don't think any one of these nit wits have thought any of it through....just a bunch of spoiled kids mad they are not getting their way

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