I'll take things that didn't happen for 1000 Alex.
Saint Fraudicci Co-wrote a paper all about that Spanish Flu mask debacle!!!!!
Actually with that resume....they might try to hire you!!!! Note: Mine reads the same!!
I remember that episode of the show.
It was the Pax!!!! REVERS!!!!
Living with 3 who are fully "Vaxxed". We never talk about it thankfully. I am not and hoping because I had it already, my NATURAL IMMUNITY will kill the proteins.
An hour of very high winds around 6pm yesterday. I'm local and not surprised.
Walked out and found a dead smaller squirrel on the side walk with its head about missing. Went to get a shovel and by the time I got back another was eating it. I thought a Hawk might have gotten it until I witnessed something I had never see before and I sit out watching nature alot.
Completely freaked me and my Bro!!!!!
About a month ago I watched a Squirrel eat anothers HEAD!!!! Never seen anything like it.
"Why come you no have Tattoo"? UNSCANABLE!!!!!!
THIS!!!!!!! It is AFRAID!!!!
ANTRIM County!!!! Live here too, "She" is a SOROS plant, like the other 2!!!!
Went to a Cherry Orchard in ANTRIM County??????
I noticed that too. Weird?!?!?!?!???????
The 5th wave of propaganda for the 4th wave of BULLSHIT!!!!!!
This!!! 30 year Mechanic and at the first sign of cramping/Arthritis in my hands, a couple pokes fixes it INSTANTLY!!!! It went from something I did for fun in my youth, to a medicine in later years, Also, no pills for me. I have not even taken an antibiotic in 25 years.
James Woods has been awful quiet lately!!!!
Subdivisions also tells us alot.
I was a fan as soon as I saw it. I bought the Blueray series for Christmas.
Just watched it for the hundredth time last night!!!!
Hello my fellow dementia patients.
Has been AWOL for a minute.
James Woods is a good actor and has been AWOL lately???????