Muscleup12 4 points ago +4 / -0

Trump pretty much confirmed he was after the Iran deal documents on truth social


But he said Biden was also after.. So there is more

Muscleup12 3 points ago +3 / -0


I think it might be bigger than just Iran deal. During this time Chinese spies were killing American Cia agents. McCain was even going against the Iran deal, so idk. In August 2018 is when McCain was waxed, I think this is the time/area that trump dismantled the Cia, he also appointed Gina haspel Cia director around this time

Muscleup12 2 points ago +3 / -1

In the first paragraph I quit reading. Someone didn't leak the photo, one the DOJ sent it to the Washington post. But it also got posted in exhibit 1, https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/64911367/48/1/trump-v-united-states/

Muscleup12 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pompeo said that assange was getting paid by foreign governments to extract classified info and had bounties on certain materials.. Just saying

Muscleup12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Found a smidge better quality compression ratio one from Washingtonpost that came directly from doj,


Muscleup12 5 points ago +5 / -0

Research these days that I pulled off the documents and see if you can find anything

August 20 201x (9) August 20 2018

Wednesday may 9th 2018

Here's the original best quality jpeg extracted from the pdf https://easyupload.io/e4ldfa

Don't know if this site compresses the img

Muscleup12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Research these days that I pulled off the documents and see if you can find anything

August 20 201x (9) August 20 2018

Wednesday may 9th 2018

Here's the original best quality jpeg extracted from the pdf https://easyupload.io/e4ldfa

Muscleup12 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are that's what he said in his eo on Jan 19th 2021

Muscleup12 3 points ago +3 / -0

To be honest they have probably prepared for offline use also. There are always contingencies with a professional job. This is well funded also.

If hardware/kernel level, which most likely has a switch or hidden settings accessible by administrators or script/program by usb.

But we know they have modems, but what kind? Reading an article right now that says they have a cellular modem that is connected to the internet. Att and Verizon are the two listed. Also the motherboard can have an embedded wifi chip. Anything bluetooth is usually associated with wifi, and easily hackable so there's that also. You just got me thinking actually.

Tmobile just partnered with spacex/starlink. Cellular modem that would have internet during an outage regardless. Do you need internet for a truthful vote count? Nope, but to cheat possibly(unknown if offline contingency plan). Also anyone with access to the machines is suspects. The programmers of the software code are suspects. This way would have to most likely be switched on and off through code. An easy code would be to put an algorithm assigned to the Biden vote count variable. Another way which is plausible is that its all a show and numbers are made up, or they got people in a hidden room doing it all. For the importance of the outcome, you have to exhaust all options and trace the votes directly and account for all.

But let's say we're trying to block the internet, wifi/cell blockers you can easily get, but you would have to strategically put them by tabulators which are inside government building which might be a felony idk. Also if they are hardlined, not gonna work.

Election building most likely have different isps, unless it is government contracted, so figure that out or the IPs of the primary host machines and you could figure it out. Then if the same, easy, take one isp down with ddos attack, highly illegal most likely. If it's government isp then your going to jail for sure. If all different isps, then you would have to simultaneously ddos attack them all election day/night which would be unlikely, or shut them down somehow.

Stopping every angle of this is almost impossible, you can slip it in multiple spots, change and hack anything. Chasing something that will never be secure (a computer) especially in the age of AI is impossible.

There is a reason why cities are the targets, and mostly vote blue, highest vote count/population to obscure.

Muscleup12 1 point ago +1 / -0

The butt would be chronic, they get a more bio-available absorbtion I'm guessing. Also, look at people that had adverse reactions to the shot, lesions. Both microscopic definitions give rod like structure also

Muscleup12 3 points ago +3 / -0

A lot of Med flights fly low easiest way to check is get on that site and it should tell you if it's a med-flight or some type of Hospital owned helicopter etc

Muscleup12 9 points ago +9 / -0

Exactly in this situation you record either by Mic or video set your phone down or security cam or doorbell whatever the case or is available as proof

Muscleup12 14 points ago +14 / -0

Upon further research the three recently seen jets are part of a company called jdi Holdings which has trademarked the black Diamond jet team which is an airshow civilian jet group. The other jet I'm currently tracking westbound via ground with three Telecom nav sat communicators to determine the Landing destination. From there I've designed a long-range magnetic GPS module with lidar and sonar technology that is deployable by drone that can detect any interior object... Lol just kidding guys don't get too excited

Muscleup12 14 points ago +15 / -1

Update: just saw three more jets flying at 1800 ft they are all private aircraft custom paint job refurbished Warfighter Jets one was from Germany. It's either airshow Jets or UN/CIA contractor Jets in this specific case. The one I saw earlier today was a fighter jet escorting a mid size executive jet within 15 feet or so that came from Fayetteville Arkansas. Guess where the Clinton's are from.. Fayetteville. The jet escorting had its transponder turned off. Never seen that before

Muscleup12 6 points ago +6 / -0

Bro no bullshit just saw the same thing, military jet escorting a private jet in Texas today. Flying at around 1500-2000ft, within feet of each other. Super close. Looked it up on globe.adsbexchange.com and the military jets transponder was turned off, only logging a plane that flew out of Fayetteville, Arkansas. I believe the tag was N80EM, but I could've got the wrong one since I'm working too. After that military jet was doing flybys and straight vertical climbs.. Will let you know if I see anything else. The transponder of the military jet later came up on the vertical climbs, but it said no callsign and was going away, coming back and then stayed off..

To answer lower comment, no restricted airspace here..

Muscleup12 13 points ago +13 / -0

This post is bs, glowie for sure

Muscleup12 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the five eyes thing.. I remember reading some foia documents on the justice Gov site that said they used them for something, it was either Jan 6th or election intelligence, just letting you know

Muscleup12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Arab guy has pictures of volunteering in Syria, probably CIA. Guy on the most right has Russian history and pops on on a few pages. Woman I can't find anything. Guy in the back with glasses received an award from the Russian government. Guy in front with glasses couldn't find much. Notice how many of them have blue eyes... Like the aryans/nazi/Hitler ideology..

Muscleup12 4 points ago +4 / -0

Arab guy has pictures of volunteering in Syria, probably CIA. Guy on the most right has Russian history and pops on on a few pages. Woman I can't find anything. Guy in the back with glasses received an award from the Russian government. Guy in front with glasses couldn't find much. Notice how many of them have blue eyes... Like the aryans/nazi/Hitler ideology..

Muscleup12 5 points ago +5 / -0

San Antonio has a big CIA presence, I remember reading something recently in a foia document I believe. Like they literally have a secret base/station from what I was reading

Muscleup12 2 points ago +2 / -0

Need to be careful on even case studies can be faked. Who and why was this funded? Don't think they haven't falsely pushed supplements and invested in them beforehand. The source is below and I don't think I trust them to be honest. Find a few sources that match and compare and give some research video evidence then I might believe these things, but always worth a shot for the people looking for hope.

Department of Gynecology, Catholic University, Largo A. Gemelli, Rome.

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