NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

I understand that, but ai is no different than Microsoft Word. AGI would be much closer to what you should be worried about.

NOT_ADMIN -1 points ago +1 / -2

Are you Amish?

NOT_ADMIN 4 points ago +4 / -0

They were amazing to me, I was very poor, I didnt own a PC but i knew someone who did, and I would give them the CDs so we could get online.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am aware of this. I use to use AOL since I could get free trial CDs at the bus stops.

NOT_ADMIN 11 points ago +11 / -0

America Online. Perhaps related to some sort of white-hat system ready for the election?

NOT_ADMIN 7 points ago +7 / -0

Correct. It's because you aren't falling for the psyop.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +4 / -1

Technically in Islam, you are nice to your enemies while you are the minority and as soon as you have the power, oppress them.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

A gained weight and was roughly 222lbs I then experienced highblood pressure, started snoring. When i tried going to bed it felt like i was laying upside down, since the pressure in my head was so great. Went to the doc and they put me on blood pressure meds. They didn't help, so they upped the dose. They were going to add another med but instead I went to a metabolic doctor. He put me on carnivore and we had weekly checkups. After only 2 weeks I lost 15lbs, stopped snoring and my blood pressure returned to normal. 16 weeks later I lost 52lbs and seemed to gain muscle despite never working out. Stayed on it since.

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah no prob shoot me a message anytime I have been carnivore for over a year now

NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like you aren't eating enough electrolytes.the biggest mistake new people make is not eating enough salt. You don't hold water the same as when you ate fiber. You pee a lot more. You need to replace that water and that salt.

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +2 / -0
  • Analysis: I analyzed the image with fotoforensics and couldn't see any obvious edits other than an Adobe program used for the red square. So, at least so far, it appears the text was not added digitally. But I only used a single program to check.

  • Typically circled text of an image that was photographed end up being a fake image. Is there any evidence that this is real? Is there a source image without the square?

  • I am leaning towards this being real but I can't say conclusively.

More Info

REQUEST: could someone call this, ask about the post and comment under this post on their response?

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

Incorrect, He is input more energy than he is receiving making it not a perpetual motion machine. It is the battery input + Electromagnetic motion.

Here is an example: Imagine a battery powered device that uses energy to poke a ball at the edge of a cliff. The ball falls, and reaches terminal velocity before hitting a wheel, spinning it. The wheel then spins enough to not only power the battery pack but has a surplus. There are many reasons why this is not perpetual motion: The matter is a finite resource that would take energy to place onto a cliff. The gravity is added to the input and the momentum generated by the ball is converted into electrical energy.

This is Similar to what's happening above except that the earth and sun are supplying a lot of the work, making it appear to be less work than it really is.

NOT_ADMIN 3 points ago +3 / -0

We aren't In a computer simulation. There is no code injection. What they are doing is perverting Godly things. They do this not as some sort of cheat code. But in hopes that satan rewards them with worldly things.

Of course there is free will. Since God desires us to love him. Let me know if you need me to explain that.

How does bargaining with Jesus imply code injection?

NOT_ADMIN 6 points ago +6 / -0

The system of code you speak of is mathematics, it's the fundamental forces. God does what is in his nature. Saying he would create some sort of code which can be manipulated by man is strange to say the least when God could just will whatever he needs. Humans have 0 power. All power comes from God.

There is only one true God logically. Likely with all these ideas you are espousing,you may not have that deep of an understand of the Christian God nor its doctrine.

NOT_ADMIN 4 points ago +5 / -1

Actions speak louder than words. They could call him an alien Satanist, he still has done more for America than many presidents. The machine still hates him.

NOT_ADMIN 0 points ago +1 / -1

You are welcome, somone replied to me an hour after you, they appear to have some tips too.

NOT_ADMIN 5 points ago +6 / -1

I suggest a few things:

  • Regular, bi-annual cardiac screenings.
  • Stay away from things that are inflammatory.
  • Pretend from now on that you are at risk of heart attack, no big lifts, don't raise your blood pressure, no cardiac intensive activities.
NOT_ADMIN 1 point ago +2 / -1

Why would you say it that way and what exactly makes me a shill?

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +3 / -1

No i dont have aids and another anon pointed out, that the video is misleading.

Is this all you do here? I made a valid correction, and all you can do is be disparaging? What's your goal?

NOT_ADMIN 2 points ago +3 / -1

There is a significant difference, I didnt get the vaccine. I did however get covid. If the vaccine had HIV i would be fine. If the virus had HIV i would be worried. Do you see the difference now?

NOT_ADMIN 0 points ago +1 / -1

and attempting to conflate them with language like you used is not accurate at all.

  • Slow down when you read.
  • The title above is stating that this video says that the vaccine has HIV in it.
  • I am making a correction to the title, saying that the video instead says its in the virus not the vaccine.
  • This is not conflating anything it is an accurate description of the video..
  • I am not claiming anything. And i conflated nothing.
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