Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So very MANY things wrong with these "vaccines" --

Bigtree summarized their findings:

“Generally speaking, as we looked at all the different vaccines, one of the conclusions that we came away with is, it’s just a hodgepodge. There were vaccines that seemed like they had no particles, almost nothing, there; almost like a saline shot. And then the [next] one would be just packed with all sorts of things. You just get this sense that the manufacturing is totally and completely inconsistent.”

Cole agreed:

“I agree 100%. Some are more concentrated, some were less, and that goes to the point, where are these being made? Is the FDA inspecting each facility? No. And these are being made around the world, and they were ramped up so quickly. It’s not good manufacturing process … And … this is a very unique, brand-new process which they’re using at a mass scale.”


The shots were also analyzed using mass spectronomy, which revealed the presence of metallic particles, including aluminum, silicon, magnesium, sodium chloride, calcium, titanium and iron. Cole cites research showing that some of these metals come from the needle used to extract the liquid from the vial, so they may or may not be part of the actual formula in the vial.

They also found massively inconsistent amounts of polyethylene glycol (PEG) in the different vials. PEG, which is what coats and protects the mRNA, is what causes anaphylactic shock in some people, as PEG sensitivity and allergies are common among the general public. Worse, however, is the fact that PEG also gets in the way of proper immune response.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks for that summary, MI-Vet; I used it to help get some dooming friends up to speed on the topic.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, this again. There is vast scientific, literary, philosophical, and other data showing that the hemispheres pay attention to the world in very different ways. Moving your eyes back and forth does not change that (which is not to say it isn't helpful in other ways).

In life, we need both types of attention, just as we need the ability to shift between compassion and anger, or to have both vision and hearing. One reason I am so interested in the details, including the effects of the two very different worlds presented to us by the two hemispheres, is that modern life heavily over-emphasizes the cold, logical, virtualizing, tool-and-language using, grasping, manipulating left hemisphere.

It is possible to become so used to the left hemisphere, represented world, which deals in classes of things, and the rules they obey, that the embodied reality of what is never general, always unique, escapes us. Left hemisphere rules take over from right hemisphere insight. The Matter With Things, p. 1301

McGilchrist says flatly that while "We need the union of division and union, of multiplicity and unity; the left hemisphere needs ultimately to act as servant to the right hemisphere master, since, unbridled, the left hemisphere is capable of destroying the world." ibid, pp. 1281-1282; (Bold added)

The hemispheres work together in the following manner:

Some elegant research into gesture and speech reveals that thought begins and ends in the right hemisphere, passing through the necessary staging post of the left hemisphere, where it is put into serial sentences. This follows a typical pattern in the way the hemispheres relate: the origins and the end lie in the right hemisphere's world, but it is greatly enriched by what the left hemisphere can 'unpack' along the way. That middle stage, of making the parts temporarily explicit, before they are once more reintegrated into the whole, is crucial. Yet it cannot be the endpoint. -- The Divided Brain and the Search for Meaning, p. 29

If the detached, highly focussed attention of the left hemisphere is brought to bear on living things, and not later resolved into the whole picture by right-hemisphere attention, which yields depth and context, it is destructive. -- The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World, p. 182 (Bold added)

Well, that's enough. This isn't a topic on most people's radar and I don't expect it to be of interest to many, but I hope you can understand why it's become something of interest to me, and why I feel restoring balance between the two ways we all experience the world is important. We each have a holistic, grounded, empathic, connected-to-others-and-to-all experience of the world AND a virtual, focused, two-dimensional, language-enabled, tool-using, and detached experience, which gives us, on one side empathy, spirituality, and context, and on the other side language, narrow focus for tasks and tool use, and understanding of the details of a scene. We could not function without both kinds of attention, but the left hemisphere's world is a tool, not something suited for dominance.

I believe the Great Awakening includes, and must include, a rebalancing of the two ways we experience the world.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are probably right, but as the evidence builds up all around us, a tipping point IS approaching. It's just a matter of when we'll get there. This one seems big to me -- big corporations outright admitting that Dying Suddenly is happening to their officially certified-healthy pilots -- but I can't deny that the public has shown an impressive ability to ignore or explain away similar data.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

He could (and probably would) post the debate right on his substack or a website run by anyone willing to do so (he's well-known and has many friends, so there's not much chance this would be difficult).

Viewers could comment, vote, or whatnot.

It'd be damned interesting, don't you think?

But for some reason, no one has ever taken him up on the offer -- given that Steve is RIGHT and supports his position with overwhelming evidence, refusing to have a light shown on their position seems their only viable response.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Soon, Mary911, soon. I feel sure of that. Trump and the the White Hats he works with aren't planning to just twiddle their thumbs while America and the world fall to the satanic Globalists.

We'll be seeing not only Dem and RINO tax returns soon, but a whole lot more besides. Tribunals at GITMO, for instance.

Things are coming to a head. I don't know the day, but Lady Justice is coming -- and Hell's coming with her.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's a second reply to you (had to leave my computer for awhile earlier) -- DueProcessanon posted one for me; in case you haven't seen it, here it is:

Here's the link to the substance article that presents the data, and explains the data, fren.


But there's a reason I didn't post a link (as I often do) with the main post itself: If young people DYING SUDDENLY had been common before the jabs, we'd have all known about it. The fact that this only became a noticeable problem, despite the entire Establishment media trying to sweep it under the rug, is more telling than any study could be. "Dying suddenly" has become a GLOBAL epidemic, and it only started after the COVID "vaccinations" were rolled out.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you for posting a solid reply to tattletalestrangler; I tossed off a quick reply but had to leave my computer for awhile and didn't have time to look up something more specific. Team effort, DueProcessanon!

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wow. That's dedication. And persistence pays off.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Think about them for a few minutes every day; that'll fix them in memory so you don't forget them, and sooner or later you'll probably be struck by what they mean.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think you're right, getkek. It's been said before that Trump needed to be out of the White House when the USA collapses from long-term damage by the Cabal, and that would surely apply to Bolsonaro as well -- and probably well beyond those two patriots.

The Cabal remains visibly in power over much of the globe, and I think you've hit the nail on the head: their own obvious Power will become a millstone around their necks.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Dreams (including visions) are always unique to the dreamer. There are universal elements but even those can have specific, unique meaning to an individual person because we all have unique experiences, genetics, diets, and so on. A dream or vision typically relates to something in (or adjacent to) your own life that you are becoming aware of.

Interpreting one's dream is an interesting activity, and, to be successful, requires opening up to one's feelings; less thinking and more BEING; less left-brain analysis and more right-brain holistic consciousness is the path to the meaning of a dream -- and of life, for that matter.

You can conceptualize this as God talking directly to you, not in the virtual world of language but in the grounded, real-world context-awareness of the right hemisphere.

. . . the right hemisphere is more in touch with reality, and the left hemisphere more concerned with the internal consistency of whatever virtual model of the world it happens to be working with at the time. -- The Matter With Things: Our Brains, Our Delusions, and the Unmaking of the World, p. 104

In the absence of the left hemisphere, things come alive. Ibid, p. 160

Edit: added more quotes --

The left hemisphere is not impressed by empathy: its concern is with maximising gain for itself, and its driving value is utility. -- ibid, p. 145

Altruism is a necessary consequence of empathy: we feel others' feeling, engage in their being. -- ibid, p. 146

It is mutuality, not reciprocity, fellow-feeling, not calculation, which is both the motive and the reward for successful co-operation. And the outcome, in utilitarian terms, is not the important point: it is the process, the relationship, that matters. -- ibid, p.147

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a very powerful meme.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sorry to hear about your friend. Something that shows promise in fighting cancer (I think especially in the jabbed -- only a theory at this point) is senolytics such as fisetin, quercetin, and theaflavin (natural plant-derived supplements) and dasatinib (a cancer drug).

Pharma is scrambling to create an artificial, patentable senolytic they can sell for big money, but natural senolytics are already available and very safe (although everything does have dangers). Fisetin is found in strawberries, quercetin in onions and apples, and theaflavin is an extract of tea.

Senolytics remove senescent cells. Those cells build up as we get older because the body's removal system for them weakens, and the more senescent cells we have, the "older" our body becomes. Every system in the body is affected by senescent cell accumulation and that includes the immune system and its surveillance function. When THAT becomes weak, new cancer cells are ignored instead of targeted for removal. -- And THAT appears to be a major mechanism (possibly THE major mechanism) for TurboCancer. As we all know by now, the jab wreaks havoc on the immune system.

I'm thinking of doing a post specifically about this topic; the three natural senolytics mentioned above all have strong additional benefits and pretty much zero toxicity, so even if the anti-cancer benefits for the jabbed are small or non-existent, they might be worth taking. There is some mixed data, both pro and con, on their effects during conventional cancer therapy however (there is nearly always some mixed data on anything biological, it seems) so as usual it pays to do some research before an intervention.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks for posting this! It's still one of the best red-pills out there.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

TRUTH is banned throughout the Kingdom of Evil, aka The Cabal. Now that Elon has Twitter and is setting its users free to speak the truth, some light is pouring in for the normies. I can't wait until Instagram, YouTube, Google, Facebook, the MSM, the NYTimes, and every other corrupt purveyor of lies and censorship gets turned around or dismantled.

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