Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm so sorry to hear that. Best wishes for them.

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

People ARE blowing the whistle -- lots of us. Steve Kirsch, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Jessica Rose, and, well, many other heavyweights along with thousands or more of people like us here at GA.

The Cabal is doing what it can to muffle the whistle, and the normies are doing their best to ignore it. The whistle IS being blown; it's just taking time for awareness to reach a tipping point.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Anything can be used for good or for evil. Art, hammers, high technology . . . anything.

When a society is mostly healthy, people mostly use their creativity to good ends.

When a society is mostly unhealthy, people create in line with their inner demons.

In the world as it exists today, the majority of high-tech spending on AI, biotech, and other high technology is (I believe but cannot confirm) done by or for the military of various nations. It is reasonable to believe that most of that spending is aimed at never-before-seen weapons, and at technologies that can be used as weapons. Both COVID itself and the COVID "vaccines" are examples. Autonomous and semi-autonomous drone swarms are another.

An unhealthy world creates and uses its tools in unhealthy ways.

Only a true Great Awakening will heal that dynamic.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Cabal has half the population behaving this way towards anyone sane.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Cabal has half the population behaving this way towards anyone sane.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

So logical! I've never seen that pointed out before. Not that most of the sleepers out there respond to logic, but for those who do, I bet that's a serious red pill.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree, /u/VetforTrump. Just because Trump had power X, Y, and Z on paper doesn't mean he could effectively or (more important) SAFELY use those powers to the full. The enemy has a LOT of power also, and "patriots are in control" cannot cover everything; the White Hats are not and cannot be omniscient or all-powerful. No plan can be perfect, for that matter, because unexpected events (and enemy actions) are inevitable.

I cannot believe that Trump was acting with malice, and he's certainly no fool. He made a strong and serious attempt to prevent the "vaccines" by showing the world that non-toxic early treatments and preventives WORKED; the Cabal, including the media and EVERY branch and tentacle of the Deep State shut that down immediately. Trump was not (and is not) all-powerful; no one is. The White Hats collectively are not all-powerful; that would be fantasy. Trump forced (or negotiated) his Warp Speed program on the Cabal for a reason: it was clearly the best option actually AVAILABLE to reduce the damage planned for America and the world, and the best path to ending the Cabal and freeing humanity from bondage.

We are now watching the Cabal over-extend themselves, having to rush their plans while the global population rapidly wakes up to their true nature. A far smaller number of us have been jabbed than the Cabal planned on, and we have Trump and his Warp Speed (plus his efforts to show us that HCQ and other early interventions WORK) to thank for that -- and for ending the lockdowns and much of the COVID theater years earlier than otherwise.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hilarious! Matt would make a great stand-up comedian.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

The vax crimes were coming anyway -- after they'd had an extra year or two to fine-tune or enhance their effects -- and the years-longer lockdowns would have killed more people (suicide, fewer checkups, drugs and alcohol, etc) while causing great destruction to America in many other ways. We can't know the details yet (and may never) but I assume Trump and his team ran the numbers and decided Warpspeed was the lesser of two evils.

There IS the possibility that you're right, though: maybe Trump's Warpspeed program caused more deaths than it saved. Mistakes are inevitable in life, and while I don't think this was one, I can't know for certain.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

She's Our Gal if Satan is Our Guy.

Otherwise, no.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

We all know "the media is the enemy of the people."

People are learning that this includes the scientific media.

Narg 23 points ago +23 / -0

I think Trump's support for early treatment with HCQ, vitamin D, and so on deserves more highlighting. I watched a roundtable discussion Trump put together -- yes, on a cable news channel -- where people who had recovered from COVID quickly with HCQ told their stories, and a doctor supported the use of early treatments including HCQ. (A quick search didn't find this roundtable on the web; perhaps a more thorough one would but I don't have the time right now).

The whole, unmistakable point was that COVID wasn't anything that required locking down society, taking some vaccine when it became available, or anything else. COVID was basically the flu and we did NOT need to make such a big deal about it; simple, cheap, effective treatment was available.

That all got swept under the rug and pulled from the internet, of course, but Trump did it (and made the same point at other times) and deserves credit for it.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


When I told him that Trumpism is a form of "Libertarianism" that means localized government. Using the word Libertarianism is something he could understand.

"Local Government" or "Decentralized Government" to the MAGA name.

FREEDOM is what sane people want. Freedom is necessary to any healthy society and most people still sense that; we all want freedom for ourselves even if we refuse to grant it to others. Government is coercion, so the less we have of that, the better. You've hit on a tactic that clears the air for many people, /u/thephantom1979.

We ALSO need and want a sufficient level of emotional health in the culture and in most individuals -- Love and Freedom are BOTH required for a civil society.

Without love and connection, freedom fails; without freedom, love is poisoned.

Truthfully linking LOVE (compassion, brotherhood, connection, etc) to FREEDOM will help people understand the stakes even more, because the two are are in different realms and the Cabal has poisoned our understanding of freedom for centuries. People NEED de-programing on this subject.

Communism and socialism -- two words designed to evoke images of compassionate family-like cooperation among people -- have been used to redefine Love and Freedom as being OPPOSITES, forever at odds with each other.

That is the biggest and most harmful lie that Satan ever told.

When people understand that Freedom and Love require and support each other, the confusing political game fades and the REAL war -- the one between Good vs Evil -- comes into focus.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

these mf’ers don’t care how many innocent people kill

Killing innocent people is a bonus in their minds, the more the better.

I hope you're right that the warning is enough to prevent whatever mass casualty attack they're planning.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yes, let's hope. Of course it could also lead to an even more brutal CCP and an era more like Mao's, or Stalin's in the Soviet Union. But the timing could certainly fit in the the Great Awakening's blossoming and with the incoming Storm.

Is Xi a basically decent, freedom-loving soul ready to free the Chinese of their CCP shackles and help take down the ancient Cabal, or is he just another thug who has now further solidified his power?

I think we'll learn which in fairly short order.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Given that there are a lot of lefties in South Florida, I honestly see not jumping on the 2020 steal narrative as a smart strategy from a political perspective.

I actually hadn't considered that as being a serious factor, but you may be right. Thanks for the insight.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's no question that we are stuck with guessing in the dark about who is genuine and who is playing a role for either the WH, the BH, or for someone else (like China, for instance -- although in this case they're just a different brand of Black Hat. Probably. Or maybe they're working with Trump as part of We Caught Them All. Or something else entirely; it makes my head spin).

I'd love to find out that DeSantis is acting, voluntarily or not, for the White Hats. Maybe we'll actually know at some point.

In the meantime, I do think his actions regarding the 2020 steal make him suspect, which many people ignore. Hope I'm wrong.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cattle? CATTLE are being injected with mRNA "vaccines"?

New Zealand is REQUIRING this?

Among humans, breast milk from jabbed mothers sometimes makes babies sick or dead.

Will the meat from these cattle be loaded with spike protein, micro-clots, and tainted with whatever else is in or caused by the "vaccines"? Will mRNA from the "vaccines" remain in the meat to be consumed by humans?

They really DO seem to want all but about 500,000 humans to die off, with only the "Elite" and a remnant of slaves left alive on this Earth.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana (2018-present) See also: Federal judges nominated by Donald Trump Doughty was nominated to the United States District Court for the Western District of Louisiana by President Donald Trump (R) on August 3, 2017. The U.S. Senate confirmed Doughty on March 6, 2018, by a vote of 98-0.[1] He received commission on March 7, 2018.[2]


Narg 24 points ago +24 / -0

Please, Lara, get a bodyguard and beef up your other security. The people you're exposing do NOT fuck around.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trillion. TRILLLLLLION. From one ordinary, non-billionaire guy.

Insanity: it's what's for dinner, apparently.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's a solid observation and an important one. None of this is from incompetence; it is all being done with malice aforethought, and with, yes, literally decades of planning. We've seen much evidence of that already (related patents filed years ago, masks and other money-making COVID theater items manufactured and stockpiled long before the "pandemic", and so many other things).

This is a carefully pre-planned holocaust conceived, designed, and set in motion by people who make Stalin and Hitler look like saints in comparison.

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