Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0


The MSM is working overtime to crush the company (and Trump himself, of course).

Trump Media is “a scam, just like everything he’s ever been involved in is some sort of con,” says Barry Diller, the legendary American businessman. Furthermore, the people buying the stock are “dopes.”

Includes video, 1 min 34 sec, with Diller slamming both Trump ("like everything else he's been involved in, it's some sort of con") and Truth Social (I mean what does it have, $30 of revenue?).

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. Without those elements, there's no point to the satire.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0


Funny, and yet oddly accurate.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Nice one. Clear, honest, and to the point.

Communism is nothing but a scam to con the masses into helping bring about their own subjugation to a central government which then claims to own everything.

EVERY single Communist nation has become a nightmare of poverty, tyranny, and epic levels of mass murder.


Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

A healthy, genuine smile makes anyone more attractive. For that matter, emotional health makes people more attractive.

No surprise then that the Woke, who are CLEARLY emotionally damaged and who spend so much time being unhappy, are less attractive tan conservatives.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

They smell -- and you can't get away from it for awhile, since they're everywhere for a week or so -- but small boys get the bonus of being able to put the shed exoskeletons (complete with legs) on their fingers to scare their sisters and classmates.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Pharmaceuticals are just another example of how knowledge can be used for both good and for evil.

All of human history involves the struggle between good and evil, and if the Great Awakening does anything long-lasting at all, it must dramatically increase the understanding of this struggle and its importance.

The single most powerful change we can make in that regard is to focus on Jesus' teachings on love and especially on the compassionate treatment of children.

Of course, many other religions and traditions also teach that; also, I grew up in the American midwest in the '50s and was often appalled at how often parents who went to church seemed to have almost no understanding of Jesus' teachings regarding children, or regarding "love they neighbor" in general. Too much focus on the supernatural, not enough on the here-and-now. I was well into adulthood before I was able to get past that.

The child really IS father to the man -- sensitive dependence on initial (or early) conditions in the growth of complex systems cannot be avoided -- and children who are treated with love, compassion, and who learn that others must be treated with the same respect for their rights as they themselves desire, become loving, compassionate, emotionally healthy adults who not only respect others' rights but insist on protecting their own rights. They become good neighbors and decent human beings. They also know what they want in life and how to get it.

EDIT: What I describe in the above paragraph is a statistical truth (like "men are taller than women") -- it is well-supported statistically but every PERSON is an individual, which means that -- just as some women are tall and some men are short -- some people who had horrible childhoods become loving and decent human beings (although usually the trauma causes physical or emotional issues; see the well-known ACE study for stunning examples).

sorcery will still be practiced in the end times.

I'm pretty sure that humans will never stop practicing pharma (drugs, herbs, and specific diets for that matter) -- and when used with malice or even just without sufficient regard for the well-being of others, then bad things will result.

As always where choices between good actions and evil ones are concerned, the treatment of the children who BECAME the adults involved is the largest factor in which way the choices go.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes, obvious to anyone sane, but looking around, how many today have had their minds warped into knots?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I, Robot is the Terminator version of household robot movies, so unless they're insane, they won't name this thing the "iRobot".

It won't likely be the robots or their software overseer causing them to attempt enslaving humans, but instead the WEF and all the rest of the Cabal and their allies who want to eliminate most humans and subjugate the rest. Millions of household robots would be very handy for such a goal -- although I believe the game will be over before those millions get produced and placed in homes.

Things are coming to a head well before that.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

MAGA is a "cult" the same way Western Civilization is a "cult."

MAGA is basically a more focused version specific to restoring the United States to social, moral, and economic health. How cultish.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the great pic!

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly. The silver/gold ratio is over 85 to 1 -- historically that's VERY high; the US bi-mettalic currency had the ratio at about 15.5 to 1 (one-ounce gold coins were $20 face value -- and contained 0.9675 ounces of gold -- while one-ounce silver coins were a single dollar and contained 0.77344 ounces of silver).



Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

On the other hand, why aren't more men involved in protecting women from this nightmare?

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time dilation is one of several ways that Relativity could be falsified -- if it were shown that time dilation did not happen, the theory would be proven wrong.

Instead, time dilation is not only known to occur but must be taken into account in a number of situations, including the operation of the GPS system.


On the other hand, Mr. Big Brain was a socialist -- a vivid example of how emotions cloud thinking, and of how those who want to end Western Civilization use our compassion against us.


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Time dilation is one of several ways that Relativity could be falsified -- if it were shown that time dilation did not happen, the theory would be proven wrong.

Instead, time dilation is not only known to occur but must be taken into account in a number of situations, including the operation of the GPS system.


Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Worth considering that the 2011 Fukushima earthquake may have been triggered by a noook on a fault line; video and other evidence discovered in the days and weeks afterward suggested as much.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

we must first ensure that those who are put in power have the support and trust of the people once again, and that they are true statesmen

I heartily agree! But the SIZE and STRUCTURE of Power is important also.

The United States was designed so that most of the Power in society remained in the hands of the people themselves, not in the hands of a coercive government (I use that redundancy to emphasize that "government" as we have known it is BY DEFINITION a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE funded by coercion and whose rules -- "you MUST do this and you CANNOT do that" -- are enforced by force and threats of force -- even in the most common situations where force is inappropriate and unnecessary).

A common Americanism, even up until recently, was "That government is best, which governs least." The tiny (almost invisible compared to today) Constitutional federal government of the late 1700s was nonetheless far more powerful than we had under the Articles of Confederation. That tiny Constitutional government BECAME the monster we are suffering under today, and the same thing WILL happen to our Post-Storm government if we do not address the fact that any formally recognized coercive Power center -- any group with license to rule with impunity -- WILL attract the corrupt, the psychopathic, the Machiavellian, the seekers after unearned wealth, and others who will, over time or more quickly, pervert that Power center -- that government -- into a nightmare.

The structures and safeguards designed to prevent such a nightmare obviously failed in the case of our Constitution. There's no use pretending otherwise.

Saying "if people had FOLLOWED the Constitution it wouldn't have happened" only points out that people DID NOT follow the Constitution faithfully -- many DID follow the spirit and letter of the document but enough misguided or corrupt or outright evil persons managed to bend and misapply the rules to turn what had been a mostly free nation (asterisk for enslaved blacks and Indians and Irish indentured servant/slaves in earlier decades) -- a nation that actually WAS designed to provide and protect the LIBERTY of the citizenry -- to what we have NOW, which is very nearly the exact opposite.

Far more of our post-Storm governance must be in the hands of civil society -- in the market, in other words, including especially regulation (think UL, especially as originally constituted, and the National Fire Protection Association, both of which were formed in the late 1800s, rather than the FDA and the many other nightmarish Federal regulatory bodies).

MOST governance can be done, and done more safely, more cheaply, and more effectively (meaning with more justice and less restraint of liberty) by civil society (contracts, social social norms, churches, and other methods and non-coercive institutions) than by a coercive Power center.

The Market for Liberty (free download at Mises.org) is an excellent outline for how a practical and fully civil (market) society can work, drawing on both theory and example.

Freedom works, when coupled with enough emotional health / moral qualities in the population. Let's give it a try. We'll need to deal with the corruption of the American public (and the same for EVERY nation), but if we don't keep our sights on the ELIMINATION of any power centers that are allowed to initiate coercion, including especially for funding, then we will only be kicking the can of tyranny down the road.

Narg 17 points ago +17 / -0

They'll be finding out soon enough: Fraud vitiates everything.

And they'll be finding out a lot more, as well. For awhile, they won't be able to walk down the street because too many people will know what they've done.

A bit later, they won't be able to walk down the street because they're in prison.

Or worse.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Nah. Not even close. Shatner is in a league by himself in that regard.

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