Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

And DO NOT MISS the dog at the end, starting at about 1:30.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, that's one way to avoid the costs of actually recycling all that toxic material. Just make sure your insurance is paid up.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Just . . . so horrifying. And so many millions of people affected.

There has never been a global EVIL of this kind before -- and these clots aren't even the half of it. The jabs produce hundreds of different symptoms, including many ways to die.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here it is:


BTW, it took me about half an hour to get that one to format correctly, even AFTER I copied / pasted from the correctly formatted comment I made here. The editor we use is, uh, building my character.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

Long excerpt from the article:

Selected comments from satisfied users of the COVID vaccine These are all direct quotes from the V-safe comments received:

  • Static orb in my line of vision

  • Metallic taste 2-3 hours after

  • Severe vertigo this morning now resolved

  • Tingling 3 fingers

  • Bell's palsy around 1 pm today January 14

  • Angina

  • Profuse sweating after chills

  • 2 hour nose bleed same day as the shot, required medical intervention to get it to stop.

  • I've had 2 bloody BMs today.

  • Muscle twitching in injection arm

  • Inability to focus

  • Tingling in my feet and legs that comes and goes

  • Heart Palpitations

  • Hot flashes, chills, body aches, headache, elevated heart rate, exhaustion, swollen lymph nodes, temp 99.5-100.3 for five days

  • Fever 48 hrs after the 1st vaccination

  • Brain fog

  • Brain fog inhibiting me to function mentally as a nurse, had elevated blood pressure and near syncopal event and was seen in the Er twice with multiple tests. Taking a lot of supplements/vitamins to help with brain fog and muscle weakness i'm having

  • Fatigue has been the symptom I've had most with the second shot.

  • Metallic taste

  • Nausea and headache on the day of the vaccine. On 1/11/21

  • Left side of face and scalp flushing burning and tingling lasting about 2 hours.

  • Vertigo 12 hrs post vaccine. For a duration of 24 hrs.

  • My arm where the injection was given after 8 days had a local reaction of red and swollen, then 2 days later bruising appeared.

  • Loss of appetite

  • Large painful mass in armpit on injection side

  • Swollen Lymphnodes

  • Headaches after 2nd shot

  • Sores on my tongue

  • Got vaccine 12/31/2020. On January 1 & 2 I experienced extreme drowsiness on & off. On 1/7, I noticed injection site swelling redness and itchiness, it also looked like a welt and was warm. On 1/8 improved, 1/9 improved, 1/10 improved, 1/11 resolved

  • Hematuria-clots

  • Possible swollen lymph node near left collar bone (same side of injection site)

  • Feel flushed

  • Enlarged lymph nodes left armpit.

  • Swollen lymph node in armpit on the side of injection

  • Vaccine lead to a genital herpes outbreak (already have it, just caused an outbreak).

  • Moderate Pain in armpit

  • Lymph node swelling

  • Shortness of breath

  • All my food tastes really salty

See the full file for comments from nearly 400,000 satisfied clients! Now you too can destroy your health!

Narg 1 point ago +2 / -1

I'm pretty sure evil actions are perpetrated by evil human beings; neither reptilians nor aliens from other dimensions or other planetary systems are required.

Sociopaths and psychopaths cause nearly all the human evil in this world. Neurotics (people with lesser emotional damage) often cause harm, but those causing deep and widespread evil are more damaged. With psychopaths, much of the damage is physical -- frontal-lobe deficits that reduce or prevent both empathy AND the comforting sense of connection to others, without which we are essentially living in solitary confinement. For life. No wonder they so strongly need substitutes like money and power; no wonder they aggrandize themselves; no wonder so many are cruel to others.

Proper treatment of children (and of infants and pregnant mothers) is what will be needed to reduce the wreckage of emotional damage we see around the world. Children treated with love and respect, and who grow up understanding that they must equally respect others, do not become adults who live evil lives. Even psychopaths who are raised with love and respect are less likely to become horrors.

Jesus' instructions on not offending children and treating them with compassion needs to be taken more seriously.

Trump's work in fighting human trafficking and in preventing war (a huge cause of trauma for children, among other things) are among the stronger reasons I support him.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yes. We've reached the point where EVERYTHING, it seems, is upside-down in America. Prosecute the innocent; ignore or even praise the guilty.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

Ah . . . sorry for not being clear. The chart isn't false; the continuing assertions that "the COVID jabs are safe and effective" are false.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was reading about this and seeing this chart two years ago.

The gaslighting continues, though.

When I'm back to my keyboard (might be tomorrow), I'll try to track down the source; could be Dr. Jessica Rose or Steve Kirsch, but plenty of other possibilities.

Narg 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was reading about this and seeing this chart two years ago.

The gaslighting continues, though.

When I'm back to my keyboard (might be tomorrow), I'll try to track down the source; could be Dr. Jessica Rose or Steve Kirsch, but plenty of other possibilities.

Narg 14 points ago +14 / -0

Not a surprise to those of us here -- except for some of the details, for many of us -- but a massive, educational red pill for normies in the US and across the world.

The video is an hour and 4 minutes long. At 10:55, Tucker interrupts his guest (Mike Benz) to clarify what he'd been listening to from Benz:

Did anyone at NATO, or within our own State Department, stop and say, "wait a minute, we've just identified our enemies as democracies within our own countries"? . . . They feared that the citizens of their own countries would get their way, and they went to war against that.

Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

Excellent column. (Italics added below):

You do not spend three years hunting down patriotic grandmas and selfless veterans who attended the J6 protest for free and fair elections unless you are terrified that a critical mass of people sees rampant election fraud as a Uniparty weapon for maintaining illegitimate control. You do not set up “disinformation” review boards or pretend public debate is a “threat to national security” unless you are frightened of what ordinary people have to say. You do not spy on people’s financial transactions, text messages, and social media posts unless you view every single American as a danger to the State. . . . authorities would not be so openly hostile to the public or flagrantly dismissive of their constitutional obligations if they were not already afraid.

They should be. The single greatest social transformation in several centuries is occurring right now. A transnational consensus is growing among ordinary citizens that coercive government is dangerous wherever it exists.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love hearing things like this -- may you both live even longer and prosper -- and I'd say your experience IS Q related, because without Q and the White Hats, including Trump, millions would not have had forums like this one (and a few others), nor would the Plandemic have been sped-up & bungled the way it was; we'd probably just now be getting to it after five years of having the country destroyed even more than it is now. [Their] end game would have been even harder to stop, and oh yes -- most of the supplements you now take would be off the market, except by prescription -- if you could find a doctor willing to paint a target on his back to prescribe them to you. The FDA and Pharma have been trying to do that for literally DECADES.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Deep feeling, CONNECTED to the actual events you're crying (or whatever) about, is actually healing.

Trauma -- feelings too painful to feel at the time, which get repressed (and you may or may not have access to memory about them) -- doesn't just fade away because by definition it's powerfully threatening, and continuously seeks to rise to full consciousness so the threat can be addressed -- even though the threat is now over.

Defenses work to prevent full consciousness, but the feeling and the defenses against the feeling leak out into actions, thoughts, physical symptoms, attitudes, and so on.

Smoking, drinking, buying stuff we don't need, sex with strangers, anger aimed at people who don't deserve it, panic attacks, depression, and a thousand other things are among the results and "strategies" of repressed feeling. In every case the engine powering it all is pain of one sort or another. Old trauma is something the system strongly wants to avoid but can't; it doesn't really matter what the details are (except to the person him/herself).

Deeply connecting to whatever experience is being repressed -- not just talking about it or "understanding" it -- defuses both the feeling and the problems it causes. Your system is no longer trying to repress a painful or threatening experience that desperately NEEDS to reach full consciousness, because you HAVE BECOME CONSCIOUS of it. Not just aware of it, but deeply, fully conscious of it. "Message delivered", at last. The four-alarm fire the system needed to respond to has been taken care of.

If you have someone you trust who you can talk to about your feelings, that can be a big help. They need to listen and do almost nothing else; they aren't there to give you advice or anything like that but to just be a supportive presence while you go through a difficult process.

Caveat: as with anything we do (or choose NOT to do), there are dangers in opening up to deep feeling. Of course, not opening up means you don't ever really get better, which has plenty of danger of its own.

Few people ever go through this process, and nearly all forms of therapy focus (whether they admit it or not) on improving the symptoms instead of addressing the underlying problem. Indeed, some things are far better, even far healthier, as defenses than others. Stop smoking (and maybe take up an exercise routine) for example. For some people, that works well enough to be worthwhile -- reducing lung cancer risk is not a bad thing! But there are people for whom swapping harmful symptoms for positive ones (or at least less-harmful ones) isn't enough.

You might be one of those people.

Either way, I wish you well on your journey through life.

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