It all takes as much time as it takes.
This is not the sort of thing you do for "shits and giggles", but it is the sort of thing that you would do if you were trying to figure out how it worked, were testing the full capabilities. Or, it's the sort of thing that would happen as a side effect / collateral damage from changing something else further back.
Huh, I could have swore that prisons fell under the mandate of the US Marshalls Service.
What's going to happen to GME? Think of the biggest number you'd believe is reasonable, then add three more zeroes, then double the number of zeroes, and heck double it again, now you're getting close.
We're basically waiting for one of the hedgefunds to fail a margin call and get liquidated, because that's when the computers take over, and when they have to sell all of their assets and buy every share they shorted at whatever price is listed, prices all over the market are going to go into flux, which will lead to other hedge funds failing. Then the buck starts going further up the chain, and the fluctuations get bigger, and the market makers start to fail, and this process continues until all that's left in our path is the FED and it might fall.
Make no mistake, the fallout will likely be worse than the crash of '29, plan accordingly and Noblesse Oblige.
All of my buys the past few months have been through Computershare, so yes I am DRSing. My plan however involves leaving two shares per broker outside the horde. Although the bulk of my shares are still being held hostage to an extent over at SoFi / Apex, because I still have a few stupid sell orders up.
Anyway, using the two per account rule should give me the time to get some funds out of them before they go belly up, when the MOASS dominoes start tumbling.
Considering the term Ape is derived from the Hedgies calling retail dumb money, retail embracing it and taking it to it's extremes, see jokes about eating crayons, not being able to understand it all is par for the course for an Ape.
One of the problems with the DD on Superstonk is that some of it does tend to build on other works, so if you have time and wish to add some wrinkles you might want to check this out.
Oh hey, I get to plug GME before going to bed.
Going purely off volume, shorts have exceeded volume for all but four days since April 19th. Those being June 11th, and Aug 4th-6th. This is important because we've essentially had naked shorting be about half of all volume since a stretch from April 5th to 19th having alternating longs and shorts but ultimately canceling itself out. Before that period was again a stretch of shorts outpacing longs going back to Feb 19th.
Now it's been confirmed in various interviews that the SHFs were over 250 million shares short on a stock where only about 70 million shares were supposed to exist. The gap of shorts with no longs, indicating naked short selling would triple that value, at minimum. So there are now roughly 750 million shares short on a stock where there should only be about 76 million shares. There will be a financial crater from this, and a LOT of people are going to be hit from the fallout.
It was the original metric used when Roe v Wade was ruled. Apparently they went through the data to find the point where a premature birth would have a chance of actually living, ergo viability.
#9 - So 30% of voters are either so incredibly wealthy that this benefits them, or they're commies.
Even if they aren't lying about events, it's still slanted to make you come to a specific opinion, and you have to ask "what did they leave out?".
I see that Pence is proving he's RINO scum once again...
archive link due to soft paywall
As the friendly local dividend shill, I'd be out of character to not drop this here for a starting point for research.
If rumors about GME NFT dividend are correct, that will just be a speed bump.
For #10, DMSA is beginning bankruptcy proceedings against Evergrande, and with the way the bonds are written, as one failed they all failed.
I'm glad someone else caught this.
I have one correction. Using market cap and price a few days ago, I came up with about 35 mil total shares, which is roughly half of the current GME number.
To support that it's being shorted into the ground, nekkid short report uses daily REGSHO.
Yep, favorite point to use, even though it may be out of date now, was that it takes roughly ten years for EVs to become more CO2 efficient than ICEs. What's the expected life span of the batteries in EVs? They claim about ten years.
Just to point out, Evergrande doesn't have $300 billion in liabilities, it has $300 billion in BOND liabilities. It is a mere chunk of their total liabilities, and because of the way that Communist Bandit China obfuscates everything in their "banking" system, we have no way of knowing exactly how bad this really is.
#8 - At this point I just assume anyone doing this shtuff is a Feddie or another Juicy Smollett.
#16 - Not only did they dub it, the dub sounds like children cheering for the PedOTUS.
Hudson is where the money from around Kent lives, and it atleast used to be a very Lefty area, so this actually is a ballsy move by the mayor, unfortunately.
Not sure how widespread the MURICA one will be, since I haven't heard anything about it before now.
You'd think she'd have to come up for air at some point, although she does have plenty of practice in holding her breath...
"If the recall is successful, Newsom, a largely popular governor who won office by capturing a greater share of the vote than any other Democrat in state history, would be replaced by a fringe candidate whose extreme views don’t even capture most of the state’s Republican base."
Seems to me like there might be a good amount of Dominion fuckery going on here.
Seeing as how that was likely an actual vaccine, with a weakened form of the disease,you would still be able to get shingles later in life.