Totally Barbara Bush is Alistair Crowley son ,, spelling of his name is wrong !
Damn you’re on it ,, so true!
Yes , but u can’t get through to most of these people . They are robotic , very sad and makes me furious!
A jail for politicians who do inside trading ! But your idea is better ;)
I’m so pissed that they make as much as they do . It’s hard to believe! Most don’t show up half the time and what do they do really ? Vote on stuff and Tell us how to live our lives and on and on commie crap !
The pic of principal above looks like a dude too WTH … The Governor is a dude , prez kept calling her ,, him ha ha ha !!
Thank you Fren ,, hard to believe that anyone with any sense would say this ! Unbelievable !
Yes my neice who I raised as my daughter, literally said “ DJT is a serial rapist , he’s worse then Epstein! She hates Musk the same or more . She made many comments like this the other day to me . I continued to nail her with no mercy especially when she said , I still like Obama! Thanks to this board I was able to nail her hard and I brought receipts ! We are close, we love each other and usually never talk politics for this reason , but this day was a hard one for her . All was good the next day , but I agree with you ! They are friggin nuts and no matter what happens they will find a reason to be against it . Totally agree with you 100 percent !
Seriously ?
Yes , I have worked with many young girls and woman in my practice over the years . I actually lived through all that horror as a child and young girl. I’m so grateful that The Lord can completely heal us from any kind of trauma ! Thankfully my practice is private so I am able to tell people the truth . Everyone is different, but sometimes, certain traumas will never truly be healed or dealt with properly until you give them to God . Doctors , Therepist or counselors can only do so much , only the Lord can completely heal and he doesn’t charge . I tell a lot of people this !
Wow ! What a great comment ! Heartbreaking because it’s 100 percent truth ! People need to shut the Fk up about all these goverment milkers and have compassion for those who truly deserved it !
I love you!!
The stranger was someone He didn’t know , but was already in the country ! WTH !
Please televised , this is the only way ! Bring back hangman careers !
Wouldn’t that be incredible !
There is ruby red lips and I did think ,, I think she’s a she lol
Praying for your daughter , she will be spared . They aren’t stupid , they know who the dead beats are and so does God !Thanking the Lord that your daughter will not only keep her job, she will be put in a position that is higher then she is now, a lot of those incompetents will lose their position and they will put in place those who have been faithful . Dedication pays off especially for this young woman who had a dad who taught her well .
Friggin laughed out loud !
Love Sol Rosenberg , Jerky Boys need a come back , my God I listened over and over ! Love them !!
This is the way , I like it more ! But kind of too late I would think !
Keep at it Fren . Aussies are great people , they are our friends and they are suffering ! At this point we need to stick together ! New Zealand and Canada too , but I’d say Australia is more ready to escape, these Aussie people are fighters
Absoulutly ! It pisses me off , it just seems like we are getting appeased if that makes sense , yeah go get the little guy but I’d like to see fkn hundreds marching out and it isn’t happening , there ar 15 to 20 million here for Gods sake , to hear we got 8 guys today or 80 this week isn’t enough to even reach a million in 4 years they need to start rounding up thousands . They flew planes in nearly everyday for awhile here in San Diego So fkn fly a plane out a day ,, it isn’t happening , I know , I know , I hear it’s only been a month I get it . Let’s see if a few million are gone by Jan, a few million got here in a year , by there account 15 million got here the past 4 years , we should do as good as them . Get a few million a year out . I’ll be shocked and eat crow if it happens ! Regardless I still lovd President Trump !
Anderson coopers supposed dead brother ,, Kathy Gifford , the demon who held up a bloody head of DJT ,, thry either kill the first born or they become a tranny ,, I think as it’s been researched that this dude “ Kathy “ is Andersons brother !