So, I’ve had a theory on this drop with regards to EAS. I think Truth Social is going to act as the EAS. Falls in line with why we only can access from the US. Never noticed the streaming, wonder if it would be rumble?
Missouri and Louisiana AG’s have been at the forefront of the fight against almost every issue. Mandates, election fraud, censoring, “green energy”. Look at who’s charging the election officials.
An injunction is a really big deal. It’s basically a restraining order (usually for a business). In the business sense, it means they can’t operate. This injunction means they can’t continue the “criminal case”. Like a restraining order, once an injunction is granted it’s very difficult to reverse.
One of my favorite smart frens
Cognitive dissonance- had the conversation with family members. I was told, never supposed to stop it, it keeps you from going to the hospital, etc. Sent videos showing the evolution of promises made. Their answer, “well, the science changes”. Egos override logic
Did you catch this? “the American citizen, who came from a long line of every day heroes that built and protected this great Constitutional Republic, The United State of America.”
“Constitutional Republic” There are so many other words. This great country, this great nation etc.
Jeff Laundry is fighting this very cause right now. Saying oversite is up to the state, since it their citizens who are effected.
In case you don’t have drive…
Brandon Gill who founded DCEnquirer… Enquiring minds want to know?
The memes are on fire tonight in truth! It’s a meme storm over there
That’s hysterical! It’s a block away from the American Revolution museum on the same street! 1776
I have to say Jeff Landry (LA AG) has been at the forefront of getting filing and winning.
I’m looking for another very basic explanation that another anon posted about health and his idea of cancer. I’ll edit when I find it but there’s lots of info in the first thread! Prayers
He’s not dumb and seems to always have a plan in place. It seems there’s always a way to get the public informed and anons searching for connections. Hysterical that the media comes here to get news, even if it’s a spin off of the topic. It almost seems like he continues to weed out the corrupt. BTW… regarding another conversation we had, the more people I follow on TS, the more it seems my original theory was correct when checking the date joined
I reread the response to the motion this evening after reading @paulsperry (mentioned below) about Jay Bratt revealing “key investigative details”. It wasn’t a specific mention of Hillary, more the way the response read.
There’s 3 issues addressed but number one is the crux.
- Is he entitled to return of property?
Technically, all presidential records belong to the US, however, executive privilege applies if there’s proprietary interest in the presidential records. Trumps original motion states it was information or documents gained during his presidency so he has executive privilege. The response yesterday claims that’s proof that it belongs to the US. The question is what would one consider proprietary interest?
Collusion, proof of election interference, treason, russia gate, DNC spying on campaign, etc. all possible classified info that came into possession during his term. All personal stakes for trump. Does he have proprietary interest? Now consider restrictions to access of the records and the EO’s. (It’s late but I’ll dig for the one bouncing around in my head mañana)
Once the archivist notified Trumps attorney, he fell within the range of statue to claim executive privilege (the response claims it wasn’t filed urgently but it’s by the books). IMO, this was what caused panic and led them to obtain the shady warrant which encompassed personal effects. It’s a “good faith” loophole. I’m not sure I articulated my connections very well but this is how I foresee the judgement tomorrow.
The injunction will be denied. The special master will be allowed (it’s a slippery slope violation of the 4th amendment) The return of property will be dependent on the special master.
Sure would be something if they found something but won’t be able to use it bc it was a violation of the 4A, however, I doubt the documents they were looking for would be in his office. He’s not stupid. Tomorrow we see how Act 1657 scene 6 plays out! 😜
I deal with BK’s and what people call predatory lenders. I’m pretty neutral in my stance because I see the lender and the debtor side. Who wants to lend to someone who’s had four cars repossessed? Who do you go to when you’ve had four cars repossessed? BOA doesn’t typically lend to high risk. Govt incentive does change that. Wells Fargo is cutting ties in the mortgage area. Big banks are still hesitant after the last housing crash. I’m semi familiar with HUD but definitely not an expert. If we were to have a 40,000 ft view of this, is it for the amount of illegals coming into the country that are now on federal funding? I’m more trying to understand the why of it.
Not so sure about that. It’s attached to HUD govt program.
Appreciate the full docket for others, I read legal all day, everyday. Can’t quite figure you out though. At least you seem to be entertaining yourself!
Just made a post after reading the entire objection. Trump adding his opinion on what they were looking for adds a lot of spice. Consider the timing of the filing and the truth.
DOJ is claiming since the search warrant included “anything near or in boxes with classified docs” were fair game or anything found in “good faith” was admissible even if it was attorney client privilege. The argument is hypocritical. The search warrant was sketchy at best. I think they may have found something and that’s why they are asking for everything to be afforded to both parties but sealed by the court (not public). To me it seems like an absolute violation of the 4th amendment. As you said, Trump saying what he thinks they were looking for adds some spice.
WSJ article that links to 36 page objection….
Trump truth…
For those not on TS he says he believes they were looking for Hillary emails and/or any info on the Mueller report.
Letter basically states how they’re going to try to take TS down
To add to your questions, anyone know how he’s able to see all of these accounts to retruth? He only follows three people.
They mention 1,776 day at the end of the article. It’s hysterical