Notanoption 1 point ago +1 / -0

Texas is crawling with Chinese. They are buying up property and businesses like crazy. I went into the DPS to renew my drivers license a couple years ago. For 20 years the majority of folks waiting for service were Hispanic...now its Chinese. Massive Chinese invasion going on here.

Can anybody tell me what you have to do to qualify to make a post? I try but they don't stick. I don't see any links to rules and the MODS are AWOL on the subject. Is it like VOAT used to be where you have to accumulate a certain number of comment points?

Notanoption 3 points ago +3 / -0

Supposedly it was. It was created and released as part of the UN report/initiative to reduce the population of the planet to their target goal. The same study found that the middle class of US and Europe was unsustainable and their solution was mass migration from 3rd world countries and trade agreements moving the middle class bread and butter manufacturing jobs out of the US and Europe...creating a two class system: the very poor and the very rich. Which explains alot of the mind numbing government policies allowing illegal immigration and the UN trucks and supplies helping the migrants.

Notanoption 3 points ago +3 / -0


Or even a suburb or bedroom community of Hong Kong.

Notanoption 4 points ago +4 / -0

You forget...its not about the left or right, its about the elites killing off excess humans, destroying freedom, and keeping who remains under control.

Notanoption 1 point ago +1 / -0

Reminds me of that big blow-hard Saddam Hussein...the Mother of All Battles...HAH! Bring it on China!! All of us in the US know you are one big paper tiger. And besides, we have been buying the fruits of your manufacturing industry for decades and we all know for a fact you can't build anything worth a crap so your little nuclear firecrackers will probably not even make it out of the silos. Maybe you would have better luck with some ROMAN candles.

Notanoption 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, he feigns being tough or doing the right thing, but in the end he does zip to change anything for the better. He makes promises he doesn't keep. Texas is a good place to live but the government is run by the usual politicians...looking to keep the status quo, get re-elected, not do anything too drastic, and keep money flowing to their election fund contributors. In the process our freedoms are slowly draining away. My favorite example is the property tax situation. The last couple of governors including Abbot were all about not raising the property tax rate. Made a big deal about it. Then turned around and told the county taxing districts to raise the property values every year. So yeah, the tax rate didn't go up, but our taxes did because the values have gone up 1100% (no typo). This forces multi-generational landowners to sell out to the developers which are some of the biggest election contributors.

Notanoption 2 points ago +2 / -0

As long as nothing is done to secure the ballot boxes/voting machines and clean up the corrupt Judiciary Industrial Complex, turning blue is inevitable. Everybody, Dem or GOP, uses fraud and outside money to get elected so change is not going to come from there.

Trying to block private money from getting into the election process is like trying to keep fire ants out of your yard...its just not going to happen.

Our system of electoral government has serious flaws that outside entities have exploited to our detriment. The only solution is to attack and destroy those outside entities. Only then will we be free again.

As we handle them with kids gloves trying to avoid having to destroy them, hoping somehow they will see the light, hoping more of us will see the light, they are feeding our children propaganda to the point our children will never know freedom. Our own children will become the outside entities bent on our country's destruction. That's the overall plan, destruction from within and self perpetuating destruction to boot.

Notanoption 5 points ago +6 / -1

Citizen of Texas here. WARNING: Ted Cruz is a true DS swamp creature. He jumped on the DJT bandwagon purely as a vehicle to achieve his ultimate goal of the Presidency. He used DJT's impeachment trial as a fundraising prop. As long as someone of DJT's integrity is directing him he is good, otherwise he is comparable to the pres. candidate in The Dead Zone.

Notanoption 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, now its August. It was supposed to be happening in March. This is getting real old. Any bets that in July-August it will be by the end of the year?

Notanoption 2 points ago +2 / -0

For me the links all go to a page that says "unauthorized". How do you actually get on searchvoat to use it?

Notanoption 2 points ago +2 / -0

I agree to the sentiment, but it only works if the other side wants the same thing...or the other side is negated by an extremely higher power...and they don't want the same thing. The classic Gandhi meets Hitler debate.

Notanoption 0 points ago +1 / -1

Yeah, they enforce it. I go in once a week and wear a mask. No big deal.

Is this where you draw the line? Wearing a mask? Really? Do you make such a big deal about all the other things you are forced to do? How about being forced to buy health insurance, get your car inspected, buy car insurance, pay income taxes, pay property taxes or personal property taxes? How about sales tax, gasoline tax, or social security and medicare out of your paycheck? For that matter you could get upset about being forced to wear clothes. Why stop at a mask? Let's all go nekked, f*ck any rules that restrict our total freedom to do what we want when we want. Oh, wait a minute, that's the Left!

Notanoption 3 points ago +3 / -0

So you're saying we have to get career politicians in 34 states to sign on to destroying their way of life, to deny their free ride cash cow, to force them out of the ruling class? HEH! not in a million years. It will have to be taken from them, one way or another.

This happens every couple of decades when one ruling party or the other screws up and gets a little too arrogant and their corruption gets exposed. They offer a few of themselves up as sacrifices, make a lot of noise about cleaning up, safe elections, term limits, control corruption...and wait a few years for the public to forget and then its back to business as normal.

Congress is terminally corrupt, the judicial system is corrupt, except for DJT the office of the president has been corrupt for 40 years. We need citizen tribunals, backed by the military, and empowered to investigate any complaint against any government official, and mete out and execute punishment for those found guilty.

Notanoption 1 point ago +1 / -0

I can see how they might not all be bad but that depends on how you define "bad". I see two main categories of "bad" here: 1) the collegiate education system that fosters the elitist, arrogant, cliquish behavior that allows lawyers (includes politicians and judges as they are largely if not totally all lawyers) to see themselves as better equipped to make decisions for all of us. This mindset allows them to feel okay about cheating and cutting corners as it is in the unwashed masses (deplorables) "best" interest; and 2) bad as in the greedy, lying sacks of money grubbing sh*ts that they all are!

A best friend in high school went on to become a lawyer, and local D.A. Completely changed him...except for the pot he smoked as he was putting people away for smoking pot. Lying, cheating, arrogant SOB. It was really sad to see the way that culture washed him down and remade him.

Notanoption 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hallelujah! What is it that the Southern and Western state legislatures have that causes them to operate from common sense instead of fantasy that the other states don't have? What kind of self delusion would make a person run out onto an interstate highway and try to block it?

Notanoption 2 points ago +2 / -0

HAH! Like that is going to change anything. Lousy politicians giving lip service to reform! No real reform until you have armed, bipartisan, paper ballot, ballot-box-to-election-certifiers security. What good is it going to do to have voter ID laws if the electronic device we use to vote with is not secure? Politicians of all parties have been using our naive voting process to get elected for over 200 years. The ruling class won't just give that away.

Notanoption 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sidney...that's very old news. Too bad it took the effort of taking a case all the way to the supreme court for you to have your moment of clarity. You must be really slow. Any of us non-lawyer types could have told you this decades ago. The problem with lawyers is that they can't see the forest for the trees. Extract head from judges' arse and look around. The judiciary in this country is the MOST corrupt aspect of government because most are appointed on top of being elitist arrogant sacks of entitled sh*t. It doesn't matter what the law is, a judge can do whatever they want because their oversight is what? Other judges.

Notanoption 14 points ago +14 / -0

In Texas....this is all just a little too coincidental. Barely a cold front all winter and then the week of the trial BAM, 100 year winter storm that keeps on giving. Seems like a huge diversion. What were they planning...convict and then the firing squad? Nobody could move from the states that supported him the most.