"Shock and awe" circa 2003 woke me up
Taxes are like masks, for slaves.
All gas, no brake. They're going to go off the cliff Thelma & Louise style.
If you allowed yourself to be bullied that's your fault. The entire operation was about getting people to hand their personal power away. No one can take it, it must be given.
The meme economy is booming 💥
John, John, is that you? https://www.bitchute.com/video/QRWFuQwMl33t
Bring on John, John!
If you're a Communist and you know it play your hand....
Restore the Republic End income tax Smaller government Make America Healthy Again End the FED
The future is bright 🌞
A) he's in on it B) JR IS DEAD
I saw that. His interview seems to put the hopium to bed. It's also hard to deny all of the evidence...
That and way more in this video https://www.bitchute.com/video/QRWFuQwMl33t
Clearly Trump will choose a young, sharp candidate, but perhaps Roseanne can be named Assistant to the Press Secretary.
Let's pay off their trolling debts🤣🤣🤣 Poor little guys can't run a trolling campaign without losing $$
This is the epicenter of all that ails us. Destroy the FED and begin a brighter (think Gold) future.
John Durham - Dances with Indictments John Dunbar - Dances with Wolves
Know the difference
That's fkng team work!
Thank you fren!
What a long strange trip it's been. I found Q on 11/1/17 it changed my life.
Above the law but beneath an air strike.
40K more votes? No effing way. 4 million more, minimum. The gap that was filled over the last four years was immense. This only furthers the point they cheated in 2020. Show them, don't tell them. It had to be this way.
Stephen Colbert used a speech I did at the San Diego Board of Supervisors back in 2021 when were railing against dipshit Nathan Fletcher and his band of psychophants. His propaganda hit pieces were disgusting. The funny thing was, everything I said came true in the end. Fuck that guy. The media has a noose around it's neck and is on its tippy toes at this point.
I was in Mexico four years ago, HCQ "cloroquina" was everywhere. Now, it's not in stock anywhere. They do have ivermectin, however.