Anything is possible, but I believe it’s going to first link above
Extra L, leads here :
Is Declass coming public shortly??
Link to Trump Original post here :
And pull your smart meter perhaps if it starts happening around you
Is that akin to the end of foreign occupation? Am I interpreting that correctly? Trump was president in exile ? Or just always potus ?
I read that as the end of occupation by a foreign entity ! Namely > Chyna. Is that a correct interpretation?
First hand from a friend with this message. Multiple other reports I’ve just seen that it’s down . Maybe it’s in and out ? Not sure
Great question!
I think we are waiting on Arizona or Pa. Not sure which exactly
All in due course. Not on our time table. But I’d have to guess it’s all coming in hot
Top Kek ! Between the pictures and the sound bites, Trump stole the spotlight in way only he can do ! Amazing
Did you happen to watch majic eyes vids ? First part is broken into 2 lengthy vids that are very enlightening
Did you happen to watch the majic eyes videos? it was very long, but he specifically pointed at 11 3 to 11.15. And he has mad proof from the posts pointing at these dates and tying it into the law of war manual.
The description of the wounds sounds like picture of yearick that was posted around that time
In a nutshell - spread the truth across whatever platform you are on. IG. X TRUTH telegram facefuck Any and all. Pick up whatever. FEMA stone walling. NC stories. To many subjects for me to list
Fairly good assessment Anon. I concur and only got to about 1.5 hours in of first vid of which there are 2. Majic eyes says those first 2 which comprise episode 1 are and overview, with 2,3, and 4 going deeper into the subject matter. I’m in awe of the numerology and the ties ins to LOW and the posts
I didn’t read it as 10 days starts today at all . My take away was something along the lines of the 5 th of November, with end of occupation a few days prior. But I’d take an educated guess that shit will begin to ramp hard just prior if he is correct, possibly even by mid October. I mean we already have mad happenings right now
I agree. I’m 1.5 hours into first part of episode 1, and I am blown away by majic. I have many of his previous vids. To me, he’s a high IQ individual and he knows the subject matter forwards and backwards like a master professor He had to have spent weeks or months making that vid and then went back and narrated it. He moves very fast. While it may be a stretch for some, he has an extremely high amount information with far far to many ties directly into the law of war (LOW)manual while also tying to Q posts. IMO, it’s not possible to have that many coincidences. He is also extremely intelligent , LOW has been at the center of things for a while, John Herrold (sp?) did an entire series of over 20 parts to it if I recall correctly. I got through about 3/4 of that. The Gist of what majiceyes says is that we have a belligerent occupation of the USA BY China via FJB. This should not be new info to many of us if you have been following along. Majiceyes goes on to say the 119th Congress lost the ability to conduct elections, and that the coming election will not occur. He has lots of proof IMO, and plenty for the next part which is the picture in this post by op . I would also say that there has been a lot of info over the last few years that TRUMP is in fact CIC right now. To my way of thinking, if he his, which I’ve seen a lot of antidotal info on, it has to end at some point. I have felt for this entire year that everything came down to this election cycle, and that’s exactly what majic eyes points at. If you don’t have a strong background of the last 8 years, and all the posts, you won’t understand what he puts out. While I know date fagging has been a losing position thus far, something has to give soon as the world is on fire.
His wife too with crazy eyes. 👀. Runs in the family!
I see it to 18000 as well
Notams checked seem to indicate to 18000 ft
Ah. Ty