Oh, I remember this from... every other time a bill to pass a budget was in contention.
Let us hope it's different this time. Clearly the will of The People is much stronger and more palpable than ever before.
In this example, you're conflating a solar system to = The Universe. They are very different things; but, the hard proof for multiple universes is still missing. It exists only in math.
To assume that something computes quickly and therefore it is tapping into other universes is kind of silly. That would have to be designed. Which would have to be known. You can't just accidentally make a calculator powered by the multi-verse.
It's his own show on OAN
Not a surprise, back before my "OSM" account was banned on Twitter in 21' - Dave from X22 would feature my Tweets/threads in multiple shows. I honestly thought it was getting to the point where I could ask to hop on one of his shows to discuss Pizzagate // RussiaGate back then, but then the ban hammer dropped and decimated us temporarily.
Oh well. Dave is awesome. I like the cut of his jib. Was very cool having my content on his platform back in 19' & 20'.
This report is a MASSIVE red herring. Sure, they admit the inefficiencies, the suppression/censorship, some* of the pseudoscience... but, this STANKS to high heaven of RINO scum.
They focus on the "COVID Death Cover-ups" in NY. Suggesting that the problem was covering up COVID cases/deaths.
They discuss the vaccines as if they saved the World.
There is almost NO mention of the faulty testing, deadly medical protocols, hijacking of the flu, and dangers of the untested/deadly/unsafe vaccines.
The REAL crime is that COVID was a major smokescreen for the 2020 Election Fraud and to slow down the Awakening/impact Trump negatively. Leading to the 1/6 narrative as well indirectly.
This is a "FOX NEWS" + RINO treatment of the COVID scamdemic. It comes close to telling the truth, and as soon as they had the opportunity to expose the true evil behind COVID, they pull the punch and feed us some horseshit narratives around Wuhan, the Vaccines, and COVID "victims" being hidden.
All bullshit because they are too scared to admit COVID was a fucking scam from beginning to end and the Vaccines are far more deadly than beneficial (they carried no benefit at all, only risk).
I give this report a 2/10.
Damn son, I'm going for the mason jar in the wall to light up something REAL special. Curated private collection of small amounts of about 15 different strains. People claim fresh is the best... but, personally, super dry/aged is the way to go so long as it is stored right.
But, yeah, a cigar works too!
Bro... do you have any idea how many people I've been saying the name "Kash Patel" to over the last 5-6 years?! LOL. I'm predicting a minimum of 5-6 texts. 2-3 emails, 1-2 phone calls and 1-2 in-person encounters in the next 48 hours that begin with "WTF dude... how did you know...?"
It's an amazing feeling. And more than ever I'm staying quiet. I'm letting them watch, learn and wake up on their own now. It's absolutely incredible watching this begin to unfold now.
Cheers bro! When DJT or GME pops, we've definitely got to chill. I'll drive down.
Sellable? Oh yeah, all they will want is for us to sell - that's why we've got to hold. Selling is what will allow them to control the price.
Tiny lots for sale, even when we're north of $5k/share - $50,000/share+ . And never touching the DRS. That's my plan.
Guessing around 500'ish shares is a decent starting point. My rule is that I want enough volume that I can hold 95% of my shares in DRS, and have 5% max on the amount I sell on the way up, by very small increments, to accumulate major liquidity prior to just watching it rise in value on ComputerShare.
Source: 5,XXX club w/ options on top for 1/17/25
Agreed. Same here. I actually found quite the loophole... back when Crypto rallied last time, and spot prices were very low, I was able to turn my peaking crypto into precious metals without getting hit with fees/taxes. Also removed all of my initial investments in crypto as fiat (which did incur taxes) to eliminate all debt.
Now I'm still riding high on house money in crypto, with a very nice safety net of PM's, hard assets and no debt.
20/20 hindsight, I would have just bought the PM's and my crypto would be worth an absolutely ridiculous amount; but I'll take physical wealth in my hand any day over paper or binary.
I'm in deep AF on GME. MOASS is always tomorrow.
As we're currently seeing right now, he may be referring to all of the above + precious metals.
This is extremely well stated and describes the past/present/likely future events perfectly.
Are we still pretending like this wasn't obviously part of the Plan? Lol. C'mon y'all.
Remember, these people are delusional clowns that define peak of gullibility.
To them, anyone that doesn't just immediately consume and believe the MSM narratives = a Q-Tard.
Even just asking a question like "Why does it take so long to count ballots all of a sudden? Especially now that we have all of these machines and technology specifically intended to speed up elections/counting?"
Just a neutral question like this ^^^ Will have those Redditors attacking you, reporting you, downvoting, banning, etc... they can't even handle the most basic of bipartisan questions now without immediate name-calling and accusations of being Q-Tard or Q-Adjacent.
How do I know this? I tried breaking into their little circle jerk about 2 years ago. Offering, as an OG Anon and Pizzagate researcher, to do an AMA within their sub-Reddit. The responses were as horrific as they were embarrassing. I loved it. Then I was perma-banned.
Yep! C'mon... I've been banned from /r/QAnonCasualties... I know y'all screenshot us all the time and poke fun. But the tides have turned.
Did you even bother to take 2 steps back and realize why your Reddit sub is completely full of posts saying "I can't take it anymore! I'm surrounded by Q-Tards!" or "My entire family is following Q, what should I do for the Holidays?!" or "I ended a relationship with my group of friends because they are all MAGA and Q supporters now"
Think about it for a moment... if everyone around YOU is pro-MAGA and/or pro-Q... maybe we've been onto something for the last 8 years of a darn near 100% accuracy level (when it comes to major trajectories - this does not include the clickbait clowns making absurd predictions and time estimates)
C'mon now! You perma-banned me because you refused to debate on Reddit. But you are welcome to join and debate us here!
I must have read the first few waves of the posts over and over again... not very sure of WTF I was even reading. But, dots began to connect, high level. And that was all kind of happening right around the same time as the HRC/Podesta/DNC/Dyncorp leaks (remember the Voat.co days?) and the wave of Pizzagate.
This wave of researchers, digging for shit in real-time, posting it across only a few viable platforms... rolling my sleeves up and digging new rabbit holes to add on to the intel/info. Deepening everything and verifying it all as it was discovered, staying up all hours of the night in small chat groups - literally micro-crowd sourcing the digs and compiling our findings into the larger ethos.
A picture began to emerge rapidly. So rapidly that we were witnessing them scrub it all from the internet in real time. Complete with people being doxxed/harassed/called/threatened over the findings. We were obviously over the target.
And in an unbelievable turn of events... Q begins posting many of these findings, and even connecting dots that were previously not realized/found. This was when I knew Q was legit. And ever since then the posts just got even more dialed in and touched on many other subjects we had collectively researched. It was the validation that Q brought, across many of the same conspiracies that were historically the most covered up and suppressed.
That was what I remember best. That crossover and validation... then came the proofs, the deltas, more than you can count. Some could have been coincidence, sure. But many of them were undeniably specific and it became simply impossible for these to all be coincidences.
Oprah just hit up her hitman on speed dial...
The best part, those fucking mouth-breathing psychologically unstable Libtards on Reddit legitimately believe that "Treason" just means anytime anyone says or does anything opposing the MSM narratives.
If they actually understood the word, none of them would be libtards.
I've been suggesting this for years in the GME circles. Obviously not exactly the friendliest platform when it comes to a Trump related theory; but they are warming up to it!
I've been following Brunson case since the beginning. Even had them send me the formal case submitted to the SCOTUS... safe and secure. If this gets some serious legs under it, would be happy to preserve that and hand it down the generational line.
Go Trumpet bro's, GO!
Audit AZ, CO, PA and GA (2020 & 2024).
Justification for new elections process = complete
And we're supposed to believe that Kari Lake lost!? Or that it's even close? No effing way... everyone likes her.
This is phenomenal.
Q sent me
While lifting weights.