All those politicians and MSM that condemned the closing of entry from China at the start of this plandemic need to be convicted as co-conspirators of High Treason to overthrow America and then sentenced accordingly with a life/death penalty. No deals!
Mark Robinson is awesome!
I call bullsht to "it doesn't like what it sees." That my naïve, fantasy-world dwelling fren requires human intervention, or at a minimum, programming by humans for discerning good vs. bad. There is human input directing all outcomes.
Noting that all humans are flawed (i.e. "biased" as to what is good and bad), this program is scary if controlled by individuals or groups with selfish or evil intentions. Think of it like a firearm.
"And heels-up Harris who..." [laughter & applause erupts]
An apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Love it. Great free advertisement for the Truth - something that is so foreign on Communist News Network.
They are not honest because they are criminals. They are complicit in the crime because it is profitable for them. They are intentionally lying criminals and need to be prosecuted asap.
Judy has her own website: And, yes she is brilliant!
"I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter." Comfortable? Probably as comfortable as soldiers doing what is necessary in battle in a war. We are at war.
And it will be. It will be.
Those are not republicans. They deceivers and cheaters.
Jesus said, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there," and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20
No deals! High treason and crimes against humanity deserve fair trials followed by administration of the death penalty. No deals!
Hoping the GA does not end until every DS sympathizer is identified, removed, brought to appropriate justice, and replaced with a patriot. That absolutely includes the entire school system from kindergarten through the colleges/universities where our future generation is being molded. Get the filth out!
In the back of my mind, I keep hoping the few remaining "good" agents inside the FBI would be able to clean the corruption out of their own house. Or, that some of this insanity is part of the GA show. However, the innumerable cases of corruption that come to light makes one wonder if the organization is salvageable.
Excellent video describing the true, real, and current threats to the U.S. from the CCP (e.g., the four wars - kinetic, cyber, propaganda/information, and economic). And how U.S. individuals & companies like Apple are aiding the enemy by engaging in joint business relations entirely for selfish, personal profits.
Thx for sharing. General Flynn is a true American hero. Agree believing that everything said is factual and public proof/disclosure is in the plan. Can't wait!
Happy Birthday Rudy! And thank you for your service!
Article was written by a think-tank of lefty loyalists. Their 2020 President, Anne-Marie Slaughter previously worked for HRC (and HRC RECEIVED HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS FROM CHYNER through the CF). This is the same as asking Xi what Chyner is doing and then believing it. Clown World.
Will not be satisfied until public disclosure of arrest, conviction, and sentencing of life/death is carried out for crimes against humanity. Pure evil.
Can't fix stupid.
Notice also that while they are running those disclaimers of physical disasters, the video is of implied-diseased, elderly people laughing, smiling, enjoying exercise, nature, family, etc. to deceptively confuse you. Your mind cannot reconcile the dichotomy of the happiest images of life with the spoken "potential" vile physical ramifications, so it discounts the bad stuff and only remembers the happy thoughts.
p.s. "to give birth to a fully-grown Tim Conway." Yikes!