Ozzie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Nah, let the crooks keep control of their comms platform, see what they post

Ozzie 27 points ago +28 / -1

Translation: "Shit is hitting the fan. Code Red. Circle the wagons".

It's not even Hillary, she's been dead forever.

The government does what it wants when it wants, thus there is no way there would be a legitimate plea to "urge your legislators".

That must mean it's code. Presumably it means "Hey you dumb fucks on the ground, take this shit seriously. Pay attention. We're in crisis mode."

Ozzie 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, the thing is, Joe Biden was never elected. He's not a legitimate President.

He was installed by communist coup.

Ozzie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Trump definitely does have doubles circulating. Remember the "Trump has the virus" saga and his limo double was out and about?

Ozzie -1 points ago +2 / -3

I don't think so. He's too proud of himself to backtrack on it too much. Even though he says "I don't think so highly of China anymore" he STILL mentions that trade deal with them.

Dude won't stop bragging about his successes real or perceived.

I've been passionately watching the RSBN streams for years, but it feels like we're stuck in this holding pattern.

Ozzie 17 points ago +23 / -6

Honestly, I gotta agree.

All this vaccine shilling is insane.

Dude doesn't get up and spit facts anymore. All his rallies are the same tired lines. He might slip in a controversial line for attention but it's almost like he has to play this part now. But no matter what appearance I see him in recently, all he can talk about is the fucking vaccines and how amazing they are.

I flip between doom and hopium and this is one of my doomer moments, but fuck, maybe we SHOULDN'T trust the guy who had the fucking Clintons at his wedding?

He's talking utter bullshit fantasy here. Saying that nobody wants the vaccine because of Biden. Saying that nobody was protesting the vaccine when he was President. That is entirely the opposite of the truth, we all know there was plenty of backlash against the vaccine from all sides.

It just seems like the worst of Trump. Political opportunism bullshit to smear a foe, except he's doing it with a lie and not the truth.

Biden is a murderous warmongering pedophile, but if you're gonna hit him, hit him with the TRUTH. Don't hit him with a lie while talking yourself up and bragging about yourself.

Trump's braggart nature only works when he actually tells the truth.

It feels like Trump has been neutered, or he's just another controlled opposition fuck.

Ozzie 2 points ago +2 / -0

Boo hoo, a drummer for a conformist band that helped usher in Satanism and Communism died after a long fruitful life full of drugs and groupies.


Ozzie 3 points ago +3 / -0

They aren't funded by our ratings. They're funded by political groups that have a vested interest in controlling you and have no issues sinking ungodly amounts of money into doing so.

In a logical world, they would think "We're sinking money in, nobody's watching, our message isn't getting out" but we're in clown world, where they think "we need to sink more money in, and also sink money into killing our opposition"

Traditional business models aren't a factor, because these people are communists.

by gamepwn
Ozzie 1 point ago +1 / -0

US Government website pushing edited clips isn't "raw footage". It's "what we want you to see".

Ozzie 3 points ago +4 / -1

Can people stop this whole fantasy that mainstream media networks are "turning"?

They exist to push disinformation. None of their disinformation has to be consistent with other parts of their disinformation.

They can say two opposite things and tell you that both are true and both are false.

Consistency doesn't matter.

All that matters is creating a sense of chaos so they can position themselves as the communist saviors and bring "order".

by gamepwn
Ozzie 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Some raw footage" - first few seconds, title card, staged and edited jump cuts.

Ozzie 5 points ago +5 / -0

Reminder that Osama was trained by the CIA too.

Everyone knows that Biden is an empty-headed MKUltra meat puppet.

Ozzie 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Sources close to the President say..."

The thing is, they don't know WHAT Trump is up to. That's by design.

Deception is the key to warfare. If you can decieve your so called "insiders and allies", it's inevitable that you've decieved the people who outright state they're your enemy.

Ozzie 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's like saying "I feel bad for Hillary Clinton. If she didn't cheat, we wouldn't know she was cheating!"

Wake up, man. He's a Globalist stooge.

Ozzie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have people looked into the Organic Robotoid angle? Clone-like duplicates with a short shelf-life, and prone to going nuts at the end of the shelf life.

Supposedly Jimmy Carter was replaced by a series of Robotoids.

The Jim Carrey idea doesn't really hold water with me, but that's because I believe that Jim Carrey has been dead a while too.

Ozzie 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, he almost elaborated but cut himself short.

My guess is Organic Robotoid.

Ozzie 8 points ago +8 / -0

I have a hard time understanding your English.

But lol, you've gone through this entire fake news shitstorm and you still believe any manufactured narrative that makes their actors look good?

Ozzie 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't know what to make of Greer, but reminder that the Wikileaks dumps had John Podesta emails about zero point energy and disclosure. I believe it was to Terri Mansfield. If I remember correctly she had some connection to Carol Rosin who in turn had a connection to Werner Von Braun.

I'll get back to this thread once I dig a bit more, haven't looked into this since 2016.

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