Pambam 1 point ago +1 / -0

That sounds like a great strategy for future elections. I swear in the 90's democrats ran as Republicans. That would explain McConnell, Boehner, McCain, Romney, Collins, bushes, Ryan, canter, and the rest of the rinos. Time to flip the script. Kari lake could have pulled that off!

Pambam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only if they have strawberries on top

Pambam 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump appointed 226 judges in 4 years, which is a large # compared to past presidents serving 8 years. Just not seeing expected results from that

Pambam 10 points ago +10 / -0

IF they can get away with that, we deserve it. Where are the Trump Judges? Where are the lawyers? Where are the pole watchers? We don't need media reports, we need court action. Or this isn't as it seems 🤔

Pambam 2 points ago +3 / -1

What ever happened to all the Trump Judges? They seem pretty impotent at this point 🤔 we're still being railroaded by leftwing judges on all levels

Pambam 7 points ago +7 / -0

If the shoe were on the other foot the dems would already have a favorable judge lined up, 30k avidavits pre-written and they would be paying random people to sign them. Thats how they roll, thats how they win

Pambam 3 points ago +3 / -0

My Active duty military son and his friends opted for the J&J because they were being forced to comply. They figured it was the least deadly because it was frowned upon and then later deemed non-compliant. So far no side affects 🙏 for any of them and to my knowledge there never was a booster developed from J&J. The military told them anyone who got the J&J need the booster from one of the other manufactures. My son said🖕 im getting out after 15yrs. Let's go Brandon!

Pambam -2 points ago +1 / -3

Sorry, truth sucks...the new laws need to be changed. Better start electing state legislators that will do that, across the board. They have a 10 year head start or our side needs to start ballot harvesting, thats legal too

Pambam -20 points ago +2 / -22

The way the D's are winning the elections is legal. Unethical but legal. For 8 years under obama, he and holder were getting state legislators and secretary of states elected behind the scenes... nobody was paying attention when they were changing election laws in states where the "steals" have happened. Its our own damn fault that we have assumed our government is on autopilot. McCarthy and the red scare tried to wake people up, Ron Paul tried to wake people up, The TEAPARTY tried to wake people up, now MAGA and Q are trying to wake people up. Maybe it works this time🤔

Pambam 1 point ago +1 / -0

There's no authority higher than the DS in this country except the CIC (and God) so nothing can be "fixed" without having the Presidency, or more importantly, God. Even Trump and his lawyers didn't have "standing" in 2020 The "courts" said. How is that possible? This battle will take 100 years to reverse what they started 100 yrs ago, sorry I'm a doomer boomer, been watching events unfold that I was warned about back in the 80's. The story has already been written

Pambam 3 points ago +3 / -0

👍 The Trump rally was Oct 2020, Bullhead Airport. It was awesome!🤣

Pambam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Has FOX ever reversed a "call"? I don't think so, the fix is in. Seems the cheat is focused on the Senate seats. NV called the Gov race for the Republican, but not the Senate. Laxalt will probably lose, Kari will probably win with a heavy democrat state government bogging her down

Pambam 2 points ago +2 / -0

They just called it for Mark Kelly on FOX

Pambam 6 points ago +6 / -0

Same here! Fort Mohave is MAGA Country. Did you go to the Trump rally in Bullhead? 😃

Pambam 6 points ago +6 / -0

Obama part of climate scam CCX, Chicago climate club with maurice strong, Valerie Jarrett, al gore, et al. This web is huge

Pambam 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't know how the first Q drops were shared with me or how they intersected with my life. But I do remember somewhat following the catch the flag drama with shia labeouf on youtube. Somehow that plugged me in, I didn't even know what 4chan meant. Asked a younger friend/coworker WHAT IS THIS PINK SCREEN THING?😆 check out what it says! Hilliary going to be arrested😲 the rest is history, we both were hooked

Pambam 2 points ago +4 / -2

It's just a body, a butt and a flag. You can't even see who she is, I'm ok with it🤩

Pambam 4 points ago +4 / -0

Also didn't see toxic femininity, meeee toooo's, LGBTQIAXYZ'S or the future is queer nit wits armed with chain saws or bulldozers cleaning up the mess, thank God for MEN

Pambam 1 point ago +1 / -0

Right, I installed the android APK from the site but have problems creating an account to register, error messages, all usernames used, no matter how unique

Pambam 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'll try that, didn't think of it

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