PartOfGod 3 points ago +3 / -0

lmao I didn't realize how retarded the lot you are.

Kanye is his own character, saying his own things, if you think this is a psyop or Alex Jones is Mossad. You are actually dumb, Alex has been talking about globalist virus/vaccine poison for 2 decades. Kanye is out of the plantation and pointing the finger. Fuck optics, this is what it is.

PartOfGod 0 points ago +4 / -4

You guys are braindead if you think Kanye is a control op or trying to hurt Trump on purpose. Kanye is his own character and he gets to say whatever he wants.

PartOfGod 3 points ago +7 / -4

yikes, you go against your own words.

Fear not, but unless you accept jesus you go to hell forever.

super lame, you think Jesus wanted to be worshipped or called a Lord. The Catholic Church is the Anti Christ, so is the pop. And by the way, we are currently as close to Hell as it gets. People create their own personal hell here when they are driven by fear.

PartOfGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

The deep state is very spiritual, you think they are just play games? There is an opposite to their ways.

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine thinking Alex is Mossad. You guys are absolutely retarded to think that.

PartOfGod 6 points ago +6 / -0

Can't bunch people together. Their individuals who are born to jewish parents, then there are the hardcore believers.

You understand the religion, they are God's chosen people in their view and anyone not Jewish is Cattle/slave. IT's the most ego centric religion on the planet.

Most jews are Goyims / cattle themselves

by Ehjax78
PartOfGod 2 points ago +3 / -1

can we get the raw video without the other bullshit?

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

was it part of the plan to get 150,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed?

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hey, thanks for spending the time writing that out.

I see your perspective and the truths, I also see beliefs that imprison you.

When I say dependant, I want to extend that to the Bible because no one has a monopoly on God or Jesus.

What if I told you there is newer communications / scripture from Jesus, who gives context and explains things further?


If you have strong beliefs, you will ignore it or say it was written by Demons because you will only listen to what the Bible has to say. You are now dependent on only one scripture and you imprison yourself.

The only thing powerful enough to imprison the sons of God are beliefs. Beliefs like 'sins' or feeling guilty, beliefs that Prime Creator judges you.

Here is my short and sweet summary of my current belief:

The idea of Angels (Lucifer) rebelling against Prime Creator comes from when we decided to enter a fever dream. The theme of the dream is: God Is Dead.

We created this physical reality and non physical reality to experience what it is like to be separate from God, it was a horrible dream but Source sent his angles and turned the fever dream into a curriculum.

The fear of God comes from this, where we think we betrayed God by coming here... by leaving God, but it's impossible to betray God.

It's impossible to sin against god, it's impossible to overthrow god. Lets say the root of all evil is the Ego, when I say belief traps / beliefs, i mean your Ego is trapping you. People refuse to step outside their ego and see other perspectives (not everyone)

At a lower level, here on Earth we are imprisoned through beliefs implanted into our culture by negatively oriented children of god who are more deeply asleep than we are. (God didn't present Mosses with the Ten commandments, those were negatively oriented ETs) They are deep in the dream that they need other sources of energy to keep going. So when you 'die' / lose your physical body, you go into non physical reality which is STILL part of the dream / illusion. You can be greeted by Jesus and he talks to you and could say something like "Oh you sinned here and here in your life, you should go back and right this wrong"

So that wasn't actually Jesus, it was a demon taking the shape of Jesus and tricking you back here. We have free will, no one can make you do anything, you can only imprison yourself in beliefs or tricked into agreeing to do something.

It doesn't have to be Jesus, it can be whatever you believe will trick you into coming back here.

The white light that is reported in near death experiences is a trap, it gives you amnesia so you are more easily tricked.


This is a really good post.

When we feel fear, anger, guilt we are feeding negatively oriented entities. That is where Satanic scarifies comes from, cause a lot of fear and pain to feed the losers (demons). I call negatively oriented entities losers in my head, they need the most love and are the most lost.

The cabal causes trouble for us on the planet so that they can generate more energy for their loser gods (little g gods)

OF COURSE, I try not to trap myself in beliefs, my beliefs were recently changed to this and they will change again.

PartOfGod -3 points ago +2 / -5

I understand there are cabal world leaders in one place.

But date fagging is getting so tiresome

PartOfGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine thinking you need anything outside yourself to be something.

Jesus's words got lost in translation, he meant to say "I a son of God"

What makes you think I need Jesus? I Prime Creators essence.

Jesus never would of wanted you to be dependant on him.

PartOfGod 4 points ago +5 / -1

We create our reality, they made the choice to go along with it. It is their fault, but it doesn't mean we should be mean about it. Showing kindness is still the best strategy.

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are other explanations, but the bottom line is that covid has never been isolated... and the reality is that no virus has ever been isolated and put into someone who got sick. That has never happened.

Polio is caused be toxins like DDT pesticides https://nas-national-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/styles/article_hero_inline/s3/be042698.jpg?itok=S1iJ_Iin

That was blasted on people when polio showed up. Animals were as well and got sick. The physical damage of polio is the same for animals and people.

Something is causing the illness but there is no such thing as a virus, it's another Rockefellar / cabal trick.

PartOfGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

There is no covid virus. People are getting sick from toxins. In this case, new generation of EMFs from 5G. The spanish flu was caused by Radio waves.

You are being actively mislead if you think there is any virus.

What scientist see under the microscope are the bodies Exosomes that are always found at the scene of the crime because they are cleaning up, but are blamed for the illness.

Most institutions are broken.


PartOfGod -1 points ago +2 / -3

It's the spiritual awakening. The earth is changing with the occupants. People will be less fearful, more open to different ideas.

I suspect formal religion will be gone by the end of the century including Christianity.

People will grow beyond any religion and find God and all the answers they need within. Jesus never wanted to be worshipped, let alone an entire religion based on him.

PartOfGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

Play it cool, be above everything. Try to let go, the path they picked is theirs. They picked a very hard path, and you need to understand.

PartOfGod 2 points ago +2 / -0

"He also, in 1991, was waging a war that was an obvious land grab, just like Russia today."

If you think the current conflict is "Putin bad" and is just a land grab. You have no idea what's going on.

Guess what language the people speak when the Russians show up... Russian.

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

from a lot of source, overlapping information. I only accept info that feels right.

A scientist actually got me into spiritually. https://www.my-big-toe.com/ Tom is a product of this https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/347918.Journeys_Out_of_the_Body?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=tbKYoF62nK&rank=2

this women wrote 20 books from here 20-30 years of hypnotherapy https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/343012.Custodians


Here are good starters, take it or leave it.

PartOfGod 0 points ago +1 / -1

No such things as sins.

There is nothing to redeem. This is all an illusion. There is however Karma.

There is only one rule in this reality and it's the golden rule.

Bible has good stuff in it, but Sins are a BIG poison pill.

The only true way to understand your actions is if comes around and you get to experience the receiving end. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

You do 'nice' things, it comes around.

No such thing as death or hell. You can say we are as close to hell as it gets in this physical reality. You can create your own hell in this reality.

You can lose your karma until you truly understand how your actions affect others.

We reincarnate on the Earth until we evolve more through our experiences.

PartOfGod 1 point ago +1 / -0

you really think Jesus would want you to bend over and grovel on the ground in front of him, worshipping him? Calling him your king (made up term in this plain) or sovereign?

No, Jesus is more of a friend that walks beside you and doesn't want you worshipping him. We are all children of god, we are all equal and part of god.

The idea that someone like the Pope is closer to god than you is a satanic poison pill.

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