As a programmer, I roll my eyes when I hear Q using a quantum computer for machine learning probability calculation.
I'm not a Q supporter either, I just appreciate the research the Q community did and does into these Deep State pedos and human traffickers(let's just call it what it is, they're slavers), and how Q/the Q community exposed them. For that, I am grateful.
You seriously don't have to go to those lengths. You can make a line to any location by just moving in a circle around the flag pole.....
One thing I've learned is that the media is full of lies. Almost every country we've gone to war with, is a country that wanted to leave the Rothschild banking system and the Rothschild FIAT currency system, and create their own currency backed by gold.
So, since the media hates Russia soooo much, I'm starting to think that perhaps we're being lied to.
Does this automatically mean Putin is good? No, but it does mean that we don't know the truth of Russia and Putin, due to the Mainstream Mockingbird Media.
In my personal opinion, Putin seems(keyword, seems) like the kind of person who doesn't like Communism, and would prefer liberty for his people, but he has to fight against Russia's Deep State, much like how Trump has to fight against our Deep State. I don't really know for sure, I could be wrong.
One thing is for sure, the root problem in the world is the Deep State, which is global and full of globalist elites, and the Communism the Deep State advocates for.
There will keep being 1 more woman, until people memory-hole that Cuomo committed mass murder of elderly people by sending elderly with Covid back to their nursing homes to spread it.
Don't let them win!
Yup, sounds about right.
I am not religious, but I do support religious freedoms. However, I agree that this isn't religious suppression, it's just trying to stay on topic.
That being said, I also don't really consider myself a Q supporter or an anti-Q-Supporter. Personally, I think that all the research you guys do here is really important. For instance, I never would've known about how most/all of these political elites, bankers, and oligarchs are pedophiles, rapists, and human traffickers.
You Q researchers have had an enormous impact on the world, that I don't think any of us can fully realize how enormous it is just yet. So, keep up the researching!
Firstly, I'll admit I'm not a Q supporter, more of a Q-curious or "1 foot in" type.
That being said, I think since March 4th has passed, I think you guys should stop with the date-fagging, cuz at this point, you're just doing the Deep State's job for them, helping them have a new "day to be feared" every few weeks/months, to justify keeping DC the way it is, and giving the Mockingbird Media a boogie man to justify eroding our rights.
I think this causes a lot of harm, and the only "good" it causes, is feeding speculation, without anything solid. Not a really good risk-reward ratio here.
Once you know, you see it everywhere, and realize that it's always been there....
These people love "playing with fire" every time they do things like this. They're kinda like adrenaline junkies in that way, and they always got away with it, until now......
I think you misunderstood me completely.
What I was saying is the FBI is irredeemable, but some of the people in the FBI that are still trying to reform it haven't realized it yet....
Did you not read everything?....
Some people stay in place like the FBI, cuz they still believe they can work hard to reform it.
They've probably been trying to reform it for years, and are so deep in the woods, they can't see the forest anymore, and don't see how the FBI is lost and irredeemable now. Not to mention how over half of the country no longer has any confidence in the FBI to act justly, non-partisan, or lift a finger to uphold the inalienable rights of the Constitution of the United States.
I have to say it...
West Side!
Holy fucking shit!
This should be a headline every week for the next 4 years!
I appreciate what you said! Thank you for that well thought out explanation!
Okay, I'll admit I'm a 1 foot in the Q rabbit hole, and 1 foot outside it...
But that is a very abnormal hand motion, very much so... One might even say, deliberate....
I looked it up, and everything their own website talks about makes the clearly sound like a radio platform, like Pandora, and not a platform where we can make our own playlists, like Spotify....
Are you saying that their own website's info is full of shit? (Serious question, since I trust fucking nothing and no one anymore)
Wait, wot?!
I can't believe that we went to a gold standard under the Xiden Administration
Someone 'splain this to me plz!
Top tier photoshop, especially on the logo!
Any woman hoping to arouse a man, need only whisper this into his ear.
That cunt is gonna get killed no matter if we get the Great Reset or Great Awakening.
Once you take everything from a man, and he has nothing left to lose or gain, knowing full well that he'll be killed the instant after he commits the act, he'll shoot Klaus Schwab(and other like him) in broad daylight, while he is eating lunch or walking on the street.
No one, and no thing, can protect them from the cataclysmic shit storm that is coming for them.
They had the hubris to think that they could enslave the whole world.... What fools they are. These people really are stupid, aren't they.
Damn straight!
Both of those are radio platforms, like Pandora.
What we want to know is are there any alternatives like Spotify, where you can make your own playlists, and only listen to the songs you want to listen to?..
He didn't.
We know this.
They know this.
They know we know.
We can't live in fear of gathering, or they've already won.