An interesting coincidence: since this news broke about a week ago the USA has downgraded Mexico’s Airline safety rating to a category 2, which will kill their tourism industry throughout the summer.
Okay so it’s just the voting IDs they can’t seem to find...
Plus everyone who is flying for summer vacation. If an emp hits we are talking about a sky full of penguins.
You can get an online stockbroker app like td ameritrade and then buy shares through there. AMC is a lot cheaper and is supposed to go Apollo soon as they are buying up other theaters—this hurts their competition—and with summer blockbusters coming out, it might reach $500 soon. Right now it’s $32.
Should we be taking our money out?
In observation of pride month, the NSA is ramping up their spying on the gay community.
I said it once and I’ll say it again: we need to push, “feminism is right about Islam!”
Forget minds imploding, we’ll have people exploding!
No problem. I totally understand what you mean. When I watched the fall of the cabal I came right on here asking everybody about it because my brain had melted haha
Do you know who George Green is? I went to “conspiracy” today for the first time and—he doesn’t talk about flat earth—but he talks about similar things as well. I’ll link the short video where he covers depopulation and ww3. If you look at his other presentations though he goes into more detail and it sort of aligns with this. He was an insider and was supposed to be jimmy cartera finance chair.
Thanks I’ll have to check that out. I was looking at jm buillion and sites like that figuring they’d have the best deals but some places don’t even let you have it and keep it in their own vault
I wanted to buy physical gold and silver but both are almost at all time highs
This is probably a dumb question but is fe for “finite element” or “extroverted Feeling”? Both come up when I searched and I’m an ape
And take it back for ourselves . That would be hilarious.
Sounds like this might be a good investment if all the big banks are going in. Unless I’m missing something.
I upvotes this post just for the first sentence alone. I’m still crying with laughter
He’s asking for pics of ben Shapiro’s sisters tits, not of Holocaust survivors.
I do that sometimes with people. “Oh you’ll love so and so. Everyone loves so and so.” I automatically hate them hahaha. Same thing when people tell me this is the greatest movie you just have to see it.
Concept album? Like George Floyd’s Deep State of the Moon?
Here’s one with Trump:
I just saw another post about this and forgot to mention: wasn’t there a rumor he was stepping down due to Parkinson’s or something like that? If I’m wrong, sorry for the misinformation, but if it’s true, sometimes these meds cause swelling. I’m not a 100% but it’s good for thought.
These photos are also airbrushed to remove the creases and wrinkles.
I agree with this logic as records and politics will always be messy in this sense, but wouldn’t it mean that no republicans were slave owners?
I don’t know. I feel like a lot of money and fun could be had with this. I mean, you technically have organic free range blood. You’ll wield quite a lot of power if this comes to fruition.
Makes you wonder about someone like Steve Wozniak who bragged about moving to the highest echelons within the Freemasons within such a short time.
We also share a desire for comfortable sleep upon Giza sheets!!!!
It’s fucking crazy. But once the squeeze hits it’s going to dip then go back up. I’m waiting on the dip. Are you buying more shares?