PlantTrees 14 points ago +15 / -1

Finally, someone does some real good instead of all these fake do-gooder NGOs for years and keeping the people on the hook with government loans etc. Next up - plant gardens and trees without outsider chokeholds, land control or GMOs and mutant plants.

PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

A good point, dear, definitely a possibility but I still have not decided on Barbara.

PlantTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do know there has been an active agenda to insert transgenders and gays in as much as possible and wherever possible for decades. Children are secretly surrogated or adopted. I do believe Macron's wife is MTF. Barbara is from an older time and never wore tight clothes or lots of make-up like many trans. I lean towards thinking Barbara is a female, but that there is a possibility - so am still undecided.

PlantTrees 4 points ago +4 / -0

It looks like it is from something called #project2025 or Project 2025 with Paul Dans and the Heritage Foundation, purporting to be ready to direct and control the activities of the next > conservative president.

This org has been involved in feeding interns to DC and what is corrupt swamp policy all along- my impression is that the Heritage Foundation has been a player in the uniparty and rino politics. While it mainly addresses some other issues, Project 2025 seems to me a way for the same old group to put a new face on themselves and use these strategies to control and redirect what would be a Trump administration returning to conservative values but weaponize it for NWO?

Instead of shrinking government, it would weaponise HHS to be able to be MORE up our butts about forcing us to conform to a specific version of interpretation. For real, what if a single mother is doing a good job and on her own because the man was a pedo or scum? HHS gave us bigHarma, corruptMed, a child-trafficking foster system and mandated masks and vaxes. We need LESS HHS not a redo updo of the same old chokehold on American's freedom.

We can accomplish these things without giving the government power over us. I can imagine their playbook being weaponized to enforce a particular version of we are the government and we are here to help. While some of the ideas are generally great, the detail of implementation by an overreaching government may be pure hell. I can see them as grabbing kids and holding them until their fate can be determined, like their parents are forced to marry to keep the kids, and-or putting them in indoctrination scenarios like FEMA camps to be re-educated. Another baby-grab opportunity. Imo we should just pare down HHS to a bare minimum and provide family support thru a re-worked true conservative court system.

PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Of course the tiktokker goes over the top and is spinning in interpretation, but I also do not believe the Heritage Foundation is a good organization. I think it is one of those that presents themselves as conservative but secretly works against everything we believe in and hold dear.

PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Barnwell was on farcebook years ago and appeared to hint and want people to know that the pic of Killery in a suit and other pics that Killary used for ages (and later for campaigning) were pics of her. Of course she got paid and was just fine with the deception because it gave her money and a kind of celebrity status. She got to move to Palm Desert in Cali, an elitist hotbed. She got rich being a double. Here she is in an article trying to make her out to be mostly a comedian, but revealing alot.


PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Article calls Bush an Easterner instead of east european or German immigrant after WW2, original name Scherf according to many accounts.

Barbara is wearing an empire waisted dress and it is baggy, so no way to tell if there is an actual pregnancy. Not a proof at all.

PlantTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wonder how long it took to write and perfect that extremely biased and exaggerated theatrical script and how many predator class DS bad actors contributed to perfecting the script ..

PlantTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

(to student in her shrill voice) Why are you asking me about ... [fill in the blank ...Bengazi....Seal Team... Vince Foster... or any of the Clinton crime family connected murder-suicides]
... at this point, what difference does it make??.. You want to ask questions? meet me in the park at midnight...

PlantTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

disgusting ... well I hope that decision to give her a pulpit turns into a dumpster fire for them ..

PlantTrees 5 points ago +5 / -0

doesnt make sense they sat thru an hour of her bs - wonder if it was something she said...

PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Time to clean house and senate !! Make the states pay all salaries and expenses for their own congress members, and all their staff. Banish them to their own states for most of the year except for a month in spring and a month in fall mandatory attendance every work day 9-5 to do only the most pared down federal business- tired of this leech government. Make them stay in dorms or govt housing during this time- any staff or expenses they need during this time, their state has to pay for. Streamline government, get rid of all those corrupt 3letter agencies and all foreign aid. One subject one bill, and they have to write their own bills - not pay for others to write them. Ban lobbyists and other leeches. Let the states handle their own business.

PlantTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

The article is about England, but yes the same strategy was employed in the US. SS Retirement is funded by deductions from paychecks of the working class and employers, so they are certainly not unfounded. However, the fact that it was used as a giant slush fund from which over 2.8 trillion has been raided and the cover-up is why they constantly say there is no money. Also another source of angst and distress for the people. That does not relieve the responsibility to the workers. Govt can stop the system but would have to refund all the deductions and would no longer have that source to raid. If government would stop doling out money to aliens and put the stolen funds back there would certainly be enough. Since when does government corruption validate killing people as a solution. Some things are just wrong.

PlantTrees 2 points ago +2 / -0

Submitted? I think many pedes still dont understand - in a truly peaceful good atmosphere there is no 'submitting'. It is the very heart of WWG1WGA. Trump is not looking to conquer, but to re-align and lift. The good people are combining forces against the evil influences. At some point those who continue to want to rule over and one-up others and other countries peoples, by their greed and want of power they fall on the evil side along with those who lie, steal, kill for personal gain -- which will not be permitted in the 'Best Is Yet To Come.'

PlantTrees 1 point ago +1 / -0

The difficulty of a rich person’s ability to get into the kingdom of God ...Maybe unloading some riches in preparation for the end of this corrupt civilization...

Christian saying Matthew 19: 24 (Lamsa and others): Again I say to you, It is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Islam also teaches "...they shall not enter paradise any more than a twisted rope can pass through the eye of a needle."

PlantTrees 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think it dawned on the demonrats that democracy was recognized as a dirty word to condition the people and that some of them, in an effort to blend in, are now using republic.

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