Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

I dont know why they think they need more justices, because SCOTUS already showed their allegiance to Dems by allowing a stolen presidential election..I term SCOTUS as the "blue klux klan"..all they did was change robe colors. I the end, same party same lies.

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have to reoccurring thoughts about these supposed vaccines. first, the " vaccines" were approved by the FDA for emergency use, and shielded from liability actions as possible life-saving measures. However, if a person shows no signs nor test positive for covid-19, then how can it be administered to healthy individual as an emergency? Second, even though the pharmaceutical companies are protected from liability actions, I would think, legally, the doctor or person administering the vaccine can be held personally liable for injecting an unneeded/ unproven medicine that can cause harm/death? Doesn't a Physicians Hippocratic oath state, "to do no harm?". Once the medical malpractice lawsuit start piling up on the doctors, then the pharmaceutical companies will be in deep s***.. just my thoughts anyhow

Podingo7 2 points ago +2 / -0

All of them.. the Wuhan flu is the only thing made in China that last longer than a week after getting it

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

While not doubting Chemtrails and weather manipulation, I can tell you as a lifelong Southerner, in Florida, these storms are not unusual.. especially when there is a lull between La Nina and El Nino weather patterns... the lateral vs vertical stormfronts are usually a sign it will be a weird weather season in the southeast

Podingo7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next, I hope they pass legislation to keep Ron DeSantis for as long as he wants to be our governor. F term limits, when we have somebody actually fighting for the people of his state , instead of wokeness.

Podingo7 9 points ago +9 / -0

Well, doesn't that make Joe Biden "The Devout Catholic"an extremist? After all, the media gushed over him saying he was the most religious president of all time.

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

What you're going through is not unexpected, but I know there are many others like us who are facing this problem. uke 12:53 (ASV) They shall be divided, father against son, and son against father; mother against daughter, and daughter against her mother; mother in law against her daughter in law, and daughter in law against her mother in law.

Continue to glorify God by following his Commandments that comes with a promise.(tell them you love them no matter what, and let the Holy Spirit contend with them. The Holy Spirit can do more with one word spoke to their hearts then you can with months of argument. Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.

Oh mighty God in heaven, we lift up our fren(s) and come together before you in one voice. We praise you father that we are your master design and been given a divine right to live on this earth. We thank you God you are all-knowing, all saying, and nothing yesterday, today, or tomorrow comes as a surprise to you( not even covid-19).. father, we agree in prayer, you are needed so much in our lives right now, and ask for the greatest outpouring of your spirit mankind has ever seen. We pray that it leads to confession, repentance, forgiveness of sins and healing of our bodies and relationships with each other. Teach us to love like you love, oh Lord, for it is the greatest weapon against evil. We praise you, we thank you for hearing our prayers Lord , and ask you to be light of our lives in these dark times. Glory be to you God, and we ask these things in the Glorious name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen

Podingo7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Jeremiah Denton Jr was an amazing man and Patriot. It's been a long time ago, (early 70s), people wore copper bracelets with the names of missing POW and I had mr. Denton's name on mine. To my best recollection , I think it was 1973 when I saw him get off the plane back in America. Years later, I met him in Mobile Alabama, and he signed his book, " when hell was in session" for me... I can't even begin to fathom what that man endured for eight years.. while my father did not die in Vietnam ,running supply boats on a main river , it killed him mentally and ended up drinking himself to death trying to forget the horrors he witnessed.. God bless all of our troops who have served , currently serving, or will serve protecting our way of life...

Podingo7 4 points ago +4 / -0

it's well-planned on their part instead of not letting a hundred thousand illegals a month drive wages down, paying others more money not to work,they want a once proud "make my own American dream " ppl calling it unconstitutional saying, "give us Universal basic income too". This way they can create a bigger government control more of our lives, and a "gimme" population....

Podingo7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's the deal, or wth with not being able to spot my mistakes( apologies for your inconvenience).. I'm legally blind even with glasses, therefore I have to use the largest font possible and speech to text to write a response. I do the best I can, peace.

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

My bad, MTG Marjorie Taylor Greene. Autocorrect sucks when you're using speech-to-text. Thanks

Podingo7 6 points ago +6 / -0

MJT wasn't elected by Congress but by the people of her state. So they can go f themselves.. if Feinstein and Swallwell didn't get expelled for having close relationships with Chinese spies (and lying about it), what is their excuse for expelling MJT, for speaking the truth?

by gamepwn
Podingo7 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why isn't our military deployed to vaccinate all illegals jumping the southern border, instead of elderly shut ins who by definition are actually self quarantining?

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

Mandating a vaccine for me could be hazardous their health..

Podingo7 1 point ago +1 / -0

the argument should start and stop at one simple question," how big are the air droplets of coronavirus compared to the filtering protection of n95 mask droplets?".. n95 mask are absolutely useles.

Podingo7 23 points ago +23 / -0

Pray without ceasing ( and post them).. true unity only happens when we agree that God is the only way.. be strong and courageous, for nothing is impossible when we put God before anything else..peace

Podingo7 3 points ago +3 / -0

if I was a salon owner,, I would have used Super Glue and Gorilla Tape, and then rip the tape off like I was trying to pull start a stubborn lawn mower, to do the hair removal process. Three things would happen, 1st- IT would never want a bikini wax for me again, 2nd-ITS balls would be hanging past its knees, 3rd-IT wouldn't be able to squat to pee for two to three months from the soreness.

Podingo7 1 point ago +1 / -0

Go to Florida , preferably West Coast depending on your occupation.. I am a true born and raised native Floridian 55 + years, and you'd have to drag me kicking and screaming to get me out of the state. Northwest Florida, and a little bit inland,.. is best if you are unsure how you will handle a hurricane and want more of a good down south feel... I also lived in Sarasota for 20 years and I would argue probably the best place in Florida... you can make money hand-over-fist there, great Performing Arts Centre and galleries, the beautiful Gulf of Mexico, cost of living isn't that bad, and the night life scene is more refined then a college party town. On top of that, you're centrally-located and you can go anywhere else in the state in just a few hours.. I would stay away from Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Miami-Dade, Broward areas on the East Coast.. just don't bring any liberal ideas with you, LOL peace and hope this is some help

Podingo7 11 points ago +11 / -0

That's great news,your dad is okay. Praise God... it's a constant battle with my 80 year old mother to keep her from going and getting a vaccine. The fake has her so scared, she practically bathes in hand sanitizer, every time she leaves a store.. her doctors tell her she's so healthy, at her age, to keep doing what she's doing and they don't want to see her until next year..yet, if she even sneezes she thinks she has covid-19..Fauxci and MSM should be tried and convicted for crimes against Humanity..

Podingo7 31 points ago +31 / -0

The idiocy of taking an unproven and dangerous vaccine is mind-boggling, when there are cures, preventatives, and survival rate is 99.97+%( unless you live in killer Coumo's our other Blue State nursing homes).

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