Repatriate Maxine Watters to Liberia as her reparation.
The American people demand to know who assassinates President John F. Kennedy to execute justice upon the country implicated. Such disclosure warrants the severing of all political ties and foreign aid to that country. The country in question exploits The United States, but the former has nothing the latter wants or needs.
- "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States; and no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State" (Article I, Section 9, Paragraph 7, Constitution of The United States)
- Lawyers receive the title of Esquire after completion of their education, which constitutes a title of nobility. The legislative branch comprises lawyers as congressmen and senators mostly. They hold offices of trust in violation of The Constitution openly.
The arrest may be retribution against Rodrigo Duterte. He criticizes the catholic church with open animus. He was molested as a young boy by a catholic priest. Duterte as president exposes and shuts down a massive pedophile ring in the Philippines. What happens after the raid coincidentally? Abu Sayyaf (Taliban/Alqueda sect) starts wreaking havoc in the country.
Are the Ukranians arresting Orthodox priests Christians or Khazarians?
Revelations 20:8 articulates Gog and Magog as "nations at the four corners of the earth." Are Khazarians the Israelites of The Bible?
- The contract becomes void if perpetrated in fraud and with nondisclosure. The executive branch can nullify the contract by proving no consent. No consent means no contract. The district judges act as magistrates enforcing their orders pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code (maritime/admiralty law) and under color of The United States Constitution (Supreme Law of the Land). SCOTUS has appellate jurisdiction over maritime/admiralty law subject matters like contracts with the acknowledgement of The Constitution being supreme pursuant to Article III, Section 2, Paragraphs 1-2 and Article VI, Paragraph 2.
- Can the judiciary branch usurp the powers of the legislative branch by subjecting the executive branch to orders under color of law? The legal precedent of Marbury v. Madison, 5 US 137 states an emphatic NO: "A law repugnant to the Constitution is void." The activist judges enforce their orders or injunctions as quasi-laws in violation of their oaths as Article III judges and Article VI.
Are Israel and Ukraine the Gog and Magog of The Bible possibly?
The Department of Justice under President Trump must issue Writs of Quo Warranto to all the judges thwarting his executive actions immediately. The judges must prove by "what warrant" they have precedent legal, jurisdiction, and cause to usurp powers belonging to the executive and legislative branches. The judges breach the separation of powers in violation of The Constitution of The United States.
The judicial branch has no legislative powers. The judges usurp the power of Congress by issuing orders under color of law. The Department of Justice under President Trump must issue a Writ of Quo Warranto to each judge for proof of authority to legislate their orders as law.
The twenty-two blue states violate the supreme law of the land.
- "No State shall, without the Consent of Congress. . . enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State" (The Constitution of The United States, Article I, Section 10, Paragraph 3).
President Donald Trump has the precedent legal, jurisduction, and cause to prosecute all states colluding to undermine his powers executive given to him duly.
Is that reporter the same cunt who asks President Trump why he keeps referring to covid as the Chinese virus? If yes, the wall is causing her to pork out now.
The comic strip reveals a subtle irony. Mexicans still pick the avocados consumed by the California Democrat. Most grocery stores in the state import avocados grown in Mexico despite being a commodity domestic to California.
Name the tranny militia as "The Buffalo Bills."
Jim Acosta manifests the Super Lesbian: He is a cunt and a pussy simultaneously.
"She" has a subtle underbite comparable to a bulldog and the lips of a lizard also.
The malevolence of Bill Gates puts Margaret Sanger to shame. She operates on a small scale of evil compared Gates. His protocol for eugenics manifests racism against humanity.
- Donald Trump speaks like a lawyer who knows the historical context of the law. The general public has almost no knowledge of history regarding the correlation of the IRS, Federal Reserve, and taxation in The United States of America, but the same people desire paying no taxes. Trump commits the act of the legal term tacit admission to teach truth in such public speeches, which the education system omits from curriculum deliberately.
- "tacit admissions - An acknowledgement or concession of a fact inferred from either silence or from the substance of whate one has said" (Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Ed. page 1302).
- Your title is accurate to those who no longer sleep, but appeals best to the people aforementioned who awaken from the slumber of deceit or brainwashing regarding taxation.
Darrin Bell creates agitprop. He has a severe case of TDS based on a cursory search of him. The creep exhibits the hallmarks of a pedophile definitely. Observe and listen:
Who manufactures the materials for the windmills and solar panels in this green energy fraud? Look to China.
The LAPD released the suspect already. Perhaps the suspect has diplomatic immunity. He may be a foreign agent provocateur.
"Ten days of darkness" for them?
One can interchange the word aid with payment. Remember how President Trump says Mexico will pay for the wall? He is correct by Mexico using its resources or money to enforce its own border. Trump threatens withdrawal of foreign aid to Mexico then and tariffs now. Such reciprocity constitutes a payment or form of credit. Trump can exploit NATO like Mexico to end the war. The United States contributes the most in the funding of or aid to NATO and Trump can cut it off. Trump can make NATO pay for peace.
Imagine nationalizing the National Guard in California; this would expedite deportations nationwide exponentially. California represents the drain plug to the tub full of illegal aliens.