It symbolizes the power structure. Pointed up is a few at the top ruling the masses at the bottom. Point down is the majority ruling a few. He's saying the country is returning to we the people. Not a handful of wealthy people.
Plus on the 17th
What about 10:08, 10:09, 10:10?
She must have been confident he would win! Cause she sold her house months ago......
I think we just confirmed what a lot of us have always suspected of Samwise in Lord of the Rings.
They all knew it wouldn't go through the house. Why not put on a show?
All right after someone said they look like Elvis? The King? Hmmmmm
8+3.3 Is it coincidence?
Its a child's hand print too! Creepy as hell!
Looks like he's the only one with his hand over his heart. It was probably just his reaction to having 3 large fingers inserted.
That's still 75 million people.....
His version is Q is just an O with its weiner out
It's just a joke from a comedian out of indianapolis named Brent Terhune. Been around longer than Q.
Dogs name is Lewis Carroll? As in Alice in Wonderland writer that took photos of nude children?
Honestly the CEO is correct about misinformation. They tried to celebrate a biological male becoming a female when HE can never be biological female. Anheuser Busch chose to attempt to misinform their customers. They deserve every bit of what they did to themselves.
I bet they're furries....
Interesting logo....
Not real. His teeth droop with his mouth
Will be interesting to see if the "woke" American companies were getting some kind of funding or kickbacks to promote an agenda too.