PurityIsParamount 0 points ago +3 / -3

Aside from every reason to assume NASA is lying about the mission you mean when Muslim outreach is their primary goal apparently ever since the Obama years and Obama scrapped the space shuttle to the point we were reliant on the Russians for resupplying the very useless and very expensive ISS. Whoops.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +3 / -2

Blah blah blah blah blah. No one cares dude. We're being raped right now. No one cares for yet another proven government grift program while we're taking it up in the fourth of contact. The only people who care are boomers and wannabe boomers who still think the Beatles or some other 60'a Boy Band are relevant.

PurityIsParamount 3 points ago +4 / -1

Keep dreaming. It's like that moron defending NASA and the greater military industrial complex earlier on a post about government shutdowns.

PurityIsParamount 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not really. After all, despite all the horrors and tremendous mismanagement you even admit, you're still defending at the end of the day a complex that hasn't been effective in many, many decades and who's primary purpose was the grift with anything being secondary to the point of being a front and excuse for that grift. Sorry, but you're a boomer who still has never gotten over the Moon Landings and all the fake promises of flying cars and global utopia when we're lucky to have running water in the near future. There's no such thing as 'humanity' anymore than there are people in that complex doing anything to better it as a genuine primary goal. There are nations of competing interest who do things for their own interests and anyone else is irrelevant so long as they don't impede the path.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +3 / -1

LOL. Gotta love the big state apologist here.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed. I just wish the good colonel didn't basically accuse President Trump of effectively taking bribes from the RINOs to pay for his campaign debt after he won to get so many RINOs in the administration. When I heard that I stopped the vid there and unsubbed immediately. I'll probably listen to what he has to say when the Russians make their big move, but until then I just leave him until I'm sure he doesn't stick his foot in his mouth like that again on a subject I know he's competent in.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +2 / -0

Couldn't have said it better myself. Macgregor's a good source for foreign policy generally, but his statements about President Trump in a recent vid made me drop him because it rings a little like the old tired TDS I can't even take a wiff of anymore.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

And there are still otherwise thoughtful folk here and elsewhere with such Russkie derangement syndrome they think Russia is losing or will ultimately lose this war. I'm like dude, don't you get it: the reason the US military budget is so bloated is because of grift. Same reason we spend so much on social security and so much else yet never get anywhere. It was never meant to solve anything, only to make and redistribute money with anything else being secondary. We can't even supply basic consumables that are all in all relatively cheap compared to the more expense stuff to a PROXY without risking running out ourselves. What make you think the Russkies can possibly lose a war of attrition primarily decided by superior firepower and the industry to support it when they routinely arty spam the Ukrainians on the daily on the battlefield and have even moved up to bombing things with missiles well behind the battlefield basically almost daily at this point? Especially now that the ground is hardening and if the Russian know how to do one thing to the point it's in their blood, it's attritional winter warfare?

PurityIsParamount 14 points ago +14 / -0

This needs a Ukrainian aid package laundered through FTX worth of updoots.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +2 / -0

Funny how weaklings like Benny Johnson constantly like to claim Putin is a deeply erratic and unwell leader when we have what we do in the West like Biden and the ogre from Pennsylvania and the west is constantly the one itching for war with what even a Russian Derangement Syndrome tard like he does admits Russia has more nukes and a direct war between NATO and Russia would go thermonuclear fast.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +3 / -1

It also wouldn't hurt if we play their same election games where those games are legal and play it better than them. Just saying. I mean, really, how else does anyone here think we won what we did in New York and Cali BUT BY ballot harvesting and curing and etc?

PurityIsParamount 4 points ago +4 / -0

Another alternate view on the subject: We need to ballot harvest, vote cure, and whatever else we can in order to win in states where such things are apparently legal. Note, I said where such things are legal, so please, don't try such things in, say, Florida where elections are apparently treated so series they have an election fraud police force.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +2 / -1

They've already destroyed it though. There's no going back to how it used to be anymore than there's going back to fighting with muskets in big line formations once people established radio communications. There is only the reality on the ground and adapting to it in a way the enemy does not expect: the very same way by which it has gained power. You can accept this and survive and make them bleed for every inch of ground, or you can wither or die on the vine in irrelevancy. Because its literally either we play their vote game better than they do or armed conflict, and since people here are pensioners who even if they were Patton mixed with George Washington are not sound of body enough to endure the mildest winter or slimmest heatwave without modern creature comforts, I'd much prefer one that doesn't involve no working electricity, running water, and the increase of the disappearance of our infrastructure.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +3 / -1

Why. Do you love losing, losing, losing so much that you'll 'hoborably' let your country be taken from.you without a fight that doesn't even involve kinetic action? At least this way there could be something left, and if nothing else the left's reeeeeees will be worth it.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well yeah, that's the point of my post. We need to get people in those positions doing those things. I did t say it would be easy, I'm just saying it's easier than the playing the game the way the left wants us to and expect and needs us to.

PurityIsParamount 2 points ago +2 / -0

How is it monstrous? It's literally a perfectly legal thing to do no more controversial in those states than stomping a bug that annoys you.b

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +2 / -1

We need to ballot harvest, vote cure, and whatever else we can in order to win in states where such things are apparently legal. To all those saying we shouldn't cheat and commit fraud regardless of if it's effectively legalized, I say that you're ignoring the very real and present military principle that your enemy always has a say in the tactics and strategy you ultimately wind up employing. You don't play with marquis of Queensbury rules against a boxer with brass knuckles beneath his gloves, you don't use conventional military tactics against goat farmers in flipflops in the mountains, and you don't put your artillery ahead of your infantry and cavalry but behind them. Even with all the well justified outrage we're not going to fix the election system in time for 2024, especially not in Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, so why not use the weapons of the enemy against them good and hard? To those who say it's breaking the law, evidently not since all these tactics and more have effectively ben codified in some form or another in those states. To those who say it's scummy, no because it is a response to something and someone scummy in the same way slapping someone because they slapped you is perfectly fine only in this case we've been slapped since 2018 and haven't done anything to them. We either play their game better than they do at this point or we're gonna keep losing losing losing. So to all the pedes in those five states and others, I ask simply: what do you have to lose at this point? You're already set for destruction, espec ially in PA with the ogre even more mentally unsound that the POTATUS, but if you try playing hardball like the dems, you may, MAY have a chance of averting that and turning the tables. Because after all, given that we are men and the enemy are but savage animals, anything we put our mind to we can do better and more efficiently than them. Anything they can do, we can do better. We can do anything better than them. No we can't! Yes we can! No we can't! Yes we can!

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not saying the person willingly going to the drug dealer does not bare culpability anymore than a person looking for CP does not bare culpability. I am merely saying that the one who preys upon people's weaknesses and insecurities and ultimately makes their profits off of their long term misery in pursuit of short term escapism barea MORE responsibility and at this point should be given more punishment than their usual clientele because they are literally capable of crushing mighty nations through merely getting people addicted to their product.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think of it this way: drug dealers cause more harm to society than most, not all, but most child rapists as a bulk force. I mean, they literally do and have destabilized entire countries. Drug dealers literally brought China to it's knees in the opium wars and allowed them to be brutally exploited by the West and Japan for many decades which is why the Chinese have such harsh view on the subject that no amount of debate would ever be able to get through because the scar from that time hasn't healed if it ever will or honestly should. It stinks and yes child rapists are significantly individually more evil, but most don't lead to a century of humiliation. Least not on their own.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drugs are literally a control mechanism of the cabal to keep people sedated. The opium of the masses is literally opium. It might feel bad, but we are called to always be of sober mind and its kind of hard to do that when you're literally physically strung up.

PurityIsParamount 1 point ago +1 / -0

I hope so. But then again I hoped the cheaters wouldn't cheat me out of the feelings of an election day victory and look where we are now.

PurityIsParamount 4 points ago +4 / -0

That'd make my month if that were so. Making them as broke as the rest of the hoi paloi.

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