QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think I am underestimating the opponent. If we think these people just burned Maui to the ground...

They will have no problem going full blown with Covid 2.0. An injured dog backed into a corner.

You will see them take every measure to destroy the country. If avoiding a civil war during 2020 was the best course of action - then they will do everything to create a war to hold power.

WW3, nuclear war, covid 2.0 war. Whatever it takes. Be prepared.

QDay -3 points ago +9 / -12

Drum roll...

Normies when reflecting on Trumps amazing economy / presidency - immediately go to the worst thing to have happened in their lifetimes -> Covid.

Everyone does it. They instantly say, well Trump did this wrong during Covid.

Well guess what is about to happen? Joe Bidens covid 2.0. Its about to be a complete shit show. This will be the fucking definition of hell on earth.

The administration who doesnt know a damn thing about science, gender etc. is about to be crippled by the insansity of the asylum and we the people are along for the utter clownshow nightmare of a ride.

Patriots in control? Most likely yes. But this show is going to make us all hate everything that is about to come.

I imagine we may very well see the Biden nazis going door to door, rounding people up, welding them into their homes, sending them to camps like they did in Australia. This stain is never going to be able to be removed from society. This will be the real Nuremberg trial data.

Trumps handling of Covid will look like the puppy bowl compared to the superbowl.

Face it. We deserve this hell. The nation is a bunch of useless eaters who live their entitled pathetic lives in front of netflix. It had to be this way.

If you have the means, get the fuck out of dodge. As its about to go crazy.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think its to give ammo to the retarded left. They thought it was extra commical to latch onto Trump claiming he was 215lbs. No care in the world that they are witnessing a gestap government but hahaha Trump is a delusional liar.

Might possibly be to get eyes from retarded left so they are paying attention to what is going on. Hey Trump got arrested and he said he was 215lbs can you believe it? Then these retard normies who otherwise wouldnt be paying attention will remember when boomerang happens and oh yeah remember we arrested trump and he said he was 215lbs... i guess obama being arrested is okay since we did it to Trump.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Im just going to go out on a limb here... The trials are for them. Not trump.

This will all be over by March 4th and the trials will be them in Gitmo.

QDay 6 points ago +7 / -1

I would be okay with mandating that any vaccinated mask wearer be banned from society.

They are in fact the ones who are a risk to the rest of us now. Ban them. Tar them. Feather them. Send them to the camps.

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

The people went out to the ocean and were swept away.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yep. We all have ideas. He is nothing special and is wrong each and everytime. Therfore he will be wrong this time as well.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Fren if you got convinced to bet on anything by any guy on the internet"

-From a guy who is on the Q board - convinced about a plan from an anonymous guy on the internet.

Juan is a POS. No one should listen to him. He is an anonymous clown who said Trump would be back into office in April of 2021 and he encouraged hundreds of thousands of people to bet money in Vegas on it. Dont beat around the facts. He is a fucktard.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

This guy is a clown.

He drove around in his super car convincing everyone to put bets on Trump being President in 2021 and said he had $500K bets in Vegas on it.

He is probably an owner of a casino in Vegas and was laughing at all the fools all the way to the bank.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally - I would rather support the small guys then the richest man on the earth and his everything app.

I will be watching on Rumble as they are fighting the globohomo corporations and big tech.

At the end of the day though - as long as Fox dies we are winning - albeit slowly.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

My only hope is that this is actually something that we can sink our teeth into and doesnt turn out to be a nothing burger. I am hyped as can be. I want so many sparks. Like putting a whole roll of aluminum foil into a microwave that it combusts and changes the world trajectory forever.

Am I going to be let down again?

QDay 5 points ago +7 / -2

The sparks that are about to fly are behind the DWAC rocket. TMTG just sent an email out for all members to vote on DWAC. Boom.

QDay 9 points ago +9 / -0

Juan is #1 on my list... of people who are consistently wrong on absolutely everything. Having that track record is impressive, so I will say he is wrong on this as well.

QDay 18 points ago +18 / -0

What storm Mr. President- you'll find out.

The anticipation has been there for us for years. Its like its Christmas eve as a child, waiting for the next day when youre going to wake up to see the deep state rounded up and normies have their world view flipped upside down - where they finally realize everything they ever knew was fake and gay.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Of course thats what he is doing.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didnt Hawaii already say they are seizing everyone's property? So tough shit peasants your property isnt yours anymore. Go fly back to the continental united states and find asylum in NYC.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Sleepers will not be waking up until their house of cards collapses. They live in a blissful coma. Easy to live xtra comfy behind a mask and netflix w grubhub delivery of all your meals while you work your social justice HR job from home and get to bully around the office with equality policies.

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