QDay 11 points ago +12 / -1

Scare event necessary.

QDay 9 points ago +10 / -1

When you realize Satan does not care about Left or Right and we are in a battle of Good (God) vs Evil (Satan) then you realize that the goal of depopulation is not bound by political party.

Revelations mentions 33% of the population dying 3 times. If we are in the end of times then the horsemen of pestilence will remove 33% of the population. I saw a pastor speaking when COVID first started. This horse 'White horse' carries a crown (Corona == Crown). The first Buddhist temple ever built was in Wuhan (Its name is White Horse Temple). Coincidence?

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

There were counter moves put into place by Trump that are not known to the public. If Trump declared martial law and handed over power to the military then this was not an inauguration and was just a performance that means nothing. Biden has as much Presidential power as a tv show actor on the west wing.

QDay 2 points ago +3 / -1

We also remember the 20 veterans who die from suicide each day!

I have always questioned if the suicides were not a deep state cover up. We know the cabal hates veterans.. mainly because veterans are trained, knowledgeable, love the constitution and will defend it with their life.

We all know the cabal eliminated seal team 6. Suiciding veterans is just another form of keeping their enemies at bay.

QDay 51 points ago +51 / -0

Exactly this! Biden would have to be President to begin with. He is not. Trump is still your President.

All this is optics. The truth is the storm and its coming.

QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

Lets just pack up our bags and go home. Canada suspending elections. USA will follow. Biden/Harris will be the supreme leaders of USSA for life ~Sarc.

There is no need for Trump to be re-instated. He never left. Biden/Harris don't need to be impeached as they were never inaugurated. This is all a psychological war and no one understands the true optics of what is happening behind the scenes. Pedo Joe is not the POTUS I can guarantee that.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Agreed. It doesnt add up. The psychological warfare is intense right now. Disinformation on all fronts. It is hard to discern what pieces of the MSM are true, but maybe that is the point. The only news that is true is the opposite of what the MSM says. IF Trump is centered with what the MSM is saying then you should probably realize that information is disinformation.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

What is the vaccine is to target those who are on the sealed indictments list? What if its Trump undermining of the cabal and is essentially an IED implanted in the evil ones.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

That is a possibility, but to counter this you have to understand that those who have taken the vaccine do not qualify if they die for any life insurance pay outs. Insurance companies are part of the swamp. If millions die then the survivors (e.g. the vax'd) insurance rates sky rocket to cover all of the unvax'd pay outs. This could be part of the plan to indebt the worlds populations. But a more likely scenario is the unvax'd dont die and those who got the vax die. That allows for insurance companies to shrug their shoulders at the deaths and have no liabilities.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

I understand your frustration but this phenomenon is not limited to just the USA. It is worldwide. Big picture. What are you doing to save the world? Anons here are exposing world wide levels of corruption that arent limited to just US politicians. Exposing the corruption is limiting their power and ability to operate in the shadows.

That is the most powerful thing that can be done right now. Rising up/events you are asking for will be squashed and whoever is behind extending to all of their connections will be prosecuted.

But if everyone turns on those in charge/barking orders then you win the war. You are already seeing the population turn. You will soon begin to see the upper layers of echelons in command turn.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Should be getting close. Guns are safe is a marker in my opinion. I can't fathom the Q team not being prepared for this.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

You dont fully understand what is going on, even if you think you do.. you only know 1% of the evil that is going on.

Think about what you 'think' you know. Imagine if the stolen election is only 1% of the lies. Imagine the outrage when the truth is revealed and it is the other 99%. You are already in enraged with what you know. Now multiply that by 99x.

Think about what happens when the real information comes out about what is going on with the children at the boarder.

Think about what happens when those hundreds of thousands of indictments come out. Your neighbors, school teachers, etc get rounded up.

The storm is coming and it is going to be shocking.

QDay 0 points ago +2 / -2

One aspect of Q is that Q is a quantum computer hooked up to project looking glass and sharing to all of us anons of what is to come.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”

Thanks for the call out AFRL!

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thanks for the call out AFRL!

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

'Fighting' - Wasn't that the word they tried to impeach him for using. Uh oh!

Has Trump called COVID-19 the china virus recently? Didnt Joe Biden pass an executive order making that basically illegal? Would be interesting to see Trump disregard Joe Bidens EO with China virus lol

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

June 14th == Flag day and the real POTUS' birthday. Would be a great gift to our country and birthday gift for the real POTUS.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

Think of the election as a field test for their system. Our defense contractors have to test a system out before they install it permanently. Think of our missile defense system... those go through ground tests where missile are launched and shot out of the sky before we adopt the system. The 2020 election was their field test. Now they need confirmation that the results of that system are legitimate.

In the future this system will be adopted for use every election and there will not be shenanigans like we saw in the 2020 results.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

If the military is the only way... I think AZ gives them the card to make their move. Right now they ran some unauthorized system, probably prototype that has never been used before. In order to act on the merits of the system they need confirmation of its legitimacy in use.

When AZ shows that the fraud their system captured was within a threshold of accuracy then they have the proof the system worked as designed and was not giving false results.

I think thats all they will need. They would not need the states to decertify anything. The states already committed treason. Therefore they have enough for military tribunals to lock up these shitbags.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not disagreeing. I don't see it feasible to audit every state or county to overturn the fraud. That would take years and each day is critical. There is more going on behind the scenes then we know.

I want to believe that once AZ confirms the steal that will be enough. If what Mike Lindell showed on absolute proof is legitimate then they already have the evidence. The audit being done in Arizona is matching the already known evidence to the physical evidence. This confirms that their results are accurate and should be enough to conclude what they captured was legitimate.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Or this is the only audit needed because Q has already let us know that they have it all. So following what Q has told us... This is just to match the evidence they already have and that will be enough to show the military that what they captured with their methods is in line with what the physical audit says it should be. That will give credence to the evidence they captured in other states being accurate as well.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Romans 8:28 - all things work together for good to those who love God

You have to understand the above verse to understand how this might work. Similar to what Q has said about waking people up. Even if Obama didnt solve racial problems or middle east problems God will use this to solve them in the end.

Obama in my opinion created the sparks that turned into an out of control fire OR at least that is how the media programs us to feel. The media wants a civil war among classes.

God will turn all of this into unity of the people and his children. Whether Obama directly solved it or not, Obama had a hand in what is to come that will be Gods will and be 'good'

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

It is not about race or political party. It is about God!

True follows of Jesus know that they have nothing to fear. The demographic that this is not going to impact is God's children as they knew from day 1 that the vaccine was a lie peddled by evil.

This is going to be a great awakening where God's children are saved and Romans 8:28 - God will use this for good.

Enjoy the show!

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Could be Kamal as Jezebel but if fraud points to the election being stolen then Kamala is illegitimate as well. The deep state would rather have Pelosi as POTUS in my opinion over Kamala. This would be their play to wipe their hands clean of a stolen election and try and say we will clean it up for the future elections but in the mean time you get to deal with Pelosi.

As we all know, Pelosi did orchestrate the insurrection and both impeachments against Trump. She is a heavy hitter for the deep states agenda.

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was having issues as well. The x22 site wouldnt render the video but the audio on podbean worked - https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-madjy-104275b

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