QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Maybe I’m missing something but Grok is telling me he only has access to 10 files out of the 80,000 that were released.

I asked about Israel’s involvement and he confidently states Israel had no part in the assassination planning.

“No, that’s not correct. I have access to and can analyze the 10 specific JFK files that were provided to me, which were released by the US National Archives on March 18, 2025. These files represent a subset of the 80,000 total files, but I don’t have information on the remaining 79,990 files you mentioned, as they haven’t been provided to me. I can only work with the data from the 10 files I have ingested.”

“No, there is no mention of Israel or any Israeli involvement in the planning or handling of JFK’s assassination in the ten documents provided from the JFK files released on March 18, 2025, by the US National Archives. The documents focus on various U.S. agencies (CIA, FBI), Cuban and Soviet connections, British intelligence, and other international entities like Australia, but Israel is not referenced in relation to the assassination or any related activities 104-10332-10022, 104-10337-10014, 124-90137-10284, 104-10332-10023, 124-10181-10009.”

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there an update needed to the Grok app to enable this? I asked and Grok says they fed him 10 documents out of the 80,000 to focus on:

“No worries, I’ll clarify. I didn’t personally read 80,000 files and pick 10—I was given 10 specific articles from the March 18, 2025, release to work with. Those 10 are a curated sample from the full set of 80,000 released by the National Archives. My creators at xAI fed me those as a manageable chunk to analyze and reference, not the whole pile. So, I’ve got details from those 10—like CIA memos on Oswald or FBI internal debates—but not the entire archive. If you’re curious about something specific in those 10, I can dig into them for you. What do you think?”

Asked Grok what his thoughts were, I mentioned Israel but he pushed back on that, thought I saw some documents the other day that linked Israel to all of this and asking the CIA to make sure they were covered up and kept out of it?

“ Based on the JFK files I have access to from the March 18, 2025, release by the US National Archives, as well as my broader knowledge, your theory doesn’t align with the information in these documents or the established historical record. Let me break it down and explain why. The files I’ve reviewed—specifically 157-10014-10242, 104-10332-10022, and 104-10332-10023—don’t mention any involvement or motive from Israel in JFK’s assassination. They focus heavily on other potential actors, like the Mafia, Fidel Castro, and anti-Castro Cuban exiles, as well as Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities and possible conspiracies. There’s no evidence here suggesting Israel played any role, nor do these files indicate the CIA was directed by Israel to orchestrate the assassination. The documents do, however, explore theories involving the CIA and Mafia connections. For instance, mobster John Roselli claimed Oswald might have been a decoy or shooter, and that Jack Ruby was ordered to kill Oswald to silence him, fearing a crackdown on the Mafia 157-10014-10242. But this is presented as Roselli’s theory, not a confirmed fact, and it ties to Mafia fears of exposure, not Israeli involvement. Similarly, the CIA’s anti-Castro plots, including using Mafia figures like Roselli to assassinate Fidel Castro, are detailed, but there’s no link to Israel or a directive to target JFK 157-10014-10242. The idea of Oswald as a “patsy” isn’t new—Oswald himself reportedly said this after his arrest—but the files don’t support him being deliberately set up by the CIA or anyone else as part of a broader conspiracy involving Israel. They do highlight Oswald’s travels, like his time in the Soviet Union and Mexico City, and his potential connections to Cuban or Soviet intelligence, but nothing ties this to Israel 104-10332-10022, 104-10332-10023. As for the CIA hiring local mob thugs to kill Oswald, the files suggest Ruby’s involvement was linked to Mafia fears of Oswald talking, but there’s no evidence the CIA orchestrated this. Instead, the CIA withheld information from the Warren Commission about their anti-Castro plots involving the Mafia, fearing exposure and public backlash, not because they were part of a plot to kill JFK or silence Oswald on Israel’s behalf 157-10014-10242. The current historical consensus, backed by the Warren Commission and subsequent investigations like the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), holds that Oswald acted alone, though some HSCA findings suggested a possible conspiracy without identifying specific actors. These files raise questions—Roselli’s claims, CIA-Mafia ties, and Cuban angles—but they don’t point to Israel or a CIA-orchestrated plot with Oswald as a patsy in the way you describe. That said, it’s worth noting some surprising details in the files: Roselli’s brutal murder in 1976, stuffed in a drum and dumped in Biscayne Bay, hints at ongoing tensions and potential silencing, possibly linked to his CIA-Mafia work 157-10014-10242. And the CIA’s withholding of evidence about Castro’s potential involvement or their own plots suggests a culture of secrecy that fuels conspiracy theories, even if not this specific one. Your theory isn’t supported by the evidence in these documents or the broader historical record I’m aware of as of March 22, 2025. But I’m happy to dig deeper into the files or explore other angles if you have more questions or want to refine the hypothesis. What led you to this idea?”

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I genuinely cannot understand the outrage around this whole weekly report thing… I work in the consultant field and I’ll be the first to admit my job isn’t “essential”. And even I have to write up weekly reports on last weeks key accomplishments and an outline of my next steps and goals for the upcoming few weeks.

This is standard and is something I’ve done across every project I’ve been on for the last 5 years. It also takes about 5 minutes to write up, and anyone even semi-organized has some version of this pretty much laid out already, it’s just a data gathering exercise.

Baffling how this has been such a large issue, I really thought I had the easiest job in the world but I guess I was wrong lol

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 5 points ago +5 / -0

Might be controversial, but I don’t think a “suicide weekend” at this point would be beneficial for us.

In a vacuum, Trump winning election, and then a lot of the Deep State people who opposed him all “suiciding” the very same weekend doesn’t sound like good optics.

IMHO, the only way a suicide weekend would “work” is if the weekend occurs directly after all the evidence has been released. Let the world see their crimes in court, let them experience the “they will not be able to walk down the street” as they go about their daily lives. Then, once everyone has turned against them, a suicide weekend makes sense.

And we’ve got a ways to go I think before then… this morning felt oddly calm. Potentially the calm before the storm? DS regrouping and aligning on next steps before fighting back? We’re watching a movie and it feels like we just got to the part where the heroes “win” the war, before the final boss lands and the climactic end scene rolls.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haha Johnny FairPlay I think he was called. Jeff hated him and I’m pretty sure he’s banned from the show after that stunt xD.

When survivor legend Rupert finds a way to hate you with a passion, you know you’ve fucked up

The show is really good at finding these characters that you just wouldn’t believe exist in real life.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is on CBS yea. A lot of people trash on it but personally it’s a really enjoyable (if sometimes goofy and somewhat scripted) family show.

Core message of the show is to be who you truly are, never stop fighting and to stand up for what you believe in. They do get a lot of clear liberal bias in the contestants, but there have also been plenty of more conservative players as well.

All in all, not a show I’d sit down and watch by myself. But when it’s survivor season, it’s really great to have a weekly 1 hour session with the family where we can just shoot the shit, laugh at Jeff yelling, laugh at how stupid the players can be and unwind together.

Didn’t realize while watching anything about Q, but looking forward to seeing how it plays out this season and will be rooting for him (he already seemed like a standup dude before hand).

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Agreed, everyone wakes up differently and the more ways we can offer help to those different people the better I think, appreciate you best of luck!

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Dammit fat fingered and deleted my comment when I went to edit a typo.

I appreciate your response, but I want you to put yourself into the shoes of a normie. They don’t know how severe the child crisis is, or border security, or anything else you mentioned. They’re still stuck in the MSM rut.

I don’t know about you and your personal journey, but the way I got involved in this movement was a stupid alien conspiracy theory piqued my interest. I started to research it and one way or another I found Q, and eventually GAW. If I had never dug into that ridiculous alien conspiracy I may not have ever found Q.

I’m simply trying to provide people with that first step. Lifting the veil from their eyes for the first time. Letting them do their first dig and potentially come back with questions or guidance for how to learn more.

You can’t just walk up to a normie and say “a satanic elite cabal of evil people run the world, sacrifice and kill children and want you dead”. They’ll laugh in your face and walk away. The only way to get to these people is to intrigue them enough to learn for themselves. And in my personal experience, debunking small “dumb” stuff like ‘Trump is FAT!’ Is a very good starting point to waking up.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hello GAW, I haven’t been on here in a long while but had a question if anyone sees this:

Recently I’ve been doing alot of arguing with people on various online comment sections about politics, etc.

A trend I’m seeing recently being pushed is, “Trump is fat”. They point to pictures of him in his suit which looks very bulky, and videos like this where his upper body just seems overly bulky.

Can anyone confirm if it’s been proven/stated that Trump pretty much wears a bullet proof vest under his shirt/suit 24/7? I can’t seem to find any confirmation, and wanted to check with the real experts before I go arguing with normies online.

My argument essentially boils down to, Obama and Biden never had any real concern or were ever in real danger. So they wore normal suits and shirts that fit. IMO it is undeniably true that Trump is the most targeted POTUS in history and therefore needs to take all precautionary methods to keep himself safe. Bullet proof vest all the time, which means bulkier suits and shirts than normal. Anyone agree/disagree? Does my logic check out? o7

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Forgive my ignorance, I’ve been off the boards for a long time for personal reasons.

But ever since I came back I’ve been seeing hints in a lot of comments/posts that the vaccine is a delayed killer meant to depopulate the US, or some form of that.

But my question to that is: why did Trump endorse the vaccines way back when? From what I recall, Trump basically encouraged all eligible Americans to get the vaccine, but also said he respected those who refused.

Also wasn’t the vaccine created under the Trump admin?

My thought the whole time was Trumps involvement in the program that created the vaccines and his endorsement of said vaccines was proof that white hats had neutralized the threat, maybe not fully but enough for it to not be killing millions of innocent Americans who follow trumps advice.

Have I missed something in the last year or so? I know the vaccine has been shown to have detrimental effects, but I can’t for the life of me understand why Trump would endorse something to his followers that he knew was a DS ticking time bomb?

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't really know much about stocks so just wanna make sure I understand, are you saying anyone who holds GME stock should continue to hold until 1 stock of GME is worth multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Like I said I have no idea about how stocks work, all I know is some greedy finance guys shorted GME years ago and the expectation is once they're forced to revert the shorts and pay up, the price will skyrocket

But GME peak over the last 5 years is ~$60, can we really expect it to go to $1,000+, let alone $100,000+?

I own GME but I had always thought if it made it to $500 I would instantly cash out, I just don't see how it can go beyond a few thousand at the absolute peak, I'm probably misunderstanding something though, so I apologize in advance.

Edit: just found the SuperStonks reddit page, and now i'm really confused... people are saying GME went to $150+, which I do remember now that it's mentioned, but on the GME stock page for the last 5 years, peak value shows at ~$60, I am so confused now haha

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea it is, but wouldn’t Q be the one picking which questions to answer?

For a movement that claims spelling is extremely important and that there are no typos, I’d only assume that extends to questions they are answering, regardless of where they’re from.

Also if it was a typo I’d imagine Q would have called it out, like they’ve called out other misspellings in the past.

To me this is intentional. There were ways to avoid this, and Q has made an effort in the past to correct any unwanted typos.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is exactly why a while ago I expressed my concern with how hard this forum was pushing the "VAXS ARE DEATH JABS" narrative. This feels like Jan 2021 date-fagging all over again, we hyped ourselves up and started telling all our friends and families to stay safe etc. etc, and it ends up being not nearly as bad as we led ourselves to believe it was.

I've said this so many times to so many people, if the vaccines are meant to kill innocent American citizens then the plan has already failed and this board is useless. Trump started Operation Warpseed, he got a vaccine and encouraged others to get it if they felt they needed it. Why on Earth would Trump encourage his own supporters to get a death jab and mislead them by telling everyone he got one as well?

If Q knew the big pharma companies were going to push life-ending/altering medications in the coming years, why did no Q post ever mention to not get anything Pfizer/Moderna/J&J release?

Don't get me wrong, the vaccine isn't 100% safe. There will be adverse effects and there will be people who die because of the vaccine. I do not think this is the intention of the vaccine, I think that is a side-effect of the MSM fear porn and pushing people to get the jab before consulting their doctors. Combine that with the rushed atmosphere of the vaccine and you've got a recipe for disaster. But is it a death jab? Hardly...

That entire "DEATH JAB" push really pushed me away from this board. I haven't been keeping up to date with any of the news because every time I came here the top 2-3 posts were telling me I was going to die or become infertile because I got a vaccine. People sitting there telling me my friends, my family and everyone I loved would be dead within months.

I hope this forum takes this as a lesson to quit with jumping to conclusions. Sometimes we're just as bad as leftists with how fast we jump to conclusions. Personally I think I'll be continuing to take a step back from this forum. If something happens it will happen, and I will be ready.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is Vanguard considered a brokerage? Or would I have to open a new account at one of the above mentioned?

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Didn't Q have an entire post dedicated to how to avoid what they called "scrapers" I believe?

It was something along the lines of 4 black boxes in each corner and random white lines, I guess it messes with the scanner technology big tech uses to automate their censorship mandates.

Tried searching some key words on qagg but wasn't able to find it, posting this comment hoping it jogs someone's memory and they remember the post.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Is there no live watch party for the audit results on RSBN? I feel like we've been waiting for this to be presented to the Arizona Senate for weeks and no live thread for it?

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 3 points ago +4 / -1

Can I ask what issue you have with that statement though?

This entire movement is about removing the corrupt officials from not only our political systems, but the financial, judicial and media institutions (medicinal, the list goes on and on).

The Rothschilds have managed to enslave the majority of the world with their banking system. They create the money we use and charge interest on it for "lending" it to us. If I gave you the only $100 bill in the world and told you in 2 weeks you had to pay it back to me plus $1, where do you get that $1 from?

if Q brings down the federal banking system, SOMETHING has to replace it. There has to be some system already in place that the public is at least vaguely familiar with so that the switch can be immediate. And that system has to be a permanent replacement, otherwise in 100-150 years our grandkids will have to deal with the same shit. It can't be another agency/corporation that can be corrupted, it has to be decentralized.

SA countries are starting the shift to bitcoin, I believe those are test runs for when the entire system collapses.

I'd really love to know what people have AGAINST bitcoin?

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yea I wish more people understood this movement this way. The banks are really the key to everything, if the banks are exposed to the masses as what you just alluded to, their entire system of control collapses.

Been watching documentaries/videos on the central banking cabal system for over 10 years now, anything I could get my hands on. I really hope Q and team are the ones to expose it all and bring it crashing down... because if we just remove the leaders and continue with a broken system, nothing has changed...

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

I remember someone did a voiceover of all the Devolution parts, do you happen to know who that was/where I can search for it?

Saw it a month ago or so but never got around to saving it or watching it before it fell off the forum.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hmmm... seems like I'll be fired beginning of November for refusing to be vaccinated. Looks like these are the states I'll be seeking a new job in.

Anyone have any recommendations for good states/cities? If possible i'd like to stay relatively close my my family (North East coast line), and would prefer a larger city since my disability prevents me from driving. I've been looking at some places in Tennessee (Nashville) but am open to any pede suggestions

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Fully agreed fren. Unfortunately I live in a liberal city and work for a large corporation that swings liberal (a survey they sent out had a 90% "already vaxxed" response). Told my boss that even though we are entering a critical phase of the project he will have to likely plan for me to be replaced by Nov 1st as I will not be complying with unconstitutional demands. I initially thought submitting a religious exemption would be a good idea, but haven't fully committed to it yet. I am aware most if not all of the vaccines used aborted fetal cells for testing, which directly goes against my pro-life stance.

It's going to suck, this has been my first job and only real job and it pays quite well. I was due for a big promotion in 2022 but I guess that's all gone now. I honestly don't even care though, working for big pharma corporations and helping push their profits up makes me sick to my stomach, especially after the last 1-2 years.

I think it's time a lot of us take our countries future into our own hands. I've seen the liberal shit bags that become teachers, I've seen how "hard" teachers make their jobs to be out. If I want to see change in the future of this country I am going to be a part of that change. Teaching doesn't pay as good as what I do now but if I do get fired I fully anticipate pursuing a teaching job in a more conservative state.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 8 points ago +8 / -0

Officially received confirmation a few hours ago from my company (I work for a large Consulting firm), we must have the vaccine by Nov 1st or send in medical proof/religious proof in order to remain at work and not take the vaccine.

I work remote 100% of the time, haven't been in the office since before covid started. Not entirely sure what I'll be doing but I know for a fact that I am not getting the vaccine.

QSAVEDTHEWORLD 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thought for a second that was RedPill78 for a second... then I remembered it's Twitter and someone like him is not allowed.

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