Qanaut 43 points ago +43 / -0

My immediate thoughts went to identity theft and voter fraud. You could very well be right though. Both scenarios could be intertwined. Much easier to steal elections with digital identifications that can be downloaded remotely into any Dominion voting machine in the nation.

Qanaut 23 points ago +23 / -0

Nah, I'm just quick at turning memes into gifs! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Qanaut 9 points ago +9 / -0

Translation: "We tried to pay a bunch of celebrities to show up and shill for us, but they didn't return our calls."

Qanaut 12 points ago +12 / -0

This is how you sell a massive psy-op. You pay off a few hundred people to show up at a tarmac to welcome Kamala off her aircraft, then you infiltrate the social media with bots pushing stories of a fake tarmac crowd, while simultaneously spreading other poorly generated photos of larger crowd sizes.

The initial crowd gets verified as real, and the normies then pass off all the other ones as real, ignoring the signs of artificial generation in the imagery. The only mistake that Kamala made was hiring a complete moron to generate the other crowds that were intended to look real.

Once again though, pushing the numbers to ludicrous quantities is an effective way to cut through the fog of war created by the initial psy-op. Comedy and mockery are the best weapons against this sort of information warfare.

Qanaut 9 points ago +9 / -0

2 is all you'd need if you hodl out until the price mirrors a phone number!


Qanaut 35 points ago +35 / -0

I just doubled my GME hodlings this last week and finished up DRSing all of my shares. I'm ready for the MOASS!



Qanaut [M] 15 points ago +15 / -0

All you have to do is follow three simple rules.

One, never underestimate the retards who go full retard. Expect the unexpected.

Two, take it to Mod-Mail. Never start anything inside GAW unless it's absolutely necessary.

And three, be nice!


Qanaut 2 points ago +4 / -2

Christ, to me, is exactly who he said he was. He is a son of God, just as we are all children of God. The question then becomes how you define and come to understand God.

I believe all of the teachings of Christ. I do not believe the entire narrative of the Bible, as I have come to understand that its present day iteration has had much removed that should not have been, and a great deal added that has been used to misconstrue and obfuscate Christ's teachings.

I have come to believe that we are the creators of our own hell. Those who consume the blood of the innocent condemn their souls to a half life; a cursed life that will lead them into an eternity of suffering of their own design. The law of equal and opposite reaction extends to the energy of the soul. Negative energy only begets negative reaction. Those who commit sin of the highest order will see that sin rebounded upon themselves.

Qanaut 2 points ago +3 / -1

It isn't any doctrine. It is a natural law of the universe. Religion is a lens through which humanity seeks to understand the immortal spirit.

Qanaut 5 points ago +10 / -5

No conversion necessary. Before any of us were born as biological entities, we were immortal spirits. This is one area of modern Christianity that I disagree with.

We are all ISBEs. Immortality has always and will always be ours. We have merely forgotten that spiritual part of our being.

I agree though that the Cabal do not want us remembering our spiritual immortality.

Qanaut 7 points ago +7 / -0

That's so awesome! Where did you order the skins from? I'd love to acquire a set!

Qanaut 26 points ago +26 / -0

This is doubly ironic. First, because they've censored President Trump for nearly a decade. Second, because what happened to Kamala was likely a result of a surge of bot accounts following the Kamala account, effectively DDoSing it. It would be hilarious if Elon released data that corroborates this happening.

Qanaut [M] 39 points ago +39 / -0

Don't worry Anons. Our sidebar photo isn't going anywhere!

Neither is our Teflon Don gif!


Qanaut 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also famously used in Monty Python's Holy Grail!

In war we're tough and able

Quite indefatigable

Between our quests we sequin vests

And impersonate Clark Gable

It's a busy life in Camelot

I have to push the pramalot

Qanaut 7 points ago +7 / -0

President Trump truly has the best stamina of any politician! Back to back Bitcoin Conference speech and Rally speech!



Qanaut 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yes, President Trump will be going from the Bitcoin Conference directly to a rally in St Cloud tonight at 7 PM.

This man has stamina like no other!

Qanaut 7 points ago +7 / -0

President Trump will deliver remarks at Bitcoin Conference on July 27, 2024, at 3 pm ET.

Qanaut 99 points ago +99 / -0

This is President Trump letting them know that he knows full well what their playbook is going forward. Netanyahu is telling us that they intend to start World War III by obliterating Iran. The only way that this happens, as per the messaging from Netanyahu, is with President Trump out of the picture.

Nutjob Yahoo isn't warning Iran not to assassinate President Trump. He is telling the world that the plan is to eliminate President Trump and Iran at the same time.

Remember what Q said about saving Israel for last . . . I'm thinking that this obliteration and threat of assassination will backfire severely upon the Israeli government.

Qanaut 9 points ago +9 / -0

4+7 = 11

Q Post 11


This Q post seems HIGHLY relevant given recent events.

Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA

There is no way that the assassination attempt nearly succeeded without the complicity of these three letter agencies. They setup POTUS and they failed.

Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?

It is clear who the Deep State consider to be the true Commander in Chief. They would not have attempted the assassination against President Trump if they didn't see him as a threat backed by military intelligence.

Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?

This is what President Trump is hinting at. The House of Representatives has failed to adequately deliver an explanation to the American people about J13 nearly two weeks after the event. The 3 letter agencies have shown their complicity in the plot against President Trump. The entire system is falling apart, and the time for military intervention draws near.

President Trump is sending a very clear message. End of occupation draws near!

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