I've experienced similar and it never works out the way you want it to because they suffer belief bias. (We all do to an extent). They become more resolute in their beliefs the more you throw information at them especially if it contradicts what they already think is true. The problem is what they believe is true to them and what you believe is true to you. Throwing facts at them just won't work at this point. The only thing that works in this situation is having the understanding that this is how they function and by asking them questions to prompt further investigation on their part.
Absolutely. He has done an incredible job and if I hadn't seen his proofs I wouldn't have as much confidence as I do now that there is a plan. He also explains it well for his audience. This video clearly misses the mark in terms of audience.
Former Victorian here. I'm livid whenever I hear about the situation you face down there. I have family and colleagues I work with down there and some are still pro lockdowns... My mates and I are taking bets on how many lockdowns it takes before Victorians wake up - if ever.
Seen this before? Not many have a face like hers.
It's happening in Queensland too. 1000 bed facility to be developed at an army barracks.
I looked through the attachments the other day and I didn't see anything to note. Some attachments were still sealed and the other attachments were just documents filed on behalf of Maxwell against the unsealing of docs. Might be more to it but I wasn't up to the task.
I have a different theory. This particular segment stands out because he is hinting that if you want to take on a government essentially you need the military. Currently the Biden admin, I believe, does not have the authority over the military. Also stating that the tree of liberty is not watered by the blood of patriots is a strange one. I can see it both ways but how I see it is that tyrannical governments eventually give way to liberty at the cost of the tyrants life... Now why would someone in his position say something like this if he wasn't an actor in all of this? Is he hinting that the military is the key to unlocking freedom?
Aussie pede here, I agree that they all need to be flushed but they also deserve the government they elected... It's the best way to wake them all up. Victoria is by far the most liberal and extreme state in the country which is where this law will come into effect. I lived in Vic but moved to Queensland. Best thing I've ever done.
This verifies the reason Merck gave up on creating a vaccine and shifted focus to therapeutics. Not just related to the SA variant but covid in general.
Truck travelling on the Changchung - Shenzhen hwy. Ship travelling from Shenzhen to Rotterdam. Changchung = Long Spring Shenzhen = Deep Drainage Rotter = Scoundrel/Rat In the correct order without double ups it's Long Spring - Deep drainage - Rat dam/swamp.
It's supposedly to represent the sun god Ra who has gold skin. The dome on the Epstein temple is thought to represent the sun above Ra.