Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only reason to be on Facebook is for marketplace but you can't create fictitious accounts anymore with any anonymity.

Qlueless 10 points ago +12 / -2

"Now is the time for the White House to realize their choices have brought us to the brink of disaster and give full-throated support to Israel."

Wow. Neo-cons really do love fellating Israel.

Qlueless 24 points ago +26 / -2

Ally? Do we have a defense pact with Israel???

No, more likely they have blackmail material you can't have getting out.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ohhhh threatening with the mod card. That all you got? You gonna call in favors? FO!"

BTW, how about you PROVE it was one shooter TROLL. You can’t.

How fragile does your self admitted "belief" have to be for you to fire off 3 replies attacking me and not the counter argument? It's like you didn't even watch the video I linked. You're so emotionally invested in a narrative that you can't address the problems with it when new evidence comes to light.

I’ve got professional experience with many of the weapons that are being discussed "

Wth does that mean and why should I care?

makes you sound like you know facts when they are not."

What facts did I present that are not facts?

what you are doing is literally trolling"

Which is what? Challenging false narratives?

you bring out your inner Democrat and threaten me with being CANCELLED"

So much EMOTION. If you get cancelled it's because you broke multiple rules. One report for minor incivility wont get you booted. I have thick enough skin not to report someone for calling me a troll a couple of times. But if that's going to be how you address me in every reply then yeah, your time here will be shortened as violations add up.

Maybe some of these issues caused you to quit being a mod here. I don’t know."

I stopped being mod because I was tired of constantly dealing with dumb people I didn't want to deal with. Now I choose my battles.

So I’ll be the grown up in this conversation, I’m sorry."

Oh, ok. I guess that makes me the childish troll. Weird fucking non-apology apology. Take that "win" I guess.

(psst, one shooter)

Qlueless 1 point ago +2 / -1

Weeks old links and media hype with incomplete evidence.

As stated by another commenter in this very post "Martenson has become less sure there was a second shooter."

Link to something that isn't refutable. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Not cherry picked footage and lies by omission by clout chasers. Opinions of real snipers is just that, opinions. It is in the nature of people to believe in untrue things. But here's one true thing you should know before you call me a troll again, I was a mod for about a year or more before I retired from it.

Qlueless 1 point ago +3 / -2

No. You're hearing sound changes from people pointing their phones in different directions. Set aside your biases and acquire more information. Stop trying to make the minimal amount of facts fit your narrative.


Qlueless 0 points ago +3 / -3

"Kid's teeth were blown out, not in. So means that he was shot from behind."

You skull fuck someone with a .300 Winchester Magnum and expect things not to come out?

It's one shooter. The cone of fire only supports this. A professional wouldn't miss. Jovan hypes shit up all the time.

Qlueless 3 points ago +3 / -0

Seizing more means nothing if more are dying from it.

Qlueless 1 point ago +4 / -3

Ridiculous bullshit.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

No Mike Cernovich.

I agree.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hadassah Feinberg seems to be a bit...touched in the head. They seem familiar enough to file cases, without winning anything.

Qlueless 3 points ago +3 / -0

Australia started with registration.

We're not registering you dumb cunt.

Qlueless 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guy doesn't understand foreshortening.

Nobody addressed the fact the media gave us to separate angles because we know the media is always wrong and always hasty.

Qlueless 2 points ago +2 / -0

"1min to print each"

With what, a dot matrix printer??? Commercial machines are probably printing both sides in excess of 50ppm.

Qlueless 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was what sounded to me like full auto fire at the end which may have come from a dhs/ss sub machine gun which they haven't disclosed.

But if there was a pro involved they wouldn't have missed.

Also the shots came from his position as all those struck line up.


They got lazy hoping someone would take him out for them.

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