I would agree accept that the very name "In(voluntary) cel(ibate)" implies you have no choice, whereas you just admitted men are "leaving" which is voluntary. I think that's more MGTOW than "incel".
However, there is an inherent flaw in the entire movement in that MOST (Not All) of the people who take on the name "incel" aren't involuntary at all. They choose not to make the Effort to improve to find someone.
There are "incel" women, as well. However, the difference is, Society/Men expect women to exert the effort and spend the money to make themselves more attractive. Makeup, working out/dieting, clothes, plastic surgery if necessary. If they don't, they're just "dogs" who don't care about themselves, or finding a man. If they complain that men don't find them attractive because they're overweight, not young enough, or ugly, they're berated, denigrated and abused--for being overweight, ugly, and older.
For MOST (not all) of incels, they think they shouldn't have to make any effort to improve. Women should simply accept them as they are (ugly, overweight, broke, old) and if they don't, Women are the problem.....Not Them. Then, they make it very clear within the movement, they are "entitled" to a woman who is far above their pay grade, or extremely young (under 25), and again, abuse and denigrate any woman who doesn't live up their high standards. Incels are Shallow Hals.
That's why most people have no respect for the movement. If you aren't wiling to make the effort to Be the Person You'd Want to Be With, then you can't then expect someone to want to be with you, and whine and cry that no one wants to be with you.
No one is shaming men for "leaving the plantation". They're shaming (MOST) incels for being entitled and hypocritical. And that is the main flaw of it all, and it isn't going to fix that until it changes it's own attitudes toward women and hold themselves to the same standards.
So much love and respect fist bump
There are plenty of good women out there who would stick by you, are extremely based, and would be excellent partners in the Apocalypse, slaying zombies, starting fires to cook that deer you slayed, kicking ass, not getting the jab, and stick by you for being a Man and standing up for your convictions.
Just be sure that (unlike incels) you aren't passing them by because they're not a Perfect 10, or they don't meet all your exact expectations of media driven Beauty standards. Some of the most Beautiful women in the world are the ones you didn't look twice at, or walked by without a second glance because they didn't meet the Consooom Product brainwashing men are subjected to today. Turn off the porn and Twitter bitches, and look at the REAL women out there who are looking for a man exactly like You, and would be grateful for your love, affection, and loyalty. If she turns you down, She wasn't the right one. Keep looking. Don't paint all women with Her dirty brush.
Look for the one who isn't wearing makeup, 3" fake nails, or revealing "sexy" clothing, throwing herself out there for fake adoration. If you didn't notice her right off...she's probably the One
Doesn't do anything For you, but you have it anyway
I know. Grandma kept chickens my whole childhood, and ducks (a little rich but delicious).
Best chicken I ever had was a month after the Rooster Attack. We were sitting down at grand'mas for dinner and she said, "You know where that chicken came from, don't you?" and I just looked her, confused. She pointed to the crispy leg in my hand, "That's the rooster that attacked you," and smiled. And I smiled. And I dug into that chicken with gusto and that was the best chicken I have ever had in my life :-D So yeah, chickens are amazing....on my Plate
There are serious drawbacks (from someone who has a prejudice against chickens unless they're fully dressed out on my plate steaming hot with a pinch of rosemary and olive oil).
Chickens are expensive to keep--building a coop, feeding them. They attract snakes and predators that will not only eat your eggs but your chickens. They're messy (feathers, feed waste, droppings, feathers), and they stink.
Of course, this is coming from someone who was attacked by grandma's rooster as a child and hated the nasty little fuckers ever since, so you can take that for what it's worth. I'll just get my eggs from the farmer down the road. An omelet isn't worth putting up with those feathered demon dinos from the eighth circle of Hell
Look up growing food indoors wall hydroponics ....there's too many vids on youtube to count. You only need a wall and it can be done cheap with materials you can pick up at any home depot, like plumbing pipe. I picked a really easy, cheap one to get you started on the search
This is great! I met a service guy at work who also owns his own farm. I asked him about the possibility of buying beef and milk from him and was told it was illegal in my state. You could "give" it to family but you can't sell it to strangers. I had no idea this was a Thing until I talked to him 2 weeks ago. Blew my mind. How can farmers not sell their own property? (Vegetables are okay to sell, but not any meat or dairy products)
I think this is something to push for in my state now that we've gone full Rep.
My rent, utilities, phone and car insurance are direct deposit. Not sure how to get away from that yet. It either auto-pay for me---or forget to pay and pay late fees or have my phone turned off---again because I forgot it.
But I think just using cash for purchases like groceries and eating out and buying personal items is a good start for most of us.
I set this goal for myself for the month of November. Haven't bought anything yet, so its a good time to start even though it's the 2nd.
Also @heebiejeebie I vow not to buy anything made in China for the entire month.
I think this is more productive than NoNutNovember since my orgasms don't effect anyone but me (though one could argue it effects my overall mood and attitude and people might find me objectionable) and does a lot more good in the world than my personal fapping habits.
I set this goal for myself for the month of November. Haven't bought anything yet, so its a good time to start even though it's the 2nd.
Also @heebiejeebie I vow not to buy anything made in China for the entire month.
I think this is more productive than NoNutNovember since my orgasms don't effect anyone but me (though one could argue it effects my overall mood and attitude and people might find me objectionable) and does a lot more good in the world than my personal fapping habits.
If I see one there in a few, I'm gonna shake his hand and tell him thank you
I got the oil off amazon; I thought it was a good deal per pill (it's Seed OIL, not seed eye roll at the idiot below
Thanks! I needed to know that!
Blood dries quickly and turns deeper red, burgundy, then brown red. If you want to hide blood, black and brown are the best colors -- army medic
[gasp!] Its a SLUR....Oh no! I most using this at once because the MSM said it was a [gasp] Sluuuurrrr........ Bwhahahahahahahahahahaha....
Ok, I'm ignorant. What do red shoes have do with anything? I'm assuming its a pedo flag? Except...I own red shoes. I like red shoes. They also cost a lot of money and I don't want to get rid of them cause the go well with things.
FJB promised to Unite the country. So far, it's the only damn thing he's done
We are Resolute, Determined, Informed, and Pissed off. But none of that implies "hesitant"
FB is blocking Anything and All from Community.win for months. I found out when I tried to post something that wasn't even inflammatory. It was immediately blocked.
I only go on FB anymore to stir the pot with my more liberal fam and see how they'll react. Otherwise, it's not worth the hassle.
I sit on the fence between agnostic and atheist and even I'm glad to hear this. When people stopped going to church, stopped believing in a Higher Power, the world went straight to Hell. The truth is, most people don't do well without a belief system and a moral foundation. They can't function without rules to guide them and keep them grounded. And I'm not insulting them, that's just human nature. I was raised in the Church, every time the doors were open I was there (forcibly but there), and it gave me a conscious, a sense of empathy and respect for my fellow man. I had that foundation ingrained in me from childhood. I might not believe in the God you believe in, but I believe we should have morals ingrained in us from a young age. As the Bible says, Raise up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old, they shall not depart from it. So even us Godless folks raised in the Church have more morals than those who were never taught anything.
Get your children in Church. Teach them something. Give them a foundation. Even if they turn out to be godless heathens when they grow up, they'll have a better chance of being morally upright, respectful, contributing members of society.
So then, can I still blame FJB for the mess we're in?
Or do I get to blame Trump for it?
Because again, even if there was an emergency, you claim the emergency Over and then reinstate and it fixes the entire problem. Also, whether or not there was an emergency, the same result would have happened with the Jab. People would rebel, strike, sue and refuse to comply, so we're back to where we started with no change....other than people are going to start starving soon.
Either I'm not comprehending this well, or it isn't being explained well. I'm going to go with I don't get it, and leave it at that
No one is admitting to any election fraud and federal judges are still denying there was any fraud or throwing out evidence of fraud. Without fraud being proven, in Court, the whole argument falls apart. So no, this can't have anything to do with election fraud.
Second, all they had to was shut down the "pandemic" back in the Spring, then suddenly declare the "Delta" variant a month later (Oops! Too Soon! It's Back!), and reinstate the "emergency". Even someone as demented as Biden would have figured that out, or those truly in control. With a solution that easy, I can't believe this is true.
I don't know about set up but definitely the scapegoat. Also, she wasn't even on the set, from what I'm reading. If she wasn't even there, it has nothing to do with her.
Okay, If I'm wrong, tell me how I'm wrong and cite examples, as I did. Just saying "that's wrong" isn't enough. Even if it's just an opinion, you have to give more than "That's pretty much all wrong". Pretty much? So it's not ALL wrong?