QuantumLegion 6 points ago +6 / -0

They're literally beating people in the streets and running over old women with horses. They've invited a foreign power onto their soil to subjugate the people. If the time to take up arms and fight and shed blood isn't RIGHT THIS SECOND, it will never come. Bet you $20 right now, no one is going to take up arms and shed any blood.

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Spec Ops are on the side of the people who pay them. They have no honor, or integrity. They proved that in Afghanistan. Even thinking they would help us is the most naïve thing I've heard all year. I've never met anyone on the SF side who wasn't a piece of shit who would follow orders from whomever is paying them the drug money.

They might be a joke, but none of you are going to actually take up arms against those Jokes. I've been hearing it for 6 years, or longer. We gonna do this...behind every blade of grass, I got all the guns.....bahahahahaha! All you yahoos had the time and opportunity to get off your keyboards and do something and you didn't. And you aren't going to. You talk tough but the time for revolution passed a long time ago and you sat on your ass and did....squat.

A lot of those mercs ARE vets and they will shoot whomever they're told to shoot--just like the police. Just like SF. Just like the UN. They don't give a shit about "Muh Constitution". All they care about is being on the winning side and getting paid for it.

Civil war isn't useless...but you have to have the balls to shed blood and none of you have it. If you had it, you would have done something before it got this bad. The fact that the Truckers had to follow the steps of fucking Canadians of all people proves it. Americans are soft, weak, pussies. Eh, maybe when you get hungry enough you might put up a token revolution with a very small force that has no chance of winning. But you won't get many people to follow. As long as they have internet to cry on about dumbass distractions like pronouns and where someone shits, food and a cell phone, most people are too busy jacking off and eating chips in front of the the Super Bowl half time to do anything. All they have to do is maintain a semblance of comfort for the bourgeois, keep them dumb and eating Chick'Fil'A, and they aren't going to do shit that jeopardizes their porn and Starbucks.

That might be cynical, but I gave up hope a while ago. No one is doing anything, and no one is going to do anything.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

So proud of my Gov, LT Gov and AG for standing up and fighting for the rights of the citizens of the Commonwealth of Virginia! NOVA is a cesspool of ignorant, fascist Democrats and should be removed from our state to be incorporated into the sewer that is DC.

Also, as the masks go away, watch as their narrative of illness, a winter of death and overwhelmed hospitals crumble into nothing. They know they will be found out as liars. That's why they're fighting this so hard. The Emperor has no mask, and no clothes and we are exposing it.


QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, only ONE of us was a victim of a ruthless psyop.

No, I will not have sympathy or kindness for a group of people who cheered for the idea of my death, who rooted for my incarceration, who thought it was perfectly Okay to deny me my livelihood and for that matter, my very LIFE because I didn't conform to their demands of absolute control over my personal choices and body autonomy.

Be the better person? I'm Already The Better Person. What makes me a better person is that I didn't get a vaccine...I didn't conform... I didn't bow down to the propaganda machine. I did not give in to coercion, bullying, threats, terrorism, propaganda and financial ostracism. I AM A Better Person. Period. I already Was a Better person. I don't need to prove it to these morons. I proved it by not getting the vaccine.

They will never see me, or you, or any of us, as Leaders. Because they cannot, they will not, even when they're on their death bed, admit they were wrong. Even if a Doctor looks them in the face and tells them, You are dying from the vaccine, they will double down or deny it. I've seen it happen. They are so entrenched in their confirmation bias, they will never be able to take full responsibility for what they've done. If they do, it will be 1 here, 1 there. People who already had doubts. But the majority will never admit to wrong-doing. They cannot. If you doubt me, look at interviews with everyday Germans who supported the Third Reich. Hell, look at Nazi's on this site who, to this day, deny the full extent of what happened during the Holocaust. Who still claim it never happened, despite video evidence, and millions of eye-witness accounts by not only Jews, but soldiers who liberated them. They are Still in denial. If you think for one second that these people will ever admit to their Evil....You haven't paid one iota of attention to History, human nature, or even the posts on this very site.

The person that wrote this an idiot. There is only One response to Evil. Eradicate it. As much as humanly possible, destroy that which is Evil so it cannot propagate and spread. Like a virus.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Smoker: When I try to quit, my energy level goes through the roof. ADHD would be a mild side-effect. I'm so hyper I can't sit still and can't focus. I lose weight, and not in a healthy way, because the energy I'm experiencing won't let me sit. I'm not crazy, but I do tend to talk faster, move faster, and experience more irritability and snap anger. Smoking keeps me calm and under control and allows me to chill out. When I can't smoke, I chew Nicorette 4mg like a fiend.

We're not crazy, btw. Just hyper.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Meanwhile, in France: https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2021/10/13/smokers-are-less-likely-to-get-covid-french-researchers-explore-whether-nicotine-might-prevent-transmission/

The claims were made using results from a school of 700 teachers and pupils and their families in a section of France with high levels of COVID-19. Only about 7 percent of smokers were infected while the rate among non-smokers was 400 percent higher. Obviously that’s not an endorsement of smoking, smoking kills. It is, like alcohol, a known carcinogen. The benefit, the authors say, is derived from the nicotine, not the cigarettes. Smoking kills people, but nicotine does not.(1)

Yet nicotine is great for warding off some pests in nature. A modern class of targeted pesticides called neonicotinoids revolutionized agriculture by protecting plants from pests when they are most vulnerable and without mass spraying, and nicotine is common and affordable. The authors believe that the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) means that nicotine may act to protect it from attack by SARS-CoV-2.

If this result ends up being real, and not just correlation, it would mean an easy preventative measure. Nicotine gum is available and affordable. Some studies have found chewing gum already helps generate 10 times the normal amount of saliva, which plays a role in preventing lots of infections, but gum companies can’t talk about that because they don’t want FDA thinking they are talking about themselves as a drug.

That wouldn’t prevent people from chewing it anyway.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is Resistance Forming to Youngkin's Education Agenda? by James A. Bacon A day after Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin announced the appointment of two vocal opponents of Critical Race Theory-inspired policies in public schools, the Virginia Association of School Superintendents (VASS) has announced a new executive director… who is a vocal advocate of CRT initiatives. Dr. Scott S. Braband, superintendent of Fairfax County Public Schools, has taken on the top administrative position at the organization, which represents the interests of the state’s 133 school superintendents. In the past, judging from its website posts, VASS has focused mainly on practical issues such as getting more state funding for schools and solving the teacher shortage. Does Braband’s appointment indicate a shift in emphasis? Braband was a polarizing figure in Fairfax County, leading the push for “diversity, equity & inclusion” and “anti-racism.” Most controversially, he changed the admissions criteria for the Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology to admit more Blacks and Hispanics at the expense of Asians. The question arises: what does this appointment mean? Is VASS signaling that it will transition from nuts-and-bolts operational and fiscal concerns to ideological priorities? Is VASS positioning itself to oppose Youngkin’s vow to rid schools of CRT? Alternatively, did Braband just see the writing on the wall and figure he didn’t have much of a future as a school superintendent in the new order?

So, it's not over. Lets not become complacent out there, Virginians. The Commies are upping the opposition, and we all know what that means. Lies, lies, rioting, more lies about who is rioting. violence, lies about who's fault it is people are rioting, following by strong arm opposition, lies, cries of "racism" and "white supremacy" and more Lies. Now this piece of communist shit is in charge of superintendents all over the country.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don't get me wrong--I'm still unvaxxed, and plan to stay that way. I'm still against mandatory anything without consideration for religious or health exemptions. I'm still against punishing people for not taking an experimental "treatment" that doesn't even work, and is proven not to work over the last year. I'm still against masks because they don't work. I'm a fanatic when it comes to protecting people's Freedom of Body Autonomy and Choice in this matter. I lost my job for it--I'm still resolute.

But when I look at the obits and there are still the same amount of people dying and the obituary hasn't overtaken the whole newspaper, I think we need to be cautious of sounding like crazed conspiracy theorists throwing out wild, unfounded nonsense that does more harm to our fight than good and might turn others from the right path.

QuantumLegion 4 points ago +4 / -0

I know of only one person who may have died from the jab, and I didn't know him personally. He was a co-workers uncle. He was in a meeting at work, put his head in his hand, leaned over like he was falling asleep in the meeting---and his heart just stopped. No reason. He was reasonably healthy, early 40's, and just died. No one could tell the family Why his heart stopped--it just stopped. It was not a heart attack. He'd had the Jab 5 days previous.

So, on the one hand, there's this article, and yes people are dying. But wouldn't there be More people that we all know personally who have died if that many were dying? You're talking about a Black Plague Level extinction event. You'd think there would be bodies piling up in the street, people falling out in public places, maybe bon-fires to rid us the stench of the dead. You know, plague level shit. Why aren't funeral homes overrun? I live less than 3 miles from a funeral home. It's across the street from my local grocery store. I haven't seen any greater, or unusually greater, activity around this business. My mother is in a nursing home. No more people are dying there than were dying before. Most of the rooms are filled.

At the same time, If only 1 person here, 1 person there, why would we hear of it? If Bob down the street died, one person in the neighborhood, most of us don't even know Bob. We might have waved at him once when he was out cutting grass, but we didn't "know" him. If its spread out enough, could we be losing that many people and not be aware of it on a personal level?

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +3 / -2

People like you are the reason I refuse to participate in the modern version of Christianity.

You don't worry anymore because you have prayer and faith? You should be worried. You should be outraged. Your (in the collective--all You and Yours are collective of All people who think this way) Your lack of emotions, your lack of outrage over these events is the Reason why these events keep happening.

You think God is going to fix these problems because you prayed? God hasn't fixed the problems in the world in 100,000 years of prayer. He is not going to go save a child being raped; He is not going to make a pedophile drop dead in his tracks on his way to kidnap and rape a child; He is not going to put a stop to anything. You know what will put a stop to it? If You get up off your knees, get outraged and pissed, and DO something about it. That's what will stop it.

Exactly--He gave you free will. And what did Christians do with it? A lot of Nothing.

God isn't responsible for ANYTHING that happens. You are. We Are. The World of Humanity is the only thing responsible. Do you know what's irresponsible? Pretending an imaginary entity in the sky cares about humanity and doing Nothing to change it because you're too busy focused on your imaginary fantasy world to get up off your lazy ass and Do The Things that need to be done. You are Responsible. For Everything. Your "faith light and love" bullshit attitude where YOU are honkey dorey and Peaceful destroyed this world by indifference and lack of action.

Whatever is going to happen is going to happen? Sure, because you didn't do anything about it.

I'm so glad you no longer have to live in a world without faith hope and prayer--which is essentially saying, "Yo, I'm good, bro. Fuck everybody else". But you do you, like Christians always have.

Just my rant for the day. You just happened to step in front of it when it was already brewing.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

There's no point anyway. My VA Doc canceled every single appointment I've made in the past 1.9 /yrs, or insisted on doing tele-med appointments. He hasn't physically seen me since Jan 2020, though I have a chronic condition that should require an in-house visit and vitals. I put in a request for a change of physician and they ignored me/never answered. What's the point of having VA care if they never care for you?

I just started a new job and I'm going to take the health ins, research and see if I can find a doctor that's based on the private side.

QuantumLegion 22 points ago +22 / -0

Trump is the only "celebrity" who kicked Epstein off of his property for hitting on underage girls. You can't make that go away no matter how the Left tries to spin it. He saw Epstein for what he was and told him to take a hike off of his resort.

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm just sad it's not $250 mil. I mean, come on? Just $60? That won't even dent their contracts. Go big or go home!

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Buffalo Trace is so rare in my area, people will follow the ABC trucks to the store at 4 am, wait for Hours, go in as soon as they're open, and buy up whole cases.

For Rip, you have to enter a "lottery" with the VA -ABC Authority online, and be chosen for the chance to purchase.

I had a friend in Maryland and used to visit once a month. I could get as much BT there as I liked, for about $5 cheaper a bottle. Got desperate last month and called the store to see if they had any in stock. I was willing to drive up there for it. They were also out of stock. Apparently the Yankees finally got on board the bandwagon and there's a shortage up there, too.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, good luck finding Buffalo Trace in my area. And if you want Rip, you actually have to enter a lottery to "win" the right to buy it

by BQnita
QuantumLegion 13 points ago +13 / -0

Back when Obama targeted the Tea Party and other Obama "enemies" with a weaponized IRS.

Already we've forgotten Waco and Ruby Ridge. Clinton era. And lets not forget the innocent Immigrant child ripped out of his family's arms on national TV which democrats applauded and Republicans protested. Because you know, we hate immigrant kids so much.

QuantumLegion 3 points ago +3 / -0

I never knew that "crossing state lines" was a high crime until now. And to think I've driven from NC to TX and back numerous times "crossing states lines". Should I get a lawyer?

QuantumLegion 0 points ago +1 / -1

Have you considered the possibility that 100% of everything you believe, your very existence, the Very WORLD is all a figment of our collective imagination in a simulation?

QuantumLegion 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's impossible for men to have created it

"The Masoretic Text is a traditional Hebrew text finalized by Jewish scholars around 1000 C.E. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Torah created by the Jews of Alexandria in the third century B.C.E. (The other books of the Hebrew Bible were translated over the course of the following century.) According to Septuagint tradition, at least 70 isolated ancient scholars came up with identical Greek translations of the Torah.

Which is the “original” Bible? How do we decide which of these two ancient texts is more authoritative? In “Searching for the ‘Original’ Bible” in the July/August 2014 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review, Hebrew University of Jerusalem scholar and long-time editor-in-chief of the Dead Sea Scrolls publication team Emanuel Tov suggests we turn to the Dead Sea Scrolls to help us compare the Masoretic Text and the Septuagint."

Mostly copied from other texts by men to new texts in new languages that Men use. Written on paper men created, in ink (or whatever people used back then) Then Men decided which text would go in the Bible and which would be declared Apocrypha.

Do you hear yourself? This is like me saying, I don't understand how baths worked in Roman times. Must be Magic.

QuantumLegion 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm gonna upvote you even though I haven't yet researched your claims (though I intend to today). However, I never discount any medical advice until proven otherwise. When I was in the field hospital downrange, the Canadians there flat out said they had stopped using alcohol pads before IV injection because the alcohol doesn't really help.

When I went back to my unit and tried to take this (and other gems of wisdom) they treated me like I was a retarded idiot. Guess what? https://hospitalnews.com/the-alcohol-swab-before-the-needle-a-point-of-debate/

Never blindly follow anything. Question Everything. That's the whole point of science.

QuantumLegion 25 points ago +25 / -0

The Clowns keep crawling out of the car faster and faster, and there doesn't seem to be an end

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only when the Elites start suffering will they change their tune

QuantumLegion 3 points ago +3 / -0

Got up at 2:30, found this post, went looking for this BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on MSM. Nothing. Not a peep. Now I know its some ransomeware thing but apparently it wasn't that big of an announcement if I had to find out what it's about from posters here.

So, when are they arresting Killery again? Next week? NEVER? yawn

QuantumLegion 5 points ago +5 / -0

I am both, it's complicated.

I believe in a Creator, and that Christ probably existed, and in the morals and SOME lessons provided by the Bible as as way to live a fulfilling, and moral life.

I do not believe in the BIBLE. I think it was written by Men, not God. Some is a practical JEWISH history (I'm not Jewish-don't care), but mostly it's metaphors, fictional stories, and myths created to entertain, explain the unexplainable or, like Aesops Fables, moral lessons. Man wrote the Bible for his own reasons. IMO, it would be like Humans 2500 years from now believing Silmarillion (Tolkien) is a factual account of history. Like Jefferson, I believe 99.% of the Bible should be tossed, or treated like any ancient fictional saga--with a great deal of study and inquiry but also a Great Deal of skepticism. God Told Me is nothing new. Jerry Falwell used it in modern times. If you look at Abraham from a modern, critical POV, he was definitely suffering from Schizophrenia. I could go on and on for a whole book on why the Bible is suspect simply from a reasoning, logical POV, including a whole book on why I, and many Biblical scholars, believe Paul (the founder of the Church) was a false prophet, liar, and con-artist. Everything he wrote should be burned in entirety, with prejudice.

If you want to read it, cool. But for me, I can't take the Bible seriously. It tweaks my nipples when Atheists use the Bible as an argument for why God doesn't exist, or you shouldn't believe in God. To me the two have nothing to do with one another. God (creator) Exists. The Bible is fiction written by Man to explain God.

I'll even go one further and state I believe, without doubt, God didn't create Man in His image. Man Created God in His image to explain what he couldn't explain. God, IMO, is not who any of you think IT is. It is inexplicable, beyond your human comprehension, so vast, so powerful, so Beyond Human you could not even See IT much less ever explain IT's existence. To believe your meager human mind Could explain God or what IT is --or God Forbid, Speak for GOD?---is the height of human arrogance and pride.

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