Quntasaurus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Anal Schwab did say that putin was a puppet of his in the same video that he said trudeau and most of his cabinet were his puppets.

Quntasaurus 3 points ago +3 / -0

If we take our money out of the bank what do we do with it? Are credit unions the same as big banks or are they safer?

Quntasaurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

So we can add Justin Pedeau to his ever growing list of alternate names? Lol

Quntasaurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Churchill is a badass place, almost everyone has a gun, even the lefties lol the infrastructure left over from the rocket range and military operations is like walking through some weird 1960s dystopian film set with the chance a polar bear might pop out at you

Quntasaurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

She's the member from my area, CBC tried to smear her because she wore a camo MAGA hat once lol

by BQnita
Quntasaurus 8 points ago +8 / -0

Canada's also the perfect country to do it in too, one main highway connecting the major cities all in a line ending at the capital city

Quntasaurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Basically saying that vaxxed pretty much should be none in the ratio if it actually worked. Like if we're talking measles vax or a vax that actually works, if you have a 4:1 ratio of vaxxed to not vaxxed you wouldn't see a similar ratio of the vaxxed to unvaxed catching measles, it would be more like 1 vaxxed catching measles to 4 million unvaxed catching measles If 75% are covid vaxxed and in the hospital/Icu, to 25% not, and a similar ratio are hospitalized/ in icu it means it really doesn't friggin work at all and there's another agenda behind the vaxxxxxx

Quntasaurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at all those pedo swirls on that Christmas tree 👀

Quntasaurus 4 points ago +4 / -0

We voted on paper ballots but not with pens this time, we had frickin pencils so I almost carved a hole in my ballot so it couldn't be erased. I dunno if it even matters though because our ballots are just a small piece of paper with the candidates names on it and a box with the election officials initials on it. Good luck auditing that. There's nothing to tie that ballot to anyone. No names, signatures or anything

Quntasaurus 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wish they took those fences and put em up around the cop cars; would be an excellent statement

Quntasaurus 14 points ago +14 / -0

Justin Castro is a gun grabbing commie pedo. Even his wife refuses to go near that prick. His new bill C21 even goes after paintball and airsoft guns. Now he's floating the idea of a spring election too. He's gotta take advantage of mail in ballots while covid lasts to get himself a majority government.

Quntasaurus 1 point ago +1 / -0

You mean Jen psakcheese

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