Gutterballs are illegal. Stay off the shoulders, pedes.
Praise God in all things. Once you are born again and baptized, the Holy Spirit will be with you at all times. Build your strength through daily Bible reading and constant prayer. There’s no reason you shouldn’t read completely through the Bible at least once per year (twice is better!).
Having established a strong relationship with God, then join the navy. Don’t join the marine corp. They will only teach you to fire a rifle. The navy will teach you a real trade and make a man of you.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. Amen.✝️
So who won the challenge?
Delete this after you read it. DC. April 1. With the Oogaboo Boys.
Found this when I searched on Qwant The Transamerican Underground Subshuttle System (T.A.U.S.S.) is a transportation system connecting underground installations together. It covers the entire continental United States and extends through Central America and Brazil into Argentina. —-Corey Goode - Secret Space Programs & Break Away Civilizations —-
Where’s MY endorsement. I can’t get a job doing even menial labor and I suspect it’s because my social media is pro-Trump. You’d think MY name was Crapo.
and...then I looked at the pic of the statue. Yuge.
That statue must be yuge to be visible from ~3ft? behind Joe Biden. Perspective from relative distances would require a very wide-skulled statue if the two filmed objects were aligned so perfectly.
There used to be a game called “sportsball.”? Early March they played conference tournaments in major sportsball venues (like Indianapolis, Terre Haute, Evansville, etcetera), followed by a National sportsball tourney. They called it “March madness.” I don’t know what ever happened to sportsball.?
That’s not Jeb. It’s John-John in a Jeb suit.?
“At this point, what difference does it make that Seth Rich suicided himself by MS-13?” —Killary
Been a bit of a grinch these past few months, but today my hands grew three sizes, along with my heart. ROCK, FLAG AND EAGLE! ?
Don’t say anything about Michael Jackson. Getting kids liquored up on “Jesus juice” and inviting them into his bed is only fit for the memory hole, around here. He could sing and dance, so...priorities.
Weeks old story about a never-trumper that portrays him as a Trump aide. Nice misdirect. Instablock.
“...not some effort to overturn any election results.” [This is just more of the same cover up]
His name is “Dick.”
OMD, it’s Trigglypuff.
Babylon Bee has gone too far.
One glove...MichaelJacksonisstillalive! Shucks. Too bad. I was glad when I thought that kid-fucker was dead. Sometimes I wonder how many of these comms I get wrong or just miss, altogether.?
Something tells me these 6 ain’t really black, man.
What golf nut wouldn’t be super stoked to get a pic with the Golden Bear?
Bronx must be the new hotbed of huwhite nationalism. Deblasio gonna root ‘em out along with the jay double oh zee.
It’ll be cold day down under I take my lessons from a shackle dragging roofucker.
NATO disbanded. The Warsaw Pact expanded. The Ukrainian wheat harvest failed. A socialist coup d’etat occurred in Mexico. Several American cities, including DC have been destroyed by nukes. Strategic Air Command has been crippled by Cuban saboteurs. Most of the southern states and northwest Canada are occupied by the Soviets (NEVER trust a Sov). There’s blood everywhere! So much blood...
How have you been? During your vacay?