RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

thinking about dudes doing anal is better?

Love is Love is definitely about normalizing child predation.

"Pederasty is a sexual orientation - not a crime - love is love"

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's always the DYKES who demand mask compliance.

I'm not even trying to be a dick - this is an observation.

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish "love is love" was about dudes doing anal.

"Love is Love" always reads like "we fuck kids" to me.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are on the right path.

The digs people are making Superstonk are JUST like the digs we used to have.

The numbers analyses remind me of the stuff we did during the election.


This is the way.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

"Get the fuck off my property"

"You cannot take my fucking weapons"

"I've had enough of this 'government' shit"

"Nancy Pelosi is a cunt"

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because that is what the DTC's job is.

It is a private corporation - like most of wall street. DTC (and its two parts, the DTCC and NSCC), OCC, NYSE are all private corporations.

What do you think a title companies job is? Like in a real estate transaction, the title company is there to ENSURE and ultimately INSURE the transfer of title.

These companies do not need to exist. We could hypothetically walk into the company and buy a share certificate - none of these other companies would get their cut.

You have doubled down on your negative nancy bullshit - but have also proved that it may just be because you do not understand the circumstance. It's all about the line of succession of debt and the market has FIRST claim to that money.

If you don't think people have the "willpower" I think you are in the wrong fucking forum. I think there will be plenty who refuse to sell just to watch the clown world house of cards burn.

The margin call is coming. Enough people need to be educated. There will be no "fluctuations" on that rocket.

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Are you paid to do this?

Post-2008 crash, there is a line of succession of debt in place. Primary defaulting hedgefund/bank > dtc > other hedgefunds/banks associated with that dtc.

Furthermore, in the case of a bankruptcy, the market gets paid FIRST. So a short position would require these entities to buy back shares on the open market to close their short positions.

Please don't spread fear and doubt - that is NOT the way.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

"it's incest on purpose"

that's kinda what I thought, I appreciate the explanation.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

ah. thanks for writing this out for me. You're right.

If you know....who would be margin calling the bank?

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't think the bank gets margin called - the bank MAKES the margin call.

This definitely needs to be looked into a little bit.

The way these $$$ multiply as they switch hands and different parties get to 10x it is too fucking retarded. It's so retarded that you tell people about it and their answer is "no way, there's gotta be more to it"

Nope, there isn't more to it. It's actually retarded.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

very very interesting. I didn't know they started derivatives....

This stonk market shithole just gets deeper and deeper

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

JP Morgan has a plan to implement a blockchain stock exchange - this alone will change the world for the better.

JP Morgan is collecting silver, but also playing a huge role in keeping silver price down - even though it is evident that the currency is failing.

JP Morgan is playing a role here (whether they know it or not) and I'm not sure they are necessarily "bad guys" - maybe they are playing "bad"?

RamboToaster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Im with you 100%.

That was my thought....but it's so retarded and ass backwards it's hard to even explain, if you understand that they are all useless to begin with.

RamboToaster 69 points ago +69 / -0

Bro, its even better than that.

Q used a capital "L", lower case "d" and capital "R"

because that's how you propertly spell Lynn de Rothschild.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same fight, same enemy.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's the thing.

You cannot be afraid. You can tell them not to do it, but they are people who need to take in the information and come to their own conclusions.

If you fear, you lose.

RamboToaster 0 points ago +1 / -1

Woah fuck all that shit.

I wanna bring the Gladiator Colosseum back, and here you are denouncing football as "bloodsport"

Ain't nothin wrong with football, but the NFL is fucked.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

I like it. Thank you. I'd be very interested to see the extended Ross Perot details. I though him to be just well-meaning man who incidentally got Bill Clinton elected, but perhaps there is more to him?

RamboToaster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Our Canadian Brothers & Sisters are still allowing themselves to be locked out of churches by Trudeau.

RamboToaster 1 point ago +1 / -0

We will all get screwed over when it squeezes.

Once the common man gets rich, pulls money from market, and starts spending...the clock starts ticking on hyperinflation.

Hyperinflation is the single greatest way of redistributing wealth on the scale this country needs. Outstanding debts are effectively reduced, and cash value is effectively reduced.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

the infamous internet hacker known as QAnon

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

thank you for the details. very interesting.

RamboToaster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Russia has been "preparing to invade Ukraine" forever.

Why do you say that now?

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