RangerGently 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't think this had anything to do with Biden admin..

RangerGently 4 points ago +5 / -1

Whats the procedure for ejecting American civilians from a hostile take over? Do you send more civilians to get them?

RangerGently 0 points ago +1 / -1

We're fucking everywhere

RangerGently 0 points ago +1 / -1

Best remedy to rid one's self of these pests? It's oddly noisy on this topic..

RangerGently 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's confusing for Americans because they started out free, I think.. they wernt a prison colony, they wernt subservient to any crown (for very long a least :b). For this reason the words conservative and liberal, when compared to pretty much every other nation, have an inverted meaning. Conservatives in America seek to "conserve" their individual freedoms and sovereignty while liberals push for equity via gov spending..

I would argue that Canada, NZ and AUS, being colonies OF the UK would really make them all one in the same..

In regards to "it happening there" or what is currently happening in the UK's prison colony inevitably happening in the US; it seems it isn't happening. Americans are truly cut from another cloth.. you will come to see this in time. Theyre great great great grandparents destroyed the worlds largest navy with hunting rifles and pitchforks. They will not be easily imprisoned, its not in their blood.

There isn't a nation you can compare the US too, honestly. dishonorable discharge for non vaxxed US soldiers is such an unbelievably horrid thing, it has already woken the lions.

If trump won, the world would still be asleep. This was certainly "part of the plan", Princess 👸

RangerGently 2 points ago +3 / -1

Oh, bro

We got you. Don't sweat. We are VERY aware of your situation. The insanity of what is going on in your country right now is helping to wake up more people here.. we have enough guns to take on China without our militaries help

Rest easy, fren

RangerGently 1 point ago +2 / -1

Yes, we are also very polarized as a nation right now and people are at their limits..

RangerGently 4 points ago +5 / -1

I've seen 2 people (a little older, maybe 40s 50s) driving about 2 miles an hour on the road.. looked like a stroke.. I'm in cali

RangerGently 1 point ago +2 / -1

okay.. depop is clearly the agenda here. I think we may be thinking about this backwards.. or upside down.

if cabal got their way, we would all be vaxxed already. Yes, there are deaths but at this rate we would shave off maybe 5 percent of the population.. it doesnt add up to me.

Prions scare the shit out of me.. look into them, they are basically what cause mad cow disease. there have been a few theories around here regarding mass depopulation via prions in the meat.

currently we think about 30 percent of the population is vaxxed.
what really makes alot of sense to me, and i hope that i am wrong.. is..

the "vaccine" is really just neutralizing the prions in the food that WE ARE ALL EATING.

2 years from now, if I am right, there will be a 75 percent reduction in population. The survivors would be medical professionals, people they need to keep shit going.

please tell me how I am wrong

RangerGently 0 points ago +1 / -1

Because "Americans" in Afghanistan are undoubtedly deepstate

RangerGently 4 points ago +6 / -2

I've noticed twice now, different people. I've brought up ivermectin as a interesting medicine. I tell them, " it's anti parasitic" then they say, what if we need the parasites. One friend brought up the Futurama episode where fry becomes very smart because of a parasite infection. I accuse them of shilling for the parasites.. kidding of course. But man, it doesn't feel like agent Smith just popped in for a sec.

RangerGently 6 points ago +7 / -1

Yes.. I remember that exchange. It still haunts me as well. "There aren't many things more beautiful than watching a child dye of thirst". To paraphrase..

Who was this? I get images of the directed energy weapon nasa has photographed.. sending terrawatts of positively charged ions from the atmosphere into the ground would certainly dry water tables up..

RangerGently 6 points ago +8 / -2

I've often thought flat earth was to discredit the actually pretty likely theory of hollow earth

"What, hollow earth, what are you a flat earther"

RangerGently 2 points ago +3 / -1

I can see where you are coming from. It's true! The Jewish banking cartel loved to play both sides however they absolutely had every intention of destroying Germany. Look into the boycott and you will find it was indeed judah who started that war.

To credit the Jewish international banking cartel for the rise of the third reich is a little bit tricky considering the purpose of the third reich was to gain independence from the cartel.. which of course led to WWII

RangerGently 3 points ago +4 / -1

Apocalypses actually means to lift the veil, or to see what ws unseen before. this is certainly a sort of apocalypses and you are right. you shouldn't care about these stupid peoples products and you shouldn't help them maintain there power structure of stupidity lol

I say this because I am currently going thru this as well. I'm going to try and do things on my own, or as a contractor from now on. Can't deal with the bs anymore

RangerGently 0 points ago +1 / -1

didnt we already figure out that newsmax was a very conveniently timed "conservative' news network that took the place of fox when arizona called it for Biden, with ties to soros?

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