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Thanks for sharing that. Those poor children.
Trump (when he wins) should appoint Bongino as head of SS.
That was great - thanks for sharing.
The neocon war team. Boy were we saved.
They can't ignore what alternative media is putting out on X.
Whay's up with that hair?
Ruby Ridge - what a disaster
He certainly was choked up.
They are using metadata. I am watching for more direct evidence to be posted,
yes thanks to X and anons - we ain't gunna take it anumore!
I can't find any yet. Maybe it's not there.
and the SUV was registered to the Department of Agriculture.
Good question. Looks like Trump has infiltration into his inner circle.
We need Q to come back now.
such BS
Don't know. I keep looking for more news on this.
John Cullen was on the Vegas shooting like a dog with a bone. He will do the same on this.
and now we have the receipts
If Trump were killed, Rumble would have tumbled and DJT would have collapsed, resulting in a windfall of profits, potentially in the billions. Not at all suspicious, right?
pretty good
Thanks for sharing that. Those poor children.